[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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I have fastcraft... strange thing is that this fps drop occurs only in this spatial area.

btw how is drum of rubidium hydroxide an EPIC reward? Is that some kind of troll or what? seems to me like useless stuff
If you think that reward is bad i got a stack of basic bags from a legendary reward bag

And i don't know what to do then if you have fastcraft
Just put a block at the walk way and mine underneath and hit them at their feet
It's not just one walkway though. The problem is that if they see you and can get to you, you are basically dead. This means to traverse this area you have to constantly leapfrog blocks inch by inch, exploring ever so slowly. Plus, the area with the trees is too large and has steps so this strategy doesn't work anyway. My point is, this is supposed to be fun? I'm starting to notice the last half of this modpack is full of this "creeping movement" strategy and it just seems tedious. The first half was great, but it's starting to get really grindy.
It's not just one walkway though. The problem is that if they see you and can get to you, you are basically dead. This means to traverse this area you have to constantly leapfrog blocks inch by inch, exploring ever so slowly. Plus, the area with the trees is too large and has steps so this strategy doesn't work anyway. My point is, this is supposed to be fun? I'm starting to notice the last half of this modpack is full of this "creeping movement" strategy and it just seems tedious. The first half was great, but it's starting to get really grindy.

Tbh I had similar first impression... wasn't even sure what killed me :)
BUT.. then I made better armor, enchanted it, used this fancy glass which blocks mobs to make my way thru those initial narrow corridors and then just used glowstone florbs/lava buckets to light the rooms and prevent 90% of spawning.. killed what was left.
Suddenly from "wtf just killed me?!" I went to "pff.. easy mode".
It's all about using right tools for the job.
Water also works... it RLY helps when they get slowed by it - at least u have a good chance to hit them (I also invested a bit in better weapon - cleaver with +33att dmg, but rapier would be better probably)
It's not just one walkway though. The problem is that if they see you and can get to you, you are basically dead. This means to traverse this area you have to constantly leapfrog blocks inch by inch, exploring ever so slowly. Plus, the area with the trees is too large and has steps so this strategy doesn't work anyway. My point is, this is supposed to be fun? I'm starting to notice the last half of this modpack is full of this "creeping movement" strategy and it just seems tedious. The first half was great, but it's starting to get really grindy.
I mean the first walk way because then you can get rid of the spawners
Perhaps I'm being dumb, but how do you transfer energy? Thermal expansion conduits seem to have disappeared for some reason.
I think the the bedrockium drum of xp is a bit over powered all my xp is from the drum upload_2015-1-11_13-22-25.png
Perhaps I'm being dumb, but how do you transfer energy? Thermal expansion conduits seem to have disappeared for some reason.
I asked this yesterday and it was answered 1 page before this.
Tbh I had similar first impression... wasn't even sure what killed me :)
BUT.. then I made better armor, enchanted it, used this fancy glass which blocks mobs to make my way thru those initial narrow corridors and then just used glowstone florbs/lava buckets to light the rooms and prevent 90% of spawning.. killed what was left.
Suddenly from "wtf just killed me?!" I went to "pff.. easy mode".
It's all about using right tools for the job.
Water also works... it RLY helps when they get slowed by it - at least u have a good chance to hit them (I also invested a bit in better weapon - cleaver with +33att dmg, but rapier would be better probably)
No mob should be able to insta-kill you in a game like this, and I went through the same opinions as you did. It's insanely over-powered which forces you to switch to a very slow map push while exploiting game mechanics to survive, thus nearly making it too easy (and very boring). The point is that by making an encounter so hard that you have to do this, it literally sucks the fun out of the game. I'd like to actually engage in some combat rather than cowering behind cheap tricks, spending eons to travel a few feet.
I mean the first walk way because then you can get rid of the spawners
You either don't remember this map that well or you didn't play it or something because the spawners are in ALOT more places than just that small little entrance, and some of them are in very hard to reach places (like under the stairs in the tree room, or on top of the giant columns in the large open area) which makes your solution not very effective.

To be honest though, I don't see this as "playing a game" and for all it's worth I might as well just switch it to peaceful if I have to game the system like this just to survive, which is exactly what I did to pass this section. It just wasn't worth the hassle. My point in posting was to give the mod creator some feedback on a very un-fun portion of the mod.

Edit: Now that I'm on the next area, I'm confronted with "Wither cats" which apparently can hit you THROUGH blocks, and in this area they once again spread out a ton of spawners everywhere of nothing but these cats. It seems all of these special annoying mobs are coming from the "Ender Zoo" mod, and personally they are destroying any sense of enjoyment I once had with this pack. It doesn't even make sense either and the sense of progression at this point is thrown out the window in favor of "lets try and throw everything in here." Sorry but I'm just getting frustrated at the polar opposite play style between the "Lost in Space" section and the "Lost in Time section", almost like they were made by two different people.
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because the spawners are in ALOT more places than just that small little entrance, and some of them are in very hard to reach places (like under the stairs in the tree room, or on top of the giant columns in the large open area) which makes your solution not very effective.

