[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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I have gotten my Nitro-diesel line built and working. I relied pretty heavily on a schematic that I built in Visio to figure out required quantities of energy, time, and material. I thought you all might find it useful when you get to this stage.

I decided to use two distilleries instead of the two distillation towers in order to keep the complexity down (so my head wouldn't explode). Thanks Joel Falk for the stuff you have put up here - it was really helpful.

Each "machine box" was created in VISIO with the NEI recipe entered as properties. Then I added am multiplication factor (X-factor) to scale the recipe up or down to fit the needed amounts of material. It also scaled the total EUs used and total amount of time required. Each box then displays the resulting figures. Its the R1 machine that has an X-factor of 1 and sets the required quantities for the rest of the chart. (That choice is somewhat arbitrary.)

The piping of items assumes using EnderIO item conduits with their ability to have filters on input, round-robin routing, and priority setting. These properties are all displayed. You will see that I have numbered the machines on the chart (and in my build with signs) so as to be able to keep track of which machine was doing what (so my head wouldn't explode). Also, I found that returning the empty-cells to the right place in the production line was crucial.

Another GT victory :)

@Gambo, would you save any energy by processing nitrogen out of ender pearls? I thought I found in my last setup that that was the case (and you get bonus beryllium as a byproduct)

The assumption is made that there is a sufficiently regular supply of ender pearls.
@Gambo Is there some reason for having the stat for overclocking? I can't see you using it in that flowchart... Also is there a specific reason for the twin electrolysers to get the hydrogen? I see that you are just storing the HS into a barrel, why not use it, either as hydrogen or as sulfuric acid?
Mostly just some thoughts about your thought-process for the build... I'm curious :)
Is there any way to power to an IC2 Tesla Coil without using a CESU/IC2 power storage? If not there is no way to power this then since IC2 power storage blocks are disabled.
Is there some reason for having the stat for overclocking? I can't see you using it in that flowchart. Also is there a specific reason for the twin electrolysers to get the hydrogen?

The alternate that I was looking at was: electrolyser.jpg . But I think I had mis-entered it - producing 1 hydrogen instead of 2. When scaled up to produce 3, it took 135000 EU and 225 seconds. I thought of overclocking to get the time down. So I added over-clocking to the VISIO shapes so that I could easily turn overclocking on and off - I will use this charting technique for future builds.

But then I found the two-step method that I am using which (apparently) used half the EUs and time. So I changed to that and never discovered my original input error till now.

I see that you are just storing the HS into a barrel, why not use it, either as hydrogen or as sulfuric acid?

My aim was not to be as efficient as possible (otherwise, I would have used the distillation towers). This is our initial foray in the world of liquid fuels and we are just trying to get something that works.

BTW, thanks for the input (and Pyure also).
The alternate that I was looking at was: View attachment 27200 . But I think I had mis-entered it - producing 1 hydrogen instead of 2. When scaled up to produce 3, it took 135000 EU and 225 seconds. I thought of overclocking to get the time down. So I added over-clocking to the VISIO shapes so that I could easily turn overclocking on and off - I will use this charting technique for future builds.

But then I found the two-step method that I am using which (apparently) used half the EUs and time. So I changed to that and never discovered my original input error till now.

My aim was not to be as efficient as possible (otherwise, I would have used the distillation towers). This is our initial foray in the world of liquid fuels and we are just trying to get something that works.

BTW, thanks for the input (and Pyure also).
Alrighty, so it's a "future-proof" ish reason you have it there, I thought so, but it's better to ask. And yeah, the reason I asked about the twin electrolyser was the fact that it's the same cost in EU for either the one or two electrolyser builds, but I was thinking you had some other reason for the setup you had.
For later refining of your build you could look at using the vacuum freezer, it has some nice byproducts when you freeze air...(not always desired, I know, but some of those gases are hard to come by without using a freezer).
So after messing around with mana bean farms most of this patch and dealing with the issues regarding order upgraded harvest golems I decided to finally bite the bullet and make some Use Core golems.
Harvest golems with order upgrade mix crops over a wide range that doesn't even require physical access. In the case of mana beans you need to separate different mana bean types by more than 8 blocks in order to prevent the order-upgraded harvest golems from jumbling everything up. Arcane warding blocks don't help, preventing physical access to the blocks doesn't help. This is just one of the messed up things about thaumcraft that isn't changing.

With mana beans use golems are a challenge too because the use core can only plant mana beans on the logs above it, yet golems aren't tall enough to reach a log that is 2 blocks above it. I've tested trying to get the use golem to plant on a log below it, but that doesn't work at all.

So basically, the only way to get use golems to plant mana beans is to have only a 1 height gap between the floor and the planting log. If you do that, then there's not enough space for a player to walk through and use a golemancer's bell to assign the logs to plant on.

Fun stuff.
I decided to use two distilleries instead of the two distillation towers in order to keep the complexity down (so my head wouldn't explode)

Don't take on the twin distillation towers unless you got plenty of time on your hands. Just rebuilding the setup to my current one where i centrifuge the methane for hydrogen and carbon took over 3 hours and i barely added any machines. The amount of piping and item transfer you have to take care of is extremly difficult.

