For Draconic Infusion to be opened you need: Scanned Dragon Egg, Researched Life Essence, and GT Magic Absorber Research (the 2nd one)
For Oblivion Frame you need the Draconic Infusion.
If you will still struggle getting it you can reset the oblivion frame and draconic Infusion researches via command (I am not sure if this syntax work, backup your save before trying, it might reset your whole research):
/tc research <your_name> reset IT_DraconicInfusion - This should reset Draconic Infusion research
/tc research <your_name> reset MB_EssenceOblivion - This should reset Oblivion research
or just cheat the research in (its actually not cheating if you already had it

/tc research <your_name> IT_DraconicInfusion
/tc research <your_name> MB_EssenceOblivion
Once more I am saying that make a backup of your world, or at least your thaumcraft player data (located in the save folder under name <your_name>.thaum and <your_name>.thaumback