Unfortunately, no Binnies on our server.
No, it's the fact that you can't mine the good stuff. I can't even mine graphite with these 6 pickaxes. Lava is painful as well though. Even if I do use waypoints, I won't remember the vein and it'll just stay there.
If you find any cobalt, you can make a level 3 (diamond level) pick from that. Also some of the thaumcraft shards, and also Thaumium can be crafted into Tier 3 picksaxes. The durability isn't as good but you can at least get some diamonds that way.
Edit the names of your waypoints? I have probably at least a hundred waypoints, probably way more. I mark every ore vein i find as in "Diamond Vein" or "Casserite Vein". All ore veins are given the same color (blue). Once I mine a vein out I delete the waypoint and if necessary mark a new "dig here" waypoint 3 chunk grid marks away in white. I dig to check for ore in every 3 chunks.
I mark large oil wells with purple, and edit the waypoints of any wells where I currently have a pump so I can find my pumps again

I mark hungry nodes in red. I also waypoint other exceptional nodes, but use that other thaumcraft client-side mod that jayson linked a dozen pages back to keep track of other nodes. I also waypoint any abandoned mines, pyramids, strongholds, dungeons, etc that I find.
In other words, I waypoint the heck out of stuff, but do it with a sort of system and color coded method so I can always go back and find things.