Also i noticed from your calculations that i have most likely calculated wrong in my document the amount of hydrogen needed for the cracking unit. Can you confirm than you need 0.5x the amount of heavy fuel you crack? If that is the case i will update the setup asap

Also VERY nice overview. I think it is sorely needed for setups of that complexity which is not properly shown in an excel sheet. Would it be okay if i added a printscreen of that to the google docs sheet?
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Also i would highly recomend a distilation tower for the cracked heavy oil. the efficiency will be about the same as before and the complexity only increases a bit. And with that you get all the important byproducts such as LPG, Naphtha and toluene that is very nice to have in bulk. Of those byproducts only the refinery gas needs procesing which is a simple centrifuge and a decanner. This also produces a substantial amount of power from the LPG
Modpack update v3.2.5
- Fixed typo in Oil Quests about amount of fluid needed to complete
- Added 2 extra quests about explaining QDS
- "Magic": "Clustered" - Removed U235 cluster from the 4th task

New Mods:
- Ztones

Mod Updates:
- EnderCore ->
- Industrial Craft 2 -> 2.2.821
- Thaumic Energistics ->
- InfinityCore -> 1.5
- SGCraft -> 1.11.2
- AppliedEnergistics 2 -> rv3-beta-6
- Buildcraft Compat -> 7.1.5
- Forestry ->
- JourneyMap -> 5.1.4p1
- Magic Bees -> Customized
- Pam's Harvestcraft -> Customized
- ProjectRed -> Customized

- Changed Oblivion Essence crafting recipe
- Fixed Framing Saw duping in crafting Malisis Doors
- Rods for BC pipes are Lathe compatible
- Disabled Rotating Elevators
- Nerfed recipe for Dimensional Transceiver
- Moved Wood Cuuters from SC2 to MV
- Changed recipes for all Colored Buildcraft pipes.
- Lowered burntime of PcCraft fuels.
- Bees now require resource blocks to breed and as flowers to produce.
- Add SAG Mill support for all GT ores
- Remove standard apatite and osmium ore milling
- Disable normal certus quartz milling
- Swap SAG Mill recipes style
- Modify grinding balls to be based off GT rounds
- Disable dark steel grinding balls
- Move SAG Mill to HV
- SAGMill primary use is better yield on Byproducts
- Added aspects for a ton of stuff
- Changed Oil Comb processing
- Plutonium and Uranium from IC2 are now oredicted with GT relevant versions.
- Removed PHC presser recipe for making Logs -> Paper
- Fixed GT Tools vanishing in PrRed tables
- IC2 Fertilizer compatible with FT
- Fixed crash with fluid modules/pipes from Logistics Pipes
- Fixed crash with "most likely" button in Logistics Pipes
- Lowered EU/t gained from Dragon Eggs and Vis
- Fixed jetpack recipes
- Disabled StorageDrawers item conversion to prevent oreDict exploits
- Renamed Stargate Controller to DHD
- Changed Tin Can recipe
- Added April patrons
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- Move SAG Mill to HV

Wow, processing coal blocks just got way tougher. There goes the 3x coal from 1 coal block processing option. Whilst I appreciate there's the charcoal option, did you check to see if you broke or over-nerfed anything that required a lot of coal or coal dust in the recipe? This change obviously nerfed making diamonds from compressed coal chunks, if that was part of the reason I don't mind so much, I'm mostly after torches early game anyway.

Cheers ...

Wow, processing coal blocks just got way tougher. There goes the 3x coal from 1 coal block processing option. Whilst I appreciate there's the charcoal option, did you check to see if you broke or over-nerfed anything that required a lot of coal or coal dust in the recipe? This change obviously nerfed making diamonds from compressed coal chunks, if that was part of the reason I don't mind so much, I'm mostly after torches early game anyway.
That change was totally related to the new ore processing, the SAG Mill is great for getting any byproducts of ores now, can be better than any previously existing options.
I am trying to follow the questbook to learn about gregtrech and the changes. I just built my first pipes (wooden and bronze) and the next quest is to pump water into the QDS block. Are gregtech wooden pipes usable in the bronze age? I cannot figure out how to make them move water without electric pumps.
I am trying to follow the questbook to learn about gregtrech and the changes. I just built my first pipes (wooden and bronze) and the next quest is to pump water into the QDS block. Are gregtech wooden pipes usable in the bronze age? I cannot figure out how to make them move water without electric pumps.
Basic electric pumps can be attached to pipes as "covers" and right-clicked with a screwdriver to pump liquids into the pipes... and the pumps do not require electricity when used like this. However, unless something has changed, the GT pipes do not recognize the QDS as a "tank" that it can attach to. It's been a while, but I'm am pretty sure all I did is attach the QDS to the BOTTOM of my Railcraft water tank.

BTW, do not accidentally cross-connect a wooden water pipe with a metal steam pipe. It is easy to do by mistake and will likely result in your demise.
- Bees now require resource blocks to breed and as flowers to produce.
Can someone explain this to me exactly? I don't really understand what this changes.