See if VSWE has time. He helped Iskandar with crash landing. Maybe minetweak the recipes for oak logs out and change the logs in the quests to birch or spruce or something.
Funnily enough its not the logs that are the issue, and I'm not talking about removing oak trees completely, they're rather obtainable further in and necessary for witchery. It's just that saplings aren't supposed to be immediately accessible in this pack (saplings and cobble are kinda reversed in accessibility compared to most no-ore packs) while these trees spawning out of my control means that there is the possibility for the player to get saplings well before they're supposed to. I'll see about talking to VSWE though, and if that fails I can probably just make a post in the mods forum requesting it and see if anyone is willing to do it.See if VSWE has time. He helped Iskandar with crash landing. Maybe minetweak the recipes for oak logs out and change the logs in the quests to birch or spruce or something.
If anyone knows of a way to potentially stop oak trees from spawning in beach and ocean biomes (on islands) do let me know, they break progression thoroughly and I can't seem to find a way to disable them.
To be honest if its easiest, it would be ok to just stop trees spawning anywhere at all. Those 2 biomes are the only ones they can spawn in in this pack, so are the only problematic ones, but there would be no discernible difference if they were stopped completely. Thanks for looking into this though.By spawn, you mean get generated during world gen in vanilla oceans and beaches? I'm not promising anything, but if I would look into it, would you want:
1. For trees not to spawn at all in those biomes, or
2. For those biomes not to get generated, or
3. It doesn't matter how, just obliterate the trees?
Huh. That's not something I anticipated. Your best bet is to use /hqm edit to get the edit book and manually reset and recomplete some quests to get your rep up.when going to the new update, you lose all your reputation thus causing the quest "The Witching Hour" impossible to do
Right click the mutandis on vanilla tall grass, which you can get by using bonemeal on a grass block. There are quite a few different things it can mutate into so you may have to use a good number of mutandis. Good news is the quest accepts any type of sapling, so if you get any 1 sapling, you can grow it until you have the 4 saplings needed.Im have some problems with the your sap quest. The description is not very clear. How do you get sapplings using the mutandis?
No problem, I'll add a bit more info to that quest for 0.5thanks for the help.
Wrap your ears around these two options and let me know what you think. Can always do another take!
I think I'll use the second of the two, thanks heaps.thephoenixlodge,
Wrap your ears around these two options and let me know what you think. Can always do another take!
I think I'll use the second of the two, thanks heaps.
Anytime! Just glad you found something you liked.I think I'll use the second of the two, thanks heaps.
yeah, something strange happened when I pulled this topic up. I had the initial post and about 5-6 replies. so I posted my question. After posting, it said new msgs since I posted and I hit view and I have now 4 pages. I have zero clue what happened.You don't need a crafting table to make the hatchet. The axe head can be formed in the 2x2 crafting window, along with the tool rod and then can be combined in the same window. Took me awhile to figure out as well.
It's a common point of confusion in the pack, so I've added a bit more info to the relevant quests for 0.5yeah, something strange happened when I pulled this topic up. I had the initial post and about 5-6 replies. so I posted my question. After posting, it said new msgs since I posted and I hit view and I have now 4 pages. I have zero clue what happened.
who knew so much in 2x2 crafting window could be madeThanx alot. that worked.