^^ this (btw it's angel RING not WING

in case u cant find it in NEI)
pro tip: cats don't fly

By the time u get here u should have no problems getting nether star nor ludicrite ( u can only craft a BLOCK of it btw, not ingots) so with flight it's... well.. easy. (
BUT even without flight (lets say u rushed thru questline and don't have materials for angel ring) - you just get above spawner, drop lava on it.. done. You can even just go out of range and wait for remaining mobs to despawn if u don't like being poisoned or hate cats
So again: RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB... can be done with no weapon and no armor. just fly around and put torches... oooor you can just storm right thru main entrance and fight for every inch..
It's your choice rly - just don't tell us it's hard/painful/boring because it's not. It's just your way of doing it is well... lets call it a bit SUBoptimal
Personally I think wings make this too easy so I tend to NOT use them anyway (just outside spatial areas) but it's a personal choice - it's a sandbox after all so you can scale the difficulty as YOU wish.