[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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I have my scuba gear ready to go... and no ocean.

I've been looking around on my map for 2000+ blocks in all directions and have not run into an ocean... just more desert.

Is there any way to force a biome to generate? Maybe MCEdit?

My other alternative is to generate a new map and copy my base over to it, but it'll be a pain.
I wish the mutandis grind wasn't so hard on Hardcore.. ugh.. Fourth world in a row where 4+ stacks don't give witchery trees. :(

I think the worst part is the grind before the nether. I try to get there as soon as possible so I can see whether I die as soon as I enter the nether. Fun times!
As to @jpm42 , Here's the relevant bit of your log;
[13:11:49] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.minecraft.client.Minecraft:func_71377_b:349]: ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// Ouch. That hurt :(

Time: 4/6/15 1:11 PM
Description: Exception in server tick loop

java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception in server tick loop
at hardcorequesting.QuestingData.<init>(QuestingData.java:518)
at hardcorequesting.QuestingData.readAllData(QuestingData.java:477)
at hardcorequesting.QuestingData$1.read(QuestingData.java:403)
at hardcorequesting.network.FileHelper.loadData(FileHelper.java:102)
at hardcorequesting.QuestingData.load(QuestingData.java:432)
at hardcorequesting.WorldEventListener.onLoad(WorldEventListener.java:23)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_559_WorldEventListener_onLoad_Load.invoke(.dynamic)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:54)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:138)
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71247_a(IntegratedServer.java:73)
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71197_b(IntegratedServer.java:92)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:387)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$2.run(MinecraftServer.java:685)

You said you had been working on your world for a while before it started having issues. Do you happen to remember what you were doing when it first crashed? For instance, were you reading the quest book?
No i just went on the next morning to play and the world didnt work i dont really remember what i was doing the night before on the world though
Does anyone know which quests i have to do to unlock the Elven Portal quest line(terrasteel questline) and also the thaumcraft line? i have gone as far as i can with the tech stuff now i need thaumium to get rutile (or make pig iron <,<) and need an elven portal to progress my witchery quests (need the attuned stone).
Given the number of complaints recently, may I suggest taking the ExBiomes flowers and trees off the mutandis list? They seem to be causing the most issue in terms of filling the RNG table.
The ExBiomes flowers are just terrible. It's all I got for large potions of a stack.
Given the number of complaints recently, may I suggest taking the ExBiomes flowers and trees off the mutandis list? They seem to be causing the most issue in terms of filling the RNG table.

I agree with the taking out of the ExBiome flowers, but leave the trees please.
Yes most people stop looking when it says "toss mushroom in manapool to get infestation spores" or when making mycelium requires mushrooms(or a moistener, which is a ton away).

Edit: specially when the maker says "your best bet is on mutating tall grass"
Ah decisions decisions, mindlessly wander around caves looking for trouble err I mean mushrooms or mindlessly spam muntandis. You cant spawn a mushroom without mycellium and you cant make mycellium without a mushroom unless you have machines.
It would be cool if you could get one exBiome flower in the list..and then have a recipe that allows you to cycle through the different flowers once you get one.
Does anyone know which quests i have to do to unlock the Elven Portal quest line(terrasteel questline) and also the thaumcraft line? i have gone as far as i can with the tech stuff now i need thaumium to get rutile (or make pig iron <,<) and need an elven portal to progress my witchery quests (need the attuned stone).
I read something about adding a diamond to a bronze tool to get thaumium level? hope this helps you
I asked about it before and TPL said that the recipe to make the fertilizer with saltpeter(i think? i forget which one it is) was good enough for him.

But what if you want to breed the Bee? You need an actual ore block to place the Apiary down on :(

Where are you putting the water? I can imagine a similar layer behind with water source blocks instead of hydroangeas, but they wouldn't be self-replenishing if they were in that sort of chequerboard pattern, and you'd wash the hydroangeas away if they weren't in a chequerboard pattern.

At the moment, I'm building up something similar, which is a chequerboard pattern from above, of hyroangeas, water and dirt. Each of them is a vertical column, where I use floating hydroangeas so that I can have them every layer. The water is then self-replenishing because there are blocks at the ends of the column. I can post a pic when I've got the first layer done.

EDIT: Ugh, I never realised that water source blocks are only created if there are two source blocks on the same horizontal plane - I always assumed it was two blocks in any direction. I suppose I've never needed to know before until I was playing with hydroangeas.

I suppose I'll go with the arrangement described at http://www.reddit.com/r/TestPackPleaseIgnore/comments/24hb23/good_botania_managen_setup/ instead. I'd still like to know how yours works though.

It's actually a pretty simple set up. I'm so nice I even made you a diagram :D


What I do when I start a new world is build this in the ground, then above it in a 9x9 pattern I place dayblooms and nightshades centered around the mana pool (They'll all be in reach of the buried spreader that is pointing upwards).

I've literally never had to build any other type of mana gen in Botania than this setup.Early game you can just place a spreader above the pool and fire it off at a distributor that goes into more pools for storage, later game you can just use sparks.

I may be biased but I think this is a pretty good setup. All you need is a shovel and a bucket to get this going and it's super easy on the resources compared to other arrangements using floating flowers.


EDIT: Made the picture a little clearer :D
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Amm i think the dead wood is messed up in the recommended version it has a ver weird texture and the planks you're supposed to get dont have a texture at all