[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Someone was asking about how to farm Withers a while back. By happy coincidence, one of the YTers I follow posted a Wither farm video just this week. The fact that it's in the Nether and designed to be AFK, it should net some Pride and Sloth shards as well.

looks interesting so far, but it's only part 1 - machine's not done yet :(. Guess I'll have to check back. Seems like he's going to abuse that glitch he talked about to drop the wither through the slabs after it spawns? Wondering why this is even necessary, why not just retract some sticky pistons or something... Also wondering why so many sets of the comparators and hoppers... is this going to spawn a lot of withers at once? Guessing the endgame is that they drop down somewhere that's shielded, and the slab'd off area prevents the wither from locking on to any random mobs, so they always go to the player, who is standing in a place engineered to bring the withers into a kill zone.

I dunno, lot of conjecture, what do yall think?

sidenote: ugh, i really dont like that texture pack. I really don't like any texture packs in videos explaining builds... why make things more complicated?... but that one is just.. ugh. /rant off
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looks interesting so far, but it's only part 1 - machine's not done yet :(. Guess I'll have to check back. Seems like he's going to abuse that glitch he talked about to drop the wither through the slabs after it spawns? Wondering why this is even necessary, why not just retract some sticky pistons or something... Also wondering why so many sets of the comparators and hoppers... is this going to spawn a lot of withers at once? Guessing the endgame is that they drop down somewhere that's shielded, and the slab'd off area prevents the wither from locking on to any random mobs, so they always go to the player, who is standing in a place engineered to bring the withers into a kill zone.

I dunno, lot of conjecture, what do yall think?
I pretty much just follow this video and go to X:0, Z:-31 and setup an easy wither kill spot.
I pretty much just follow this video and go to X:0, Z:-31 and setup an easy wither kill spot.

You mistook me. I'm not having trouble killing a wither. There is a big difference between automated wither killing and 'easy' wither killing. These posts are referencing a previous discussion about the former.
You mistook me. I'm not having trouble killing a wither. There is a big difference between automated wither killing and 'easy' wither killing. These posts are referencing a previous discussion about the former.
"Automated" and "Easy" are relatively interchangeable. If you have be in proximity, why bother with the unnecessary expense? I can spawn and kill 2 withers a minute, and that's because I'm slow. If really pressed I'm sure ~4 a minute could be done and you'd be guaranteed any drop you desired from them. Sorry, sometimes I feel the absolute cost is not worth it. I created all 30 heart canisters in this pack with about an hour of effort. Now any time I need a nether star I know its a thirty second task and a welcome distraction from the crafting bench.

I suppose a BC builder could be used to automate spawning but I am unsure how you will deal the kill.
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"Automated" and "Easy" are relatively interchangeable. If you have be in proximity, why bother with the unnecessary expense? I can spawn and kill 2 withers a minute, and that's because I'm slow. If really pressed I'm sure ~4 a minute could be done and you'd be guaranteed any drop you desired from them. Sorry, sometimes I feel the absolute cost is not worth it. I created all 30 heart canisters in this pack with about an hour of effort. Now any time I need a nether star I know its a thirty second task and a welcome distraction from the crafting bench.

I suppose a BC builder could be used to automate spawning but I am unsure how you will deal the kill.

Automated and easy are in no way interchangeable. Automated means no player interaction, which means it's possible to AFK it. Easy means that it's simple and usually quick to do.
Automated and easy are in no way interchangeable. Automated means no player interaction, which means it's possible to AFK it. Easy means that it's simple and usually quick to do.
Being in proximity (afk) is player interaction fwiw. Automated means I can create it, and no matter what I do, go to another dimension, close the game, etc and it will still do what I built it to do.
Being in proximity (afk) is player interaction fwiw.

By that logic, the player existing in any part of the game world to keep a chunk/the world loaded is player interaction and therefore no system is automatic because it requires a player to be in a world/have the world loaded up. Any system that works by way of AFK is automatic because a player doesn't need to do anything more than start/stop whatever's going on. After that, the machine will AUTOMATICALLY do what it's supposed to do without a player popping in to reset something or resupply materials or whatever.

Furthermore, player interaction means that a player (you or anyone who plays the game) actually does something to make other things happen. Therefore, AFKing, which by very definition means you do absolutely nothing in the game other than have your character somewhere, is not player interaction. Before you try to tell people what words mean, I suggest you understand what you're talking about first. (You also used relatively incorrectly and without a frame of reference, but I don't feel like getting into detail on that.)
Being in proximity (afk) is player interaction fwiw. Automated means I can create it, and no matter what I do, go to another dimension, close the game, etc and it will still do what I built it to do.

