[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, I get the idea of carrying around a capbank and doing it that way, but was looking for something more portable. For example for any of the EIO tools/swords, wireless crafting, etc. something not at my base pretty much. If there isn't anything in the pack, then I'll manage w/o, but figured I'd ask just the same.

OK :) Just did not understand the purpuse out of your first post thats why I did ask. Sorry I can´t help since I have no idea if there is any... Personally I did never run into this problem in any pack. Since tools have enough storage for the short trips I do out of the base.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Finally finished scanning Osmium in my LV scanner. Took a bit.

Congrats. I might never finish, yesterday I blew up my base again by placing an EV machine onto an IV Battery Box by mistake. Perhaps the server operator responds to my request for a copy of the world backup, I dunno yet... but even if not, I think what I might do is make an "ideal" base layout in creative mode, and then switch it over to survival and go from there. I just don't have the motivation to rebuild my base when I blow it up by some stupid accident. It's too painful to re-do stuff I already did, not to mention the loss of fluids in Bedrockium Drums that took hours and hours to accumulate... meh. I guess I need to run my own world so I can be in control of it.

But having played this pack a few times (never getting to end game), and least now I have a much better idea of how how I'd like my machines to be organized, so perhaps beginning anew in creative mode will be something different and fun... or perhaps it will be boring. I dunno yet. I'm still hurting from yesterday's mistake, it's like a double-whammy. Not only do I lose my base and all my hard work, I'm also left with a big empty hole inside me that needs to be filled, which is what to do with all the time I normally spend each day working on my InfiTech world... Hey, it's just a game, life goes on, but it's still a bummer. :)


Finally finished scanning Osmium in my LV scanner. Took a bit.

good good, now just need to keep replicating it .

2. How to restore the automation of coal-fired boilers item pipes? Lava boilers, and boilers Railcraft can accept the items through the pipes. Only the coal boilers can not. I think it's wrong, and for myself I would like the option back.

impossible as the mod (gt5u) changed it i believe. If it was a mine tweak idk.

1) is there a hand held rf power source to charge rf based devices? I don't see any and I don't recall what I used (if I used anything) last time I played.

what for? to power machines? to refill the rf related armors/weapons/tool? if the last, when you reach end tech of pneumaticraft, that would be easily fixed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
2. How to restore the automation of coal-fired boilers item pipes? Lava boilers, and boilers Railcraft can accept the items through the pipes. Only the coal boilers can not. I think it's wrong, and for myself I would like the option back.
Part of a GT5u change as mentioned, designed to help encourage moving on past steam age stuff by making them less useful at scale, the solar boilers were nerfed as well. They still work just fine at a small scale where there's less, but the extra micromanaging does limit them a bit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I got the world backup from the server I was playing on... yay. :) And thus, my first question is... what's the setting to turn off GT machine explosions and just have it so my mistakes only vaporize that one machine instead of my entire base? If I change this Gregtech.cfg line to false, is that the only one or are there others? "B:machines_explosion_damage=true"
I guess I might also turn off rain damage, hey its my world now, sorry if that disappoints. hehe
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I'm having a problem with the tricorder. The first time I click on a battery buffer, it gives me the correct total EU. Subsequent times the number doesn't change, even if I take batteries out entirely.

Anyone else having this issue? The pollution readout will update at the appropriate time, but the battery storage won't. I wouldn't worry too much about it except it also affects the ability to monitor battery buffers with information panels.

The internal buffer readout seems to update properly, just not the battery storage.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Anyone else having this issue? The pollution readout will update at the appropriate time, but the battery storage won't. I wouldn't worry too much about it except it also affects the ability to monitor battery buffers with information panels.
Battery buffers have an internal storage independent of the batteries. I'm guessing the tricorder looks at the internal storage rather than the batteries themselves.

Its worth mentioning that to use the Energy Detector Cover, you need to explicitly screwdriver it (a bunch of times, or shift-screwdriver 2x) to make it read the batteries properly.


Battery buffers have an internal storage independent of the batteries. I'm guessing the tricorder looks at the internal storage rather than the batteries themselves.

