Right just making sure, thanks@Pyure:
The gold acquisition I meant was: if you put crushed chalcopyrite ore with mercury in the chemical bath you have a 70% chance for gold dust. So basically, 0.9 blocks of redstone ore + 0.5 blocks of chalcopyrite ore equals 0.7 gold ingots. I'd say that's a much better source of gold than the really not very frequent gold ore at magnetite veins. Since copper and redstone are things you always need, it would be stupid not to take the gold that comes along, right? And it's all doable through LV processes, unlike extracting silver and lead from galena.
Yes, you can do the same with magnetite, but that only gives you 3 iron nuggets when you smelt the final dust, while chalcopyrite gives you an ingot of copper.

My biggest drawback is usually the mercury. Its one bucket per crushed ore sadly, and processing that redstone is pretty slow.