[1.7.10]Modular Mayhem


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey, I recently started messing around on this modpack (it's really hard to figure out how to 'start' a lot of these mods i've never even seen before without HQM, haha) and was poking around a little bit and is chromaticraft's book supposed to have a page three that's just 'missing texture' and a page two that's completely blank? Chromaticraft's book is really weird and buggy seeming - just can't tell if it's on my end, on chromaticrafts end, it's a quirk with this mod, or what - it makes me dubious about trying to do chromaticraft stuff if the mod's bugged. Reinstalling didn't fix it, either.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Most of the Chromaticraft stuff has to be found in the world before the book will even acknowledge that it exists. You're looking for a bit black structure with a glowy bit on top. Run up and give that a hug and it'll tell you all about itself.

Okay seriously, get close enough to get shot and then run for it before you die and you should get an entry about it. I think there's a chance of a bonus if it kills you, but I'm not sure. Like Thaumcraft, there are a couple of early researches that are vital, and then it sort of cascades from there, unlocking more and more until you're an all knowing master of the Rainbow.

Everything else is either self-explanatory, or has a book. Try both book and manual in the NEI search box.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Most of the Chromaticraft stuff has to be found in the world before the book will even acknowledge that it exists. You're looking for a bit black structure with a glowy bit on top. Run up and give that a hug and it'll tell you all about itself.

Okay seriously, get close enough to get shot and then run for it before you die and you should get an entry about it. I think there's a chance of a bonus if it kills you, but I'm not sure. Like Thaumcraft, there are a couple of early researches that are vital, and then it sort of cascades from there, unlocking more and more until you're an all knowing master of the Rainbow.

Everything else is either self-explanatory, or has a book. Try both book and manual in the NEI search box.
I got the basic jist of the idea that it's researching, but page three is literally a giant page that says MISSING TEXTURE in big block letters, which made me wonder if my mod wasn't installed right or something.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
I got the basic jist of the idea that it's researching, but page three is literally a giant page that says MISSING TEXTURE in big block letters, which made me wonder if my mod wasn't installed right or something.
Ah, those tabs on the right aren't different pages. The first tab takes you to the unlocks you get by exploring, page two is where you can copy fragments to recover missing research, and page 3 is, I think, just not implemented yet.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Thank you, must have slipped by me that one, didn't see it in any documentation.
Yeah, it isn't. I included a dev build in the pack by mistake. I tend to run the latest in my LP and meant to revert back to latest stable for the updates and forgot. Doesn't hurt anything, but there are a few oddities like that.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Anyone understand how to place the magneticraft pumpjack? I found some oil, and as cool as it looks, I'd love to use it. I see a power connector, but that's the only bit I can identify the facing of (towards power). I'm also curious on how to run power a long way to it. Or should I just use the old standby of RF source and converter?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i would use wireless energy transfer node or tesseract and conver on site. im not sure tesseracts can transfer magcraft power. as for using the pumpjack im not sure


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Hmmm... well, if need be, I can just set up a basic generator on site.

Anyone having an issue getting enough wheat seeds to run a biodiesel generator? I just discovered in testing, that an Engineer's Toolbox activator can plant seeds from the bottom of the field. IE, it can right click on the bottom and plant on the top. This is a redstone controlled function, which can be propagated through the entire field. Combined with some method of growth acceleration, and total plant harvesting...

Of course, now I'm looking forward to playing with the IE assembler. A super-size, multi-block Cyclic Assembler. With fluid tanks even. Also, I'm impressed that Railcraft Steel Ingots automatically ore dictionary with Immersive Engineering ones.

I know it's a bit of an ask, but is it possible to make it so IE and RC Creosote and Coal Coke do the same? I know Buildcentric did it, but RC was natively part of the pack there.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
If you've watched my series you saw what I went through. Hemp is better and infinitely easier. You plant it once, and break the tops, no replanting necessary.

As for portable pumpjack power, that depends. You could always juice up a battery or two, or set up the refinery nearby and bring a combustion engine...


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Ah, as far as Magneticraft goes, the documentation is kind of poor. But there is this new spotlight:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The pump jack is simple you place it over the centre (or over an oil source block) of the surface oil pool. Use an Oil Prospector to find the oil source blocks.

It's explained in part 2 of the video I made

As for powering a large windmill can power a pumpjack making it easy to remote power.

Edit I also found a nasty bug with the pumpjack unfortunately, when it depletes all oil source blocks make sure to break the pumpjack or your TPS will hit the floor. MgC devs are aware.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Ah. I just hauled a battery there. The Jack doesn't need to be on oil and in practice, I couldn't actually get it to place there without destroying some of the precious fluid. It will however, drill down on it's own which is awesome. It also spits blocks everywhere, which is slightly less awesome. I presume a chest will help. I know better for next time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You have errors in the minetweaker script

mods.magneticraft.Crusher.addRecipe(<appliedenergistics2:tile.OreQuartz>, <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial:2>, <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial:2>, 1, <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial:2>, 0.01);
mods.magneticraft.Crusher.addRecipe(<appliedenergistics2:tile.OreQuartzCharged>, <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial:2>, <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial:2>, 1, <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial:2>, 0.01);
mods.magneticraft.Crusher.addRecipe(<appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial:1>, <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial:2>, <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial:2>, 1, <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial:2>, 0.01);
mods.magneticraft.Crusher.addRecipe(<appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial>, <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial:2>, <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial:2>, 1, <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial:2>, 0.01);

OreQuartz should be oreQuartz (nether quartz ore)

Not sure what OreQuartzCharged is supposed to be as I can't find an ore with that oredict name.

What led me to this is the recipe for grinding quartz crystals in the Magneticraft grinder to quartz dust does not work.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
That recipe does not add via oreDict names, but rather by the name of the item itself. And that is straight from the item/block name itself and IS correct.

The problem you have is you're trying to use the grinder. Notice the name of the machine to which I added the recipe. Hint, not the grinder


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Last I knew, standard and charged quartz are the same block, but with different metadata. They used to at least, be convertible with Jabba Barrels. Or maybe it was DSU's. Jabba barrels don't work in Mod Mayhem, so it might have been DSU's or fixed.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Last I knew, standard and charged quartz are the same block, but with different metadata. They used to at least, be convertible with Jabba Barrels. Or maybe it was DSU's. Jabba barrels don't work in Mod Mayhem, so it might have been DSU's or fixed.

The charged and regular certus do share the same ID, but different meta. However, JABBA converts by ore dictionary so that is why that does not work. The ore blocks, however, are different IDs and name.

The Minetweaker recipe is correct and works IF you use the correct machine. However, it currently doubles the output when it shouldn't, but that is because Magneticraft was crashing the script unless I gave it three outputs. I need to change the secondary output to 1% like the tertiary, I just keep forgetting.