On the topic of the drums, is there anywhere that you can dump the contents to, or am I just going to open a floodgate out into the void and empty a bedrockium barrel of salt into it? The barrel I can use, but there's not a fluid void, and I don't think the trash can accepts fluids.
As others have added, MineChem will have a feature to accept fluid chemicals/elements to auto-bottle them. I copied over their github build cuz I couldn't wait to try it (and I was the one who requested it in the first placeDoes anyone know if recent minechem updates include recipes to use the internal tank on the decomposer yet? I wouldn't mind turning a drum of phosphate ions into glowstone, but not if I have to keep decomposing & remaking buckets.

Just place a Fluid Conduit pumping into the Decomposer, and have an Import Bus or conduit pulling from it, and you'll get your fluids into vials in no time. (Make sure you have enough storage room for them though, because a Bedrockium Drum of a compound will get you a ton of vials)
Edit: Generic question. I don't recall it being the case in Vanilla minecraft, but are zombie attacks not supposed to have any delay? As in, if I happen to not be able to get knocked back (being in a corner or something), I can easily take 3-4 hits per second per zombie. This makes it very hard to survive certain areas when you have 4 zombies after you, you'll take upwards of 10 hits in a second.
This is very frustrating early on (die easily) and becomes just an annoyance later on (noise and camera shake)
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