Trying to use the Ladle with the Crucible Furnace to transfer quicklime, and somehow I right-clicked the Ladle on a Vat and it stuck itself to the center of the Vat (it's a 2x2). I can't get the Ladle out but the Vat is filled with fluids so I can't break it or I'll lose it all. Is there a way to retrieve the Ladle without breaking the Vat? How do I dump fluids into a Vat with the Ladle?
I also got an aluminum nugget stuck in the middle of another Vat filled with Quicklime, same thing, I right-clicked the Vat with the nugget and now I can't remove it. Is this gonna mess up my Heat-Resistant Glass production when I finally get the final ingredient, aluminum, into it? How can I remove the nugget without breaking the Vat and losing all the quicklime in it?
This has been a total disaster, first of all I threw a stack of Limestone into the Furnace, and ended up with 25,000 mb of the stuff. LOL Then, to get it all out, the only thing I could find that worked was Buildcraft fluid pipe, but even with Emerald/Gold it's still only transferring 32mb per every few seconds, it's ridiculously pathetically slow. Ugh.