So can we bring this back on topic? OniyaMCD's post advertised an afk wither farm. The machine is yet incomplete at the end of the linked video. I gave my theories about how such a thing might be accomplished, based on what the video shows so far. Is there any basis to my theory about requiring a player to draw the wither? If so, would it possible to replace the player with, say, a thaumcraft golem?
adverb: relatively
in relation, comparison, or proportion to something else.

Really? Perhaps you should revisit English class. Something "automated" requires nothing in relation to the player, the inherent existence of the player "afk" means that "interaction" is taking place.

Sorry Zimek, I will accept my answer was not what you desired and calm my desire interact.
So can we bring this back on topic? OniyaMCD's post advertised an afk wither farm. The machine is yet incomplete at the end of the linked video. I gave my theories about how such a thing might be accomplished, based on what the video shows so far. Is there any basis to my theory about requiring a player to draw the wither? If so, would it possible to replace the player with, say, a thaumcraft golem?

I didn't watch the video, so I can't tell you much, but if I recall correctly, the Wither will attack any non-undead creature. In theory, that should include golems, but I figure a pig or chicken or whatever would be a more certain bet.
"Automated" and "Easy" are relatively interchangeable.

Relative to what? And how is interchangeability measured in such a way as to render things relatable?

Something "automated" requires nothing in relation to the player, the inherent existence of the player "afk" means that "interaction" is taking place.

See, you're not understanding your words again. PLAYER. i.e. the person at the keyboard. Nothing is required of them beyond having the game open, and after that, the machine will work automatically. By your logic and wording, the very existence of anyone who plays the game means that nothing will ever be automatic within it because for it to happen, they'd have to buy/mod/open/play the game, and therefore they've interacted with it and it can no longer be automatic. Your logic is flawed as is your understanding of the word "automatic."

  1. 1.
    (of a device or process) working by itself with little or no direct human control.
with little or no direct human control.

AFKing has, guess what? little or no direct human control, and therefore, by definition (since you seem to like to define things), is automatic.
I didn't watch the video, so I can't tell you much, but if I recall correctly, the Wither will attack any non-undead creature. In theory, that should include golems, but I figure a pig or chicken or whatever would be a more certain bet.
Relative to what? And how is interchangeability measured in such a way as to render things relatable?

See, you're not understanding your words again. PLAYER. i.e. the person at the keyboard. Nothing is required of them beyond having the game open, and after that, the machine will work automatically. By your logic and wording, the very existence of anyone who plays the game means that nothing will ever be automatic within it because for it to happen, they'd have to buy/mod/open/play the game, and therefore they've interacted with it and it can no longer be automatic. Your logic is flawed as is your understanding of the word "automatic."

  1. 1.
    (of a device or process) working by itself with little or no direct human control.
with little or no direct human control.

AFKing has, guess what? little or no direct human control, and therefore, by definition (since you seem to like to define things), is automatic.
See this little part? "AFKing has, guess what? little" I disagree with that definition because if I create something "Automatic", I can rest assured that I can close the game, meaning that my player is currently nonexistent in the world, and my "automation" will still work. If I have to be there, I am interacting by my mere presence. Why is that such an inconceivable concept? Anyway, I usually agree with your point on things and I have no issues with your method of delivery because I also tire of the questions whose answers are easily found.
In my experience you are corrc

See this little part? "AFKing has, guess what? little" I disagree with that definition because if I create something "Automatic", I can rest assured that I can close the game, meaning that my player is currently nonexistent in the world, and my "automation" will still work. If I have to be there, I am interacting by my mere presence. Why is that such an inconceivable concept? Anyway, I usually agree with your point on things and I have no issues with your method of delivery because I also tire of the questions whose answers are easily found.

Okay, see, you're not understanding. You're saying that you have to interact with the game by having it open and running and whatever. I concur. However, that is, first and foremost, indirect human interaction (actually none, since you, as a human, don't have to do anything once you've booted up the game and started the process), and secondly, it's very little interaction, if you're so intent on saying that you're interacting with a game running in the background.

  1. 1.
    (of a device or process) working by itself with little or no direct human control.
with little or no direct human control.

LITTLE OR NO DIRECT HUMAN CONTROL. As in, say, flipping a switch. That's very little direct control. Or, say, launching a game and then standing in place. That's also very little control, and as far as the Wither killer goes, it's also indirect control. Ergo, a Wither killer that only requires a player to have their character stand in one place and otherwise AFK requires LITTLE INDIRECT HUMAN CONTROL and is therefore automatic.

