[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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On the topic of the drums, is there anywhere that you can dump the contents to, or am I just going to open a floodgate out into the void and empty a bedrockium barrel of salt into it? The barrel I can use, but there's not a fluid void, and I don't think the trash can accepts fluids.
The QDS can accept and void fluids. That's the easy method.

Trimis de pe vdf Smart 4 prin Tapatalk
... I'm honestly not sure why I didn't think of that. I'm going to go and sit in a corner, wearing my dunces hat.

Then I'm going to replace my normal barrel of pyrotheum with a bedrockium one so I can drain, then unload the nether sphere!
hey in keeby's idea machine the pomegranate wool is just called pomegranate so it does not allow you to complete the quest for it plz fix
have loved playing the pack tho
My keebys idea machine is just a big empty room with a chest of building materials at the bottom. Is there something I'm missing or did I not copy the spatial areas from template right?
hey in keeby's idea machine the pomegranate wool is just called pomegranate so it does not allow you to complete the quest for it plz fix
have loved playing the pack tho

It's known and probably even intended. Keeby is a work in progress and you are not supposed to complete the quest. (search for posts by parcel31u in this thread)

My keebys idea machine is just a big empty room with a chest of building materials at the bottom. Is there something I'm missing or did I not copy the spatial areas from template right?

It works. Some1 had this problem and Parcel31u said sth like "you started your play in previous version when keebys was not ready yet". Copying the right Dim (Dim31 I believe) from template folder to your save folder should fix that (remember to unload first).
LOL, some reward.......
a resonant chest......
filled with......
640000 reward bags..............

Better than a Resonant Cache filled with 640,000 puffer fish....tho I trashed all of them to use the Cache for cobble compression, you'll either waste them doing that or waste days opening them.

In other news, before going to deal with what many people say ruins this pack, the fallen zombies in IC^4, I went and slowly cleared out the Nether Sphere middle floor. Which led to seeing mobs in the wall of the bottom floor easier. Without saying more lets just say I have wings now thanks to RNGesus, and besides the fallen zombies & the mostly easy to get to spawners(flying for the win) it just more of the same here in IC^4.

Wonder if any of the future rooms will say BS to my flying...I will have to see.
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... I'm honestly not sure why I didn't think of that. I'm going to go and sit in a corner, wearing my dunces hat.

Then I'm going to replace my normal barrel of pyrotheum with a bedrockium one so I can drain, then unload the nether sphere!

You only need 8 drums to get all the pyrotheum in the nether sphere. I think it was 15 each for the cryothium & lava. I think I need to replace the cursed earth spawner with some powered spawners before I move on into the lost in time sections. I went ahead & set up a row of crafters to compress cobble. I still need a few cookies to unlock the last community spatial area. Still looking for the orange lapis caelestis, but I might just craft it once I kill a wither.

Does anyone know if recent minechem updates include recipes to use the internal tank on the decomposer yet? I wouldn't mind turning a drum of phosphate ions into glowstone, but not if I have to keep decomposing & remaking buckets.
It's known and probably even intended. Keeby is a work in progress and you are not supposed to complete the quest. (search for posts by parcel31u in this thread)

It works. Some1 had this problem and Parcel31u said sth like "you started your play in previous version when keebys was not ready yet". Copying the right Dim (Dim31 I believe) from template folder to your save folder should fix that (remember to unload first).

Ah yeah. I did copy, but maybe I copied the wrong one or something. I will try again, just wanted to make sure. Thanks.

EDIT: Fixed it. It seems like the item changed from turning in the Wool Quest or something. I copied/redownloaded/recopied and nothing worked. I finally used /hqm edit to re-turn in the quest and get a new disk and it worked fine.
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Does anyone know if recent minechem updates include recipes to use the internal tank on the decomposer yet? I wouldn't mind turning a drum of phosphate ions into glowstone, but not if I have to keep decomposing & remaking buckets.
From what I can tell, it works for materials, but not for chemicals. For instance, you pump water into the tank, you get H and O, but you pump salt (chemical, decanted into fluid) and you get nothing.

So drum full of carbon is useless, but a drum full of, for instance, a smeltry molten metal, is helpful.
Better than a Resonant Cache filled with 640,000 puffer fish....tho I trashed all of them to use the Cache for cobble compression, you'll either waste them doing that or waste days opening them.