I say "nether star" and "angel wings"
I say "nether star" and "angel wings"
^^ this (btw it's angel RING not WING :P in case u cant find it in NEI)
pro tip: cats don't fly :P)

By the time u get here u should have no problems getting nether star nor ludicrite ( u can only craft a BLOCK of it btw, not ingots) so with flight it's... well.. easy. (
BUT even without flight (lets say u rushed thru questline and don't have materials for angel ring) - you just get above spawner, drop lava on it.. done. You can even just go out of range and wait for remaining mobs to despawn if u don't like being poisoned or hate cats :)

So again: RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB... can be done with no weapon and no armor. just fly around and put torches... oooor you can just storm right thru main entrance and fight for every inch..
It's your choice rly - just don't tell us it's hard/painful/boring because it's not. It's just your way of doing it is well... lets call it a bit SUBoptimal :)

Personally I think wings make this too easy so I tend to NOT use them anyway (just outside spatial areas) but it's a personal choice - it's a sandbox after all so you can scale the difficulty as YOU wish.
^^ this (btw it's angel RING not WING :p in case u cant find it in NEI)
pro tip: cats don't fly :p)

By the time u get here u should have no problems getting nether star nor ludicrite ( u can only craft a BLOCK of it btw, not ingots) so with flight it's... well.. easy. (
BUT even without flight (lets say u rushed thru questline and don't have materials for angel ring) - you just get above spawner, drop lava on it.. done. You can even just go out of range and wait for remaining mobs to despawn if u don't like being poisoned or hate cats :)

So again: RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB... can be done with no weapon and no armor. just fly around and put torches... oooor you can just storm right thru main entrance and fight for every inch..
It's your choice rly - just don't tell us it's hard/painful/boring because it's not. It's just your way of doing it is well... lets call it a bit SUBoptimal :)

Personally I think wings make this too easy so I tend to NOT use them anyway (just outside spatial areas) but it's a personal choice - it's a sandbox after all so you can scale the difficulty as YOU wish.
Perhaps you misunderstood me. I never said it was "hard" to pass the area (I've come up with lots of ways to "game the system" instead of actually fighting through these areas), but instead that the only ways you have to beat it are either boringly easy or insanely grindy. This is in stark contrast from the first section of the game which seems to have a nice flow to it. This means that the people who like the first half play style may not like the second half, and vice versa. Take that how you want, but just because you like it doesn't mean everyone else will. That doesn't make my input any less valid than yours, so please stop trying to squelch it.
I just experienced strange hmm.. not a bug rly.. lets call it a "design flaw" involving ladders in rotunda^4.
The thing is that u normally can't place ladders on void stone but you put them there anyway. It was fine and worked... until I placed a torch on a block next to it - then it all fell apart. My guess is that it invoked a block update which caused it to validate the block its attached to.. and failed.. big time. Whole thing just fell down
I just experienced strange hmm.. not a bug rly.. lets call it a "design flaw" involving ladders in rotunda^4.
The thing is that u normally can't place ladders on void stone but you put them there anyway. It was fine and worked... until I placed a torch on a block next to it - then it all fell apart. My guess is that it invoked a block update which caused it to validate the block its attached to.. and failed.. big time. Whole thing just fell down
Yeah I ended up replacing the void stone with cobble and replacing the ladders in my world because of this.
I'm trying to update my spatial areas, but I don't see Redstone Meltdown on the list. Which DIMM is it?

EDIT: ah nevermind, found it.

Where are the direwolf's? I'm as far as Keeby's Idea Machine, but I haven't made a torcherino yet.
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I fully expect to finish the pack long before I would be able to make 4 octuple compressed cookies for an angel ring, even if I fully automate the process.

Is the orange lapis caelestis hidden in Endside with all the others? I had hoped I was finished with that area.

It's septuple for the wings. If you set up some spawners from the bake to win mobs, it's actually not too bad. It's definitely a grind, but worth it imo. It does leave you cookie-less for torcherino though. That's what happened to me.
Not sure if it was mentioned, but when I finished the quest "Energy Distributor" under "Lost in Time", it correctly tags it as complete, and gives the reward, but for some reason it gets stuck and keeps the "Unclaimed reward" listing no matter what. It doesn't give extra rewards (does nothing actually) if you click claim again, but I can't get it to register as completed and claimed either.
Not sure if it was mentioned, but when I finished the quest "Energy Distributor" under "Lost in Time", it correctly tags it as complete, and gives the reward, but for some reason it gets stuck and keeps the "Unclaimed reward" listing no matter what. It doesn't give extra rewards (does nothing actually) if you click claim again, but I can't get it to register as completed and claimed either.

Same happened to me. It is probably something like he forgot to add reputation to the quest, so when you turn it in the age old HQM bug shows up.