[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
but even tho 9 batterys can draw 18 ampere it shouldnt be possible without a bug since 1 turbine only generatre 1 ampere so 5 can be max 5 ampere
I agree with this. My only real thought is to change your layout a bit so that all your turbines are on the same main wire instead of having forks. I don't see how it should be problematic either way but it may be a workaround.

Also I have to ask: are you 100% protected from rain, including in adjacent blocks?


Since people seem to be online now, I'd appreciate some enlightenment on this matter please :)

I'm having trouble figuring out what you mean by "damaged" (which is the heart of the problem with AE), so without using metadata numbers or a screenshot I'm having issues figuring out what you're actually doing.

However, what you're probably experiencing is AE defines damage as 0% at fully repaired and 100% at fully broken. This is opposite of metadata (and heat), which counts up as you damage an item.

EDIT: If you want to test this for yourself, go into a creative world and get a 5/12 durability and a 2/12 durability wooden shovel. Filter on the 2/12 durability shovel and split damage at 75%. The 5/12 durability shovel doesn't match because it's not on the same side of 75% damaged as the 2/12, even though the metadatas are on the same side of 75% of their max value.

EDIT 2: tl;dr - heat counts up while AE counts down. If I've read your post correctly, once the coolant cells hit 75% AE goes "Well, this one thing is 99% damaged and one is 25% damaged and he's splitting at 25%, that matches". Change to split at 75% for better results.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yup. everything is underground

well i could try a different layout
I would go with basic troubleshooting.

Unplug everything and plug them one by one (slow & tedious i know.) But hopefully you'll end up figuring out the problem.

Edit: and by one by one, i mean start with the turbine outputting strickly to the Battery buffer that output nowhere. Also start off with one battery and add on the go.

Tbh, i'm with @Pyure on this one. I don't understand what could possibly go wrong aside that you might be connecting to an higher voltage unwillingly. Without a screenshot, it's hard to troubleshoot what's going wrong.


woah people you wrote so much in just a few hours.

well the only thing i could possibly think about the 12xtin cable melting is those are on a different chunk, them the battery keeping requesting and the turbines keep sending but dont arrive until the chunk load and when it does it just receive more than should and melt. Also there is no reason to do that with 12x cables, just attach all the turbines to the battery buffer .
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
woah people you wrote so much in just a few hours.

well the only thing i could possibly think about the 12xtin cable melting is those are on a different chunk, them the battery keeping requesting and the turbines keep sending but dont arrive until the chunk load and when it does it just receive more than should and melt. Also there is no reason to do that with 12x cables, just attach all the turbines to the battery buffer .
I like your chunks theory.

Regarding attaching turbines to the buffer: this is ideal for lossiness purposes, but if he wants to have 5 turbines, its a bit messy to attach them all to the single buffer, and impossible if he wants them all on the same "plane". He may also be allowing for a few more turbines down the road, at which point direct-connection is no longer possible at all (for all of them).

That said: I'd probably still try to attach at least *some* of them directly to the buffer just to reduce loss.


woah people you wrote so much in just a few hours.

well the only thing i could possibly think about the 12xtin cable melting is those are on a different chunk, them the battery keeping requesting and the turbines keep sending but dont arrive until the chunk load and when it does it just receive more than should and melt. Also there is no reason to do that with 12x cables, just attach all the turbines to the battery buffer .
that could be. the turbines are just at the border of the chunk.

Edit: I have redesigned my setup a bit and i noticed the cable at the input get destroyed when i put 8 batterys in but not when its only 6. Even tho turbines should only be able to send 1 amp per turbine it seems like its seending way more so 8 batterys pull in 16 ampere.
Or its just calculating wrong.
Turbines really only offer 1 ampere but 8 batterys try to pull 16 ampere but dont get it but the calculation still says the cable transmits 16 ampere which is too much and get destroyed.
Ive taken a few shots of the new setup but i dont think you will find a error.
2017-01-17_19.53.12.png 2017-01-17_19.53.19.png 2017-01-17_19.53.24.png
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Any info about what I need to research ti unlock golems? I rememver that there was a cheat sheet but I can only find dead links...

Sven "flamestrider"

Any info about what I need to research ti unlock golems? I rememver that there was a cheat sheet but I can only find dead links...
Cheatsheet wouldn't help too much since TC research is overhauled quite a bit in this pack.
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Edit: I have redesigned my setup a bit and i noticed the cable at the input get destroyed when i put 8 batterys in but not when its only 6. Even tho turbines should only be able to send 1 amp per turbine it seems like its seending way more so 8 batterys pull in 16 ampere.
Or its just calculating wrong.
Turbines really only offer 1 ampere but 8 batterys try to pull 16 ampere but dont get it but the calculation still says the cable transmits 16 ampere which is too much and get destroyed.
Ive taken a few shots of the new setup but i dont think you will find a error.

It seems to be like you theorize, somehow after placing 8 batteries it try to call 16 amp and burn the cable. So far i am using systems similar but never had this bug, maybe is something that only happens at 12x cables, and not much people do they. for now you could just place the battery buffer on he place of the nput cable , so it would receive power from sides instead of a single cable. You can make some test using a soft mallet to turn turbines off/on to see if that happens only with four or more turbines or just two or three already do. Also try using lower cables, try with 6x cable and see if still happens. I would change the way to send power using an inverted transformer to up the power tier and one normal to reduce where it needs. The choice is yours.


With the buffer between the 2 lines nothing happens anymore even if i put in 8 batterys.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm having trouble figuring out what you mean by "damaged" (which is the heart of the problem with AE), so without using metadata numbers or a screenshot I'm having issues figuring out what you're actually doing.

However, what you're probably experiencing is AE defines damage as 0% at fully repaired and 100% at fully broken. This is opposite of metadata (and heat), which counts up as you damage an item.

EDIT: If you want to test this for yourself, go into a creative world and get a 5/12 durability and a 2/12 durability wooden shovel. Filter on the 2/12 durability shovel and split damage at 75%. The 5/12 durability shovel doesn't match because it's not on the same side of 75% damaged as the 2/12, even though the metadatas are on the same side of 75% of their max value.

EDIT 2: tl;dr - heat counts up while AE counts down. If I've read your post correctly, once the coolant cells hit 75% AE goes "Well, this one thing is 99% damaged and one is 25% damaged and he's splitting at 25%, that matches". Change to split