Also, it's good to see someone else who's tired of every page having someone pop on to ask a question that's been asked a dozen times already and is (usually) covered in the FAQ and/or questbook.
See this little part? "AFKing has, guess what? little" I disagree with that definition because if I create something "Automatic", I can rest assured that I can close the game, meaning that my player is currently nonexistent in the world, and my "automation" will still work. If I have to be there, I am interacting by my mere presence. Why is that such an inconceivable concept? Anyway, I usually agree with your point on things and I have no issues with your method of delivery because I also tire of the questions whose answers are easily found.

Okay, see, you're not understanding. You're saying that you have to interact with the game by having it open and running and whatever. I concur. However, that is, first and foremost, indirect human interaction (actually none, since you, as a human, don't have to do anything once you've booted up the game and started the process), and secondly, it's very little interaction, if you're so intent on saying that you're interacting with a game running in the background.

LITTLE OR NO DIRECT HUMAN CONTROL. As in, say, flipping a switch. That's very little direct control. Or, say, launching a game and then standing in place. That's also very little control, and as far as the Wither killer goes, it's also indirect control. Ergo, a Wither killer that only requires a player to have their character stand in one place and otherwise AFK requires LITTLE INDIRECT HUMAN CONTROL and is therefore automatic.

Also, it's good to see someone else who's tired of every page having someone pop on to ask a question that's been asked a dozen times already and is (usually) covered in the FAQ and/or questbook.

If ya'll want to discuss grammar and semantics, you can do so in PM or some other method. This thread is about a modpack for minecraft, not debates about the already silly English language. Take it elsewhere.
Okay, see, you're not understanding. You're saying that you have to interact with the game by having it open and running and whatever. I concur. However, that is, first and foremost, indirect human interaction (actually none, since you, as a human, don't have to do anything once you've booted up the game and started the process), and secondly, it's very little interaction, if you're so intent on saying that you're interacting with a game running in the background.

LITTLE OR NO DIRECT HUMAN CONTROL. As in, say, flipping a switch. That's very little direct control. Or, say, launching a game and then standing in place. That's also very little control, and as far as the Wither killer goes, it's also indirect control. Ergo, a Wither killer that only requires a player to have their character stand in one place and otherwise AFK requires LITTLE INDIRECT HUMAN CONTROL and is therefore automatic.

Also, it's good to see someone else who's tired of every page having someone pop on to ask a question that's been asked a dozen times already and is (usually) covered in the FAQ and/or questbook.
Thanks, I appreciate the direct explanation of "automatic" and by absolute definition you are correct. I stand humbly educated.

On a different note, I have been attempting to automate the crafting of essence that requires the 8 in a circle and this is the best I have come up with. I would appreciate any builds or ideas that I haven't thought of as of yet.
Thanks, I appreciate the direct explanation of "automatic" and by absolute definition you are correct. I stand humbly educated.

On a different note, I have been attempting to automate the crafting of essence that requires the 8 in a circle and this is the best I have come up with. I would appreciate any builds or ideas that I haven't thought of as of yet.

Yeah, I just have a hopperhock attached to a hopper sucking up essences on my farms and plugging them into a donut-targeted crafting crate with another hopper underneath to spirit them into my storage barrels. I linked an album awhile back with the setup I'm using. You can search for it if you want to see, but I'm fine with getting the link again on request.
Yeah, I just have a hopperhock attached to a hopper sucking up essences on my farms and plugging them into a donut-targeted crafting crate with another hopper underneath to spirit them into my storage barrels. I linked an album awhile back with the setup I'm using. You can search for it if you want to see, but I'm fine with getting the link again on request.
I tried a similar setup to that but the hoppers become the choke point. They only process an item per tick, the current setup I have with the chute processes ~8 items per tick with the crafty crate becoming the choke point. The intent is to get 27 stacks of essence (the result numbers work out somehow) and process them as fast as possible and then the results get processed normally. Either I stick them in the smeltery or I put them in a compacting chest (this will be automated when the best conversion method is worked out). A Cyclic Assembler would do this with ease but alas, they are absent this time around. I tried having multiple crafty crates, but sometimes the numbers would get uneven and I would be left with a crate that wouldn't accept new items.
I tried a similar setup to that but the hoppers become the choke point. They only process an item per tick, the current setup I have with the chute processes ~8 items per tick with the crafty crate becoming the choke point. The intent is to get 27 stacks of essence (the result numbers work out somehow) and process them as fast as possible and then the results get processed normally. Either I stick them in the smeltery or I put them in a compacting chest (this will be automated when the best conversion method is worked out). A Cyclic Assembler would do this with ease but alas, they are absent this time around. I tried having multiple crafty crates, but sometimes the numbers would get uneven and I would be left with a crate that wouldn't accept new items.
Have you tried the BC crafting thing? The one that crafts every time a pipe tries to extract from it, it's handled my ore essences pretty well so far; and if you happen to be producing a lot more than one can handle you could always set up multiple barrel/hopper/tables