In other news, before going to deal with what many people say ruins this pack, the fallen zombies in IC^4, I went and slowly cleared out the Nether Sphere middle floor. Which led to seeing mobs in the wall of the bottom floor easier. Without saying more lets just say I have wings now thanks to RNGesus, and besides the fallen zombies & the mostly easy to get to spawners(flying for the win) it just more of the same here in IC^4.

Wonder if any of the future rooms will say BS to my flying...I will have to see.
Flying only helps so much for direwolves in keeby's due to the height of the doorways and some rooms. It helps only a little dealing with the ghast spawners too.

For the most part, my main complaint with this mod pack is whenever parcel31u decides to drop in tons of spawners or single ones that spawn mass quantities of mobs. Basically whenever mobs respawn so fast that even if you one shot every mob you still can't keep up with the spawn rate, and thus can never get to the spawners. Vanilla minecraft put in the concept of spawn rules (never within a certain block distance from the player) for a reason, and this is so players can actually progress through an area. Cursed earth and spawners are great when used in moderation, but not when every single level is filled with them. It loses it's effect on the player.

Also, don't forget storyline. The first half of the game was great and made sense as to what you were doing and why you were visiting places. The second half loses that cohesion and makes less sense plot wise. Like why would all of these dogs be here? was it a cloning machine gone berserk? Why would there be tons of witches and cats in a place that was designed to grow crops and farm? that kind of stuff.
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Does anyone know if recent minechem updates include recipes to use the internal tank on the decomposer yet? I wouldn't mind turning a drum of phosphate ions into glowstone, but not if I have to keep decomposing & remaking buckets.

I think I saw someone requesting that @ minechem github about a week ago. From what I read there it would appear that it will be a config option in minechem which will allow (or not) to decompose those kind of fluids.
So my guess it that there is a good chance that it will work in v8 of ME^4.
I went ahead & set up a row of crafters to compress cobble
At first I did the same, but after a while I realized that it is daaaaamn slow even with best capacitor. First crafter (the one which made 9cobble->1compressed) couldn't even keep up with a cobble gen made with ONE transfer node with 32WUI (world interaction upgrades) ... while eating up quite a lot of power.
Then I started testing :) What I came up with is waaay more efficient and uses waaay less power.
The basic idea it that u can use transfer node with 1WUI, attach it to crafting table and fill 9 chests (in 3x3 pattern) with cobble. Put some speed upgrades and it will keep up with about 5 cobble gen transfer nodes (64WUI each).
Only problem is that you have to keep up with transporting cobble from nodes to chests. Only AE is capable of doing that fast enough. So the final build looks like this: cobble generating nodes put cobble into AE interfaces. It is stored in AE chest (acts as a buffer only). Most important part - use AE interfaces instead of chests (behind crafting table) and just set them to keep a stack of cobble in them. It is LIGHTNING fast and uses like no power at all.. only to power up AE network which is almost nothing

Edit: added a screenshot
AE cobble gen.jpg
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This looks fairly infrastructure heavy (especially if you've not gotten to the point of getting the AE presses yet), but what's the kind of output/second at each stage? This seems like it'd be well suited to the first few stages, then move onto crafters/cyclic assemblers when you get to about triple compressed.
This looks fairly infrastructure heavy (especially if you've not gotten to the point of getting the AE presses yet), but what's the kind of output/second at each stage? This seems like it'd be well suited to the first few stages, then move onto crafters/cyclic assemblers when you get to about triple compressed.

Yes, it LOOKS that way.. it is an overkill for sure . All you really need is the first stage.. next stages could be based on ordinary chests.
But, if you think about it, it's not rly infrastructure heavy. Ofc you have to explore certain spatial area to get all AE presses but then all you need is 9+2interfaces. AE chest you probably already have by this point (I got 3 from rewards by that time), cables are stolen from not used parts of my base, controller too. Item transfer nodes you already have as well as world interaction upgrades(few stacks of them) and enough speed upgrades. Only thing you need to actually craft are interfaces, everything else u already have.
Oh and u dont need a tesseract to power this... one power cell will keep it all running for a looooong time.

