[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I didn't do a IC2 reactor. I did the actual mod Big Reactor- reactor. It generates very high amounts of steam very efficiently
Yes, I knew what you were talking about, no worries.

If you hunt back far enough in this thread, you'll see screenshots of my earlier bases where I do Big Reactors + BR Turbine and then transform the RF -> EU using arrays of PneumaticCraft compressors/generators.


Yes, I knew what you were talking about, no worries.

If you hunt back far enough in this thread, you'll see screenshots of my earlier bases where I do Big Reactors + BR Turbine and then transform the RF -> EU using arrays of PneumaticCraft compressors/generators.
Ahh interesting. Do you know what your conversion rate ended up being for Steam to EU?


Thanks. All my Gain stats are 0. I think that's the problem. But that's why I gotta cross-breed the Reeds together first (I think) to boost the stats of the parent plants (gonna do Reeds with Nether Wart).

Out of 8 new plants, I got 5 Seed Bags when I broke them all, so yeah, makes sense. But... only 3 were better stats, 2 of the Bags were worse. LOL and sigh.........

Also, once I get a plant I want to keep, such as Blackthorn (the one that gives ink sacs), I'm afraid to break it because I might not get a Seed Bag... so how do I multiply my one plant into many plants, do I just put a crop next to it and keep and eye out for weeds, and the Blackthorn only will spread to the crop?
So, I'm pretty sure gain doesn't affect seed drop rate. In fact, iirc the higher the gain the less likely you'll get a seed bag. Also, whenever I get a crop that I really want, I never break it if it's the only one. I always move the plot to start breeding the new crop and break it only once I have another just in case i don't get a seedbag.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I'm pretty sure gain doesn't affect seed drop rate. In fact, iirc the higher the gain the less likely you'll get a seed bag. Also, whenever I get a crop that I really want, I never break it if it's the only one. I always move the plot to start breeding the new crop and break it only once I have another just in case i don't get a seedbag.

Yeah I guess I need a plan, I got single plants that I want to keep but they're just randomly placed everywhere in a 9x9 due to how I was cross-breeding. I want to pick them up to give them their own area, but I know if I do that I'll lose the plant. Most of the time even when I right click these plants with low stats, they don't even give a single drop of anything at all.

But what if I get a plant I want, like Blackthorn, but it's low stats like 1,1,1 - won't all subsequent Blackthorns that I get off that plant also be 1,1,1? So how do I get a field of super duper Blackthorns all with the best stats? Where do they come from? Am I supposed to cross-breed two Blackthorns together and keep replanting the good child plants that result? So I should use double crops and not single crops to multiply a particular plant?

The worst part of it all is, I really have no need for any of the products from crops. There's gotta be something that will be valuable, it can't all just be string and slimeballs and mushrooms and even tiny tin dusts, meh. Even gold and diamonds I have plenty of now, so all I'm really doing this for is to complete the Bronze Age in the quest book. At least I won't need to make every crop in the modpack, that seems like it would take days week or months while having to watch for weeds every single moment. Oh joy. LOL


But what if I get a plant I want, like Blackthorn, but it's low stats like 1,1,1 - won't all subsequent Blackthorns that I get off that plant also be 1,1,1? So how do I get a field of super duper Blackthorns all with the best stats? Where do they come from? Am I supposed to cross-breed two Blackthorns together and keep replanting the good child plants that result? So I should use double crops and not single crops to multiply a particular plant?
Lol For some reason this cracked me up. Maybe because it's exactly right but worded as a question? Anyway, there are really two ways of doing it. You can just start breeding Blackthorns and get there stats up just like normal. Or you can breed up something easier like some form of Reeds and then just do one high tier Reed and one Blackthorn. The second way is the way I went about it. Reeds grow so quickly that breeding them up can be done really quick. However, breeding up the more advanced plants like gold takes forever because each gold takes so stinking long to grow.

