[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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I have read through this thread and have tried all the suggestions, but the detection for What A Tool quest dosen't work for me at all, on 6.5 and on 7.0 with the 6.5 tinkers and iguana, any ideas anyone?

When you swap the 0.6.5 Tic & Iguana tweaks in to 0.7.0 make sure to craft the tools again for it to register them correctly.
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Thanks for the quick replies guys, my intuition got to me write before I read the replies, but I can confirm remaking the tools after downgrade works perfectly!
Just a thought whats everyone using in the compost bin so... far I found that seeds, saplings, flowers, leaves, rotten flesh, zombie brains, spider eyes work & it seems if you hover over a square in the compost bin it'll highlight items in white in your inventory that can be used.
Downgraded Tinkers' Construct and Iguana Tweaks to 0.6.5 versions (Reason - Quests ceased working due to mod changes)
  • IguanaTinkerTweaks-1.7.10-2.1.2
  • TConstruct-1.7.10-1.8.2a

Should we delete the config files for these 2 mod also, or did it work for you by just switching the mods? Thanks for the tips.
I don't know what pack your playing that has those things in a ThaumCraft tower, but the only thing that spawns in that chest is 1xGlowStone Dust, 1-3x Glass bottles, 1-2xKnolage fragments, and the ThaumCraft book. I have Played SOOO many pack with that mod in, and never seen armor or tools in any chest, and on a rare chance I have found no more than 2 thaum/ingots. I am up to 26 worlds loaded and have explored ruffly 1000+ in multiple directions on each one looking for the Obelisks, and the other Taumcraft world gen and still as of yet to find either. While exploring all the worlds I also looked though 127+ random chest just to see what loot spawn in them, and have seen no more than a single essence of any type which means you will still have to do the quest in order to get the rest needed to make a seed,(that are repeatable).

I'm just trying to understand, because I have read every post on here, and as for the pack thephoenixloge said "Villages have been a common criticism I've been receiving. Originally I didn't disable them as there wasn't really any harm in leaving them - the pack wasn't necessarily meant to hardcore, so having plenty of food wasn't something I really considered progress breaking. As it was, the loot tables were tweaked so nothing particularly progress breaking was really easy to find, but things like some of the essences required to craft initial seeds are still obtainable through dungeon loot for those who might not want to play with the quests for some reason or another."

It wasn't until a small number of people complained about it that it was disabled. So for the people who say it doesn't fit for the pack theme I would like to know s are we talking about, yours or the person who is taking the time to maintain it. I will agree that the smeltery can give you a leg up, but that can be disabled. I don't know, I just don't think someone can say it doesn't fit with the pack when the creator them self was fine with it, but only turned them off because a small number of people wanted him to change what he was ok with.

TBH I have no issue with villages. The Pigmen stole all the resources...but why would they want the villages also. Some one had to survive besides poor poor lonely Steve.
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I thought you could craft tainted soil in this pack, but I'm not in the game so I could be way off on that. Try typing Taint in NEI and see it anything is craftable. Sorry I can be of more help, but I am not going to start that mod until I know there is obelisks spawning first.
Thanks for the suggestion but unfortunately I did that before posting and nothing taint related appears to have a recipe. Also the natura tainted soil only gives terra.
Hey, I just made a workaround for the tedium of making sand with cracked sand. In an infinite water source, make a hole, place super crafting frame with water bucket and cracked sand recipe, stand on dry land, looking down and hold down the right mouse button chat will spam, but easy sand. Yay for not having to click, look up, click, look down, seriously reconsider trading cracked sand for sand, repeat.

Once you get that far in, isn't it just easier to make sand from essences? I mean, essences grow on... plants!

I am dumping my cracked sand into a large barrel at this point and saving it for AE2 singularities :p
I imagine the witches that lurk about are kidnapping the villagers for nefarious purposes.. :D

It would be cool if the villages remained....just changed. Say occasionally you find a village with some villagers. But mostly you just find ruins.
Or you can go to the cave 5 blocks to your left, and use the manasteel shovel. Way easier :p

If it's a tedium, why do it?
I don't know, man. Maybe its the way I immerse myself into games. For me, I'm on this dry deserted land, and I am replacing and digging up all this dry worthless sand. And while, I can build with it, or store it, I just feel like this world encourages me to soften this sand into a better useful substance that I can grow crops on, make glass with, or turn into a fitting building material. Sandstone is nice. And Steve wants a sandstone castle in this world. When I discovered how easily I could make this happen, I felt joy, and thought others might appreciate it.
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TBH I have no issue with villages. The Pigmen stole all the resources...but why would they want the villages also. Some one had to survive besides poor poor lonely Steve.

That's what I thought. There would be no point repairing the world if your the only one left. It would be a sad, sad world, that no one would see any ways.lol I like the Witchery village with the guards, and wall I will see if I can lower the spawn rate of them, also disable smeltery/tinkers buildings. They gen a lot better the vanilla villages do that for sure.

Has any one found an obelisk in there world yet?
I don't know what pack your playing that has those things in a ThaumCraft tower, but the only thing that spawns in that chest is 1xGlowStone Dust, 1-3x Glass bottles, 1-2xKnolage fragments, and the ThaumCraft book. I have Played SOOO many pack with that mod in, and never seen armor or tools in any chest, and on a rare chance I have found no more than 2 thaum/ingots. I am up to 26 worlds loaded and have explored ruffly 1000+ in multiple directions on each one looking for the Obelisks, and the other Taumcraft world gen and still as of yet to find either. While exploring all the worlds I also looked though 127+ random chest just to see what loot spawn in them, and have seen no more than a single essence of any type which means you will still have to do the quest in order to get the rest needed to make a seed,(that are repeatable).

