Updated Mods:
- AppleCore to 1.0.1
- ArmorStatusHud to 1.28
- AsieLib to 0.3.3
- BiblioCraft to 1.9.0
- BiblioWoods [BoP] to v1.9
- BiblioWoods [Forestry] to v1.7
- Buildcraft to 6.1.8
- BspkrsCore to 6.15
- Carpenter's Blocks to 3.3.1
- CoFHCore to 3.0.0B8-36
- Computronics to 1.3.0
- EnderIO to
- ExtraCells to 2.1.13b13
- ExtraUtilities to 1.2.0
- Forestry to
- Galacticraft to
- GregTech to 5.06.03
- Hardcore Ender Expansion to 1.6.5
- IHL Tools and Machines to 0.518
- Immibis Core to 59.0.4
- IC2 to 2.2.653
- InventoryTweaks to 1.59-dev-156
- JourneyMap to 5.0.0RC5
- LogisticPipes to
- MineTweaker3 to 3.0.9C
- MrCrayfishFurnitureMod to 3.3.6
- NotEnoughItems to
- OpenComputers to
- PFAA to 0.2.18
- PneumaticCraft to 1.4.0-36
- ProjectRed to
- Railcraft to
- StatusEffectHud to 1.27
- ThaumicTinkerer to 2.5.161
- WR-CBE to
- Yampst to 2.0.0
- ForgeMultipart to
Removed or Disabled mods
- Binnie Mods - replaced by Gendustry
- NEI Plugins - are replaced by NEI Integration
- OpenComponents - no longer used since OpenComputers have it by default now
- Warpbook
- HoloInventory
New Mods:
- Automagy
- Malisis Core
- Malisis Doors
- Galactic Greg
- Thaumic Energistics
- NEI Integration
- IC2 Nuclear Control
- MrTJPCore
- Gendustry
- EnderZoo
- WAILAPlugins
Config Changes:
- "GregTeched" open computers recipes
- Fixed Iron and Steel Tank Walls to use GT recipe
- Removed Rock Crusher
- Activated Oregen on Moon, Mars, Asteroids
- GT OreGen (Naquadah is generating in the End; Tin/Cassi is now in layer 40-120 instead of 80-120)
- ProjectZulu fish is bit more rare.
- Recipe Script fixes for BC/RC
- Disabled Beecombs script since Binnie Mods are disabled
- Disabled showing mobs in the Main menu to prevent crashes from ProjectZulu
- Disabled following items from crafting:
- ExU Upgrade Nodes
- IHL Item Teleporter
- EnderIO Dimensional Transceiver
- PneumaticCraft Aerial Interface
- Jabba bSpace barrel upgrade
- Implemented GregTech recipes for OpenComputers
- Made already existiing Dimensional Transceivers not worth using (really its not worth it)
- Changed Farming Station recipe. This might be changed again further in the future
- And some minor bugfixes