The worst part of it all is, I really have no need for any of the products from crops. There's gotta be something that will be valuable, it can't all just be string and slimeballs and mushrooms and even tiny tin dusts, meh. Even gold and diamonds I have plenty of now, so all I'm really doing this for is to complete the Bronze Age in the quest book. At least I won't need to make every crop in the modpack, that seems like it would take days week or months while having to watch for weeds every single moment. Oh joy. LOL
I understand this sentiment. The crops are really nice before you get the Advanced Miner II because you don't have what feels like unlimited of everything yet; however, ironically, it's just faster to rush for a Advanced Miner II than to actually breed all the different types of crops. I hate making mob farms, (I just don't like the idea of them) so I've been using crops to replace them. Things like Blaze farms, Ender farm, Ghast tears etc etc.


Does anyone know if LPG will work in the Large Diesel Generator? Also, I just started working on Tungsten and ... ouch.

Sven "flamestrider"

Does anyone know if LPG will work in the Large Diesel Generator? Also, I just started working on Tungsten and ... ouch.
It shouldn't, since it counts as a turbine fuel it should only work in small and large gas turbines...


I am doing some testing of the diesel generator atm and I have a few questions. How do you guys keep this thing fed? It consumes a massive amount of Nitro-Diesel xD I haven't made any nitro-diesel before but looking at the recipe it seems like it takes a lot of light fuel. Second, how do you guys deal with the pollution this thing creates. I'm running it in an open flatworld for a little, I've generated like 25Million EU and I've already generated 20k pollution. This doesn't seem sustainable.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am doing some testing of the diesel generator atm and I have a few questions. How do you guys keep this thing fed? It consumes a massive amount of Nitro-Diesel xD I haven't made any nitro-diesel before but looking at the recipe it seems like it takes a lot of light fuel. Second, how do you guys deal with the pollution this thing creates. I'm running it in an open flatworld for a little, I've generated like 25Million EU and I've already generated 20k pollution. This doesn't seem sustainable.
I refine heavy fuel using the double distillation tower setup and that makes plenty for me (however my IV needs are not terribly high currently). To keep pollution down I use an IV muffler on the unit.


Quests sometimes crash. With the same quest in different attempts, the game may crash or not. I do not understand what it depends on. Quest does not give a reward. What to do in such cases?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am doing some testing of the diesel generator atm and I have a few questions. How do you guys keep this thing fed? It consumes a massive amount of Nitro-Diesel xD I haven't made any nitro-diesel before but looking at the recipe it seems like it takes a lot of light fuel. Second, how do you guys deal with the pollution this thing creates. I'm running it in an open flatworld for a little, I've generated like 25Million EU and I've already generated 20k pollution. This doesn't seem sustainable.

My two main base chunks (the ones with all my energy stuff) already has pollution above 50,000 except I don't really see any bad effects.

I saved this link a while ago, it lists all the pollution levels and their effects...


SMOG(500k) 466.7 pollution/sec
Poison(750k) 633,3 pollution/sec
Dying Plants(1mio) 800 pollution/sec
Sour Rain(1.5mio) 1133.3 pollution/sec

So you can see, even at my current 50K, I'm 10 times below the first negative effect which is Smog at 500K. I've been checking my base for a few days and it seems pretty steady, it's not going up very fast if at all.

I run my Large Diesel Engine off a small Nitro Diesel production line, all LV machines, just two Chemical Reactors and I pump my Light Fuel in with a cell of the Glyceryl. The Glyceryl became easy once I set up a little processing line to make Nitrogen gas from Air (which comes from Compressed Air Cells). I also have plenty of Carbon Dust for the Glyceryl from my Distillation Tower, Carbon Dust is a byproduct of electrolyzing 5 methane cells after I obtain LPG from centrifuging the Refinery Gas. Or you could just electrolyze coal dust for the Carbon Dusts. Basically, Nitro Diesel isn't really too big of a hassle, and the benefits of setting up the production line(s) to make it are very great, more than doubling the EU of the Light Fuel in the process.