I'm just trying to understand, because I have read every post on here, and as for the pack thephoenixloge said "Villages have been a common criticism I've been receiving. Originally I didn't disable them as there wasn't really any harm in leaving them - the pack wasn't necessarily meant to hardcore, so having plenty of food wasn't something I really considered progress breaking. As it was, the loot tables were tweaked so nothing particularly progress breaking was really easy to find, but things like some of the essences required to craft initial seeds are still obtainable through dungeon loot for those who might not want to play with the quests for some reason or another."

It wasn't until a small number of people complained about it that it was disabled. So for the people who say it doesn't fit for the pack theme I would like to know s are we talking about, yours or the person who is taking the time to maintain it. I will agree that the smeltery can give you a leg up, but that can be disabled. I don't know, I just don't think someone can say it doesn't fit with the pack when the creator them self was fine with it, but only turned them off because a small number of people wanted him to change what he was ok with.

Are those smelteries even operational? In the packs I have played I have never seen one that is. Key components are missing (always missing the controller, the lava tank, drains, faucets, for some) and those can't be made without progressing through the quests to making non-grout-based seared bricks. I don't see the issue here. So you get some cheaper seared brick blocks, they save a little time if you mine them, but I would call that a reward for either good luck in stumbling over a village or a difference in play style with more exploration giving slightly different rewards.

The only one I have heard that would make a significant balance-related difference is the Railcraft-generated steel ingots/blocks I read were appearing in dungeon chests. In other mods I have seen Thaumium ingots and armor/weapons also, but those tend to pop up most often in blacksmith chests (in villages) or in the Thaumcraft-generated sites or mineshaft chests. Not sure I have ever seen either in the village Thaumcraft towers.
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Are those smelteries even operational? In the packs I have played I have never seen one that is. Key components are missing (always missing the controlled, the lava tank, drains, faucets, for some) and those can't be made without progressing through the quests to making non-grout-based seared bricks. I don't see the issue here. So you get some cheaper seared brick blocks, they save a little time if you mine them, but I would call that a reward for either good luck in stumbling over a village or a difference in play style with more exploration giving slightly different rewards.

The only one I have heard that would make a significant balance-related difference is the Railcraft-generated steel ingots/blocks I read were appearing in dungeon chests. In other mods I have seen Thaumium ingots and armor/weapons also, but those tend to pop up most often in blacksmith chests (in villages) or in the Thaumcraft-generated sites or mineshaft chests. Not sure I have ever seen either in the village Thaumcraft towers.

Yeah the smelter is missing the main items. Thank you for reminding me of that. Yeah I have seen the Taumcraft items in the blacksmiths chest, but not on this pack, also the steel blocks have been removed from the loot table, at least I think I read that a few pages back. So the only thing I have seen in about 30 or so railcraft/building chest are a bunch of wooden ties and coal coke. I guess the rolling machine and engine could give you a leg up, but if someone feels that way, blow it up and move on:P lol
Is there a way to progress the quest "You Sap" based on getting any sapling? I've spent the last couple of hours farming wood ash so I can make even more mutandis to try to get an oak sapling and it has gotten way past grindy. Maybe give more Mutandis per craft or more of it as a quest reward from Mutation might also work. I know the pack is supposed to go slow but this is is really saping the fun out of what is otherwise an amazing pack.
Is there a way to progress the quest "You Sap" based on getting any sapling? I've spent the last couple of hours farming wood ash so I can make even more mutandis to try to get an oak sapling and it has gotten way past grindy. Maybe give more Mutandis per craft or more of it as a quest reward from Mutation might also work. I know the pack is supposed to go slow but this is is really saping the fun out of what is otherwise an amazing pack.
It already does detect any sapling, not specifically oak...
The quest does call for you to have 4 saplings in your inventory though to encourage you to actually start growing your trees.
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Is there a way to progress the quest "You Sap" based on getting any sapling? I've spent the last couple of hours farming wood ash so I can make even more mutandis to try to get an oak sapling and it has gotten way past grindy. Maybe give more Mutandis per craft or more of it as a quest reward from Mutation might also work. I know the pack is supposed to go slow but this is is really saping the fun out of what is otherwise an amazing pack.

Maybe the mutandis mechanic needs to be tweaked slightly, so the first mutation of tall grass gives an equal chance of several "branches" of possible further mutations (flowers, saplings, mushrooms, Witchery plants, etc.) and after that continuing to mutate that item sticks to within that branch. That would make things a bit less random, and the size of the random pool went up by at least one factor with the 0.65-0.70 changes.

So, yeah, I can see this being more painful. I don't think the best answer is cheaper mutandis though. That's pretty exploitable.
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Is there a way to progress the quest "You Sap" based on getting any sapling? I've spent the last couple of hours farming wood ash so I can make even more mutandis to try to get an oak sapling and it has gotten way past grindy. Maybe give more Mutandis per craft or more of it as a quest reward from Mutation might also work. I know the pack is supposed to go slow but this is is really saping the fun out of what is otherwise an amazing pack.
It already does detect any sapling, not specifically oak...
The quest does call for you to have 4 saplings in your inventory though to encourage you to actually start growing your trees.
I just hit this as well, got EBXL and nature saplings, but not vanilla saplings, and quest doesn't detect..