Its worth mentioning that to use the Energy Detector Cover, you need to explicitly screwdriver it (a bunch of times, or shift-screwdriver 2x) to make it read the batteries properly.

I edited my post with more information. The tricorder displays both. Energy detectors work as expected, it seems to be a bug with updating whatever information is fed to the tricorder/gregtech sensor kit.


Does anyone else has difficulties with the stargate? I set one up yesterday and I could not get into the GUI of the SG. Whenever I try right clicking any gate my inventory goes funny and nothing happens.

Also got issues with the assembly line. I am trying to make a LuV motor, but it does not turn on. I tried everything and double checked the reciepe... Also tried more power.. nothing.

What do you think is the best/most viable fully automatable fusion reaction? I was thinking about lithium and aluminium.. but alchemical constructs are quite laggy. Does anyone know how to reduce lag with alchemical constructs/ any other good reaction? -> Deut trit is not worth it, too little energy output...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No access to the game atm... but try to lay out a plan of how to go on with the world... How changed are bees in this pack? I saw there is gendustry here so it is compared to forestry only a good bit faster to breed the bee I want.
I assume that this is some how blocked by gregtech progression anyway... When Can I expect to start with them?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No access to the game atm... but try to lay out a plan of how to go on with the world... How changed are bees in this pack? I saw there is gendustry here so it is compared to forestry only a good bit faster to breed the bee I want.
I assume that this is some how blocked by gregtech progression anyway... When Can I expect to start with them?
Apiaries and most machines are LV naturally, but you can loot apiaries from villages or use bee houses prior to that. Going beyond that, there's a whole bunch of custom resource bees, and the few that overlapped with things such as magic bees had the magic bees variants disabled. Gendustry is MV and only takes EU I believe, although mutagen is much more expensive to produce here, requiring uranium and royal jelly, irradiated combs too for the most efficient recipe, outside of that it's not too much worse than normal, mainly just the changed machine recipes.

Realistically? Bees are something that you can start even pre steam tech, but it's pretty limited until you hit LV.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
well, but what is interesting about bees is the resources so meh... not going this way for the moment :) I will focus on the GT stuff then. I see you guys talking about pneumaticraft from time to time... will the quest bock introduce me to this or shall I go exploring it on my own when I feel like?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
well, but what is interesting about bees is the resources so meh... not going this way for the moment :) I will focus on the GT stuff then. I see you guys talking about pneumaticraft from time to time... will the quest bock introduce me to this or shall I go exploring it on my own when I feel like?

I think the idea with bees is that the combs they produce act as "amplifiers" for crushed GT ore. Instead of each crushed ore producing one ingot, for example, putting a crushed ore in a machine with a comb produces multiple dusts... so the comb multiplies the output of ores. That, to my understanding (never having done bees in this pack), is what bees are used for.

And as for pneumaticraft, I'm about halfway thru the quest book and I've seen nothing on that mod. That's another mod I haven't used yet, because it's not a mod I'm very familiar with... so I'd say just go ahead and start working with the mod anytime you want altho I don't know if there are any roadblocks to it (such as bees requiring LV and even MV power levels before you can do very much). I don't think that mod will be as modified as the way bees were modified, altho some recipes might involve items from other mods (what I call "recipe cross-linking") because that's common in this modpack.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think the idea with bees is that the combs they produce act as "amplifiers" for crushed GT ore. Instead of each crushed ore producing one ingot, for example, putting a crushed ore in a machine with a comb produces multiple dusts... so the comb multiplies the output of ores. That, to my understanding (never having done bees in this pack), is what bees are used for.
Oh right, I forgot that bit.

Yeah, the resource bees in this pack actually allow ore quadrupling (think it's 4x), on top of the doubling that a macerator offers. Specifically, combs + crushed ore = 4 purified ore + byproduct, the byproduct isn't always there, but when it is tends to (always?) be 144mB of molten metal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Maybe this is a silly answer, but I think it does not change from Vanilla.... at the end its "mB" which stands for "mili" wish means thausend. so 1000mB= 1B(Bucket)

Edit: As Pyure is smarter then me,... 1B=1L


so a gregtech pipe with 4800l/s is as good as any other pipe/conduit with 240mb/t