I'm a bit conservative with my energy use (meaning, I don't run as high a tier of power as I can, I step it down and run at slower speeds but I also use less energy that way), so for me, I don't run the Large Diesel Engine very often or very long. First of all, a no-brainer - always feed the Diesel Engine oxygen for maximum efficiency, which means you will need IV-tier stuff which means you already need to be at Tungsten stage (I think, plus you also need Neodymium). I have a four-Battery IV Buffer Box with 4 Lapotron Energy Orbs (which is the IV-tier Battery) at 100m EU apiece, and that Battery Box points directly to a IV->EV transformer and into a EV Buffer Box filled with 16 Lapotron Crystals (the EV tier battery) at 10m EU apiece... so you can see I've got a lot of power storage. I simply keep a watch on the Buffer Boxes and when they get to zero I know it's time to fire up the Diesel Engine, I do it all manually. To fill all these batteries with over 500m EU takes about 45 mins, and at my current usage, it takes about 4 hours for them to drain if my 2 Distillation Towers and Oil Cracker are running (which they usually are, all at HV-tier)... so you can see my Large Diesel Engine is only running about 20% of my total play time, and it's turned off the rest of the time. This helps my Nitro Diesel use (I'm making it faster than I'm using it), and it also helps greatly with pollution, altho I also installed IV Mufflers in my multiblocks to further dampen the pollution effects. Use as high a tier of Muffler as you possibly can since the link above shows us:

Muffler Hatch Pollution reduction:
LV (0%), MV (30%), HV (52%), EV (66%), IV (76%), LuV (84%), ZPM (89%), UV (92%), MAX (95%)
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Ahh interesting. Do you know what your conversion rate ended up being for Steam to EU?
Steam to EU specifically? No, not really, but you could probably reverse engineer it with some basic algebra. I was getting approximately 1EU for every 4RF. Or rather, 85% of that rate since I took some loss due to pneumaticcraft's overheating mechanic. I was extremely happy with that.

Does anyone know if LPG will work in the Large Diesel Generator? Also, I just started working on Tungsten and ... ouch.
LPG works in the Gas generators so probably not. That said, it might work in the Large Gas Generator.

Yeah, tungsten is pricey, between extracting the dust (an EV recipe iirc) and baking it.


Hello there!

It looks like I cannot make any Thaumcraft foci without reaching electricity first, right? Foci require lens, that can only be made with a Lathe, a Cutting Saw and a Compressor, or have I missed something?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And while I sat here typing my last post, IC2 weeds just ate two good plants of mine, more hard work down the drain. Oh the joys of mods that ruin things... sigh.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello there!

It looks like I cannot make any Thaumcraft foci without reaching electricity first, right? Foci require lens, that can only be made with a Lathe, a Cutting Saw and a Compressor, or have I missed something?

Yep! You can´t even make goggles of revealing without it. :D

And while I sat here typing my last post, IC2 weeds just ate two good plants of mine, more hard work down the drain. Oh the joys of mods that ruin things... sigh.

I feel you. After reading your post of the exploating base I decided to burry mine deep into the ground to avoid the rain.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Hello there!

It looks like I cannot make any Thaumcraft foci without reaching electricity first, right? Foci require lens, that can only be made with a Lathe, a Cutting Saw and a Compressor, or have I missed something?
Fair warning: A lot of TC stuff is pushed back farther in the tech chain so that you cannot get major advantages too early.

That said, some serious advantages still do offer themselves. In particular stuff like Steel generation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
God dang it) Cannot do bees, cannot do magic... Okay, gonna try crops to have a break from mining copper, tin and iron :D

I went through this feeling the last days on my own... If you want to spare your self a other breakdown... do not try crops....

Just take a deep breath and setup a macerator and a alloy smelter and a steam hammer with some hopper and some crazy ugly piping and craft this bronze and get into LV.
in LV then take a other deeeeep breath and craft all the basic machines.

From there on, so I hope things will get easier and I do not have to remember all those little crafting recipts for screws and bullets and rods and ahahhhhhahahaha!

BTW: Pro Tip for Thaumcraft. If you have your want on the toolbar and kill monsters, it will fillup step by step... Today I will have a look into cursed earth. maybe I can create a manual killing room. If it is not locked behind thungesten steel or what so ever.
*still love this pack*
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Just take a deep breath and setup a macerator and a alloy smelter and a steam hammer with some hopper and some crazy ugly piping and craft this bronze and get into LV.
I wanted to take a small break just before the last step, already got alloys)