As for efficiency - in last 20min I got 2stacks of quadruple soo about 42.000 cobble per minute or 11stacks of cobble/sec. Basically sth like 17h to get 1x octuple.
Now try to process 11stacks of cobble per second in an enderIO crafter.. good luck :D
edit: math correction (20min not 10min, recalculated )
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I think I saw someone requesting that @ minechem github about a week ago. From what I read there it would appear that it will be a config option in minechem which will allow (or not) to decompose those kind of fluids.
So my guess it that there is a good chance that it will work in v8 of ME^4.
Yup, we added some stuff for processing barrels and pure fluids. It's a bit tweaky though...there's a reason we're completely rewriting the element/molecule system for v6.
I recommend an me interface with vacuum hopper if you are going to open all those. I just got 10 resonant strongboxes filled with 67,000 bitt 10 ztones blocks.
Take a look at Player Interface from Random Things. Works like a charm in this case.

Oookk.. 1 octo cookie was a pain.. and honestly I just cheated it in because I just can't see any other way to obtain in beside well.. basically going afk for few days or grinding kill-quests for few hours straight.

So I unlocked torcherino quest by cheating in octo-cookie... and guess what I see next?! ARE YOU SERIOUS??

It's what I would call a quest spoiler so if u don't want to ruin your surprise then just dont read it.
100.000 charcoal blocks - no problem, few hours with farming station+torcherino
10.000 ender pearls - no problem, pump all liquid enderium from ender swirl and use few casting tables - few hours
1.000.000 sugar cane - no problem, about 1h with torcherino+annihilation planes.
1.000.000 black stained glass - no problem but I still didnt get my SAND spatial area.. but also only few hours I suspect (black dye is easy enough to synthesize)
50 octo-cobble - torcherino just bumped my design to 210.000 cobble/min so it's about 3,5h per octo-cobble. I can expand so all in all it's reasonable imo.

and finally
50 octo-cookies - @parcel31u - could you please tell me (us) what is your plan regarding this. I mean how are we SUPPOSED to do it, according to YOU. Cause I assume you had some solution in mind, right?
I ask because I just can't see it.. maybe I'm blind or just stupid... or derp horribly.

The way I see this now is that there MUST be a way to automate this process, right? Almost any manual actions here would be too tedious.
1) Kill quests cannot be automated so it's not a valid option
2) Crafting
a) wheat - farming - with torcherino... maybe.. haven't tested it yet but I guess with torcherino farming station may be a viable option again. For now lets assume it's OK.
b) wheat - synthesis - NO. It would require 161.425.203.750.000 RF. (as a reference - 100k RF/t reactor - almost 3 years)
c) cocoa - farming - as far as I know there is nothing in this pack what would allow to fully automate planting cocoa beans.. so NO.
d) cocoa - synthesis of Theobromine - C,H,O - no problem. Nitrogen(x4) on the other hand - arrows/feathers/gunpowder/potash/wool/mushroom/melon/leather/Salyx sapling/spider eye/nether wart/rotten flesh/tuopa sapling - can't see any other sources. Looks fine, but in practice you just can't get any of those in such big numbers to get even close to being a viable option.
e) cocoa - decomposing of Uux or Uuz - these recipes are custom made so I GUESS this is what we are supposed to do. There is a 'small' problem with that. Lets assume that u have found 2 elements X and Y where X+Y=Uux. That step takes 5M RF.. for 40cocoa. Or u can get Uuz which would cost 4x5+2x10+20=60M RF for 256cocoa.
You need a total of about 270.000.000 cocoa beans so taking this approach you would need (using Uux) 33.630.250.781.250 RF (again reference to 100k RF/t reactor - 6,5 months)... so I guess that's a NOOO.​

So what is the catch here @parcel31u ? The only conclusion from this is that you have a different plan for us. I don't ask to reveal any secrets but you could at least point us in right direction.. or just say 'Don't worry guys, you will get them from another source' (like quest rewards, chest loot... anything)
Yup, we added some stuff for processing barrels and pure fluids. It's a bit tweaky though...there's a reason we're completely rewriting the element/molecule system for v6.

I just noticed that there are fluid transposer recipes to fill empty test tubes, which can be crafted with 3 glass panes. That can take care of the minechem drums. The drum of liquid yellorium is still a problem...
I made some extra Uuz just in case back for the earlier quest, into the decomposer it goes! That will keep the crafters busy for a while. I just got all the inscriber plates, so I can start working on AE2 assisted automation. Sounds like I'd better set that up before I move on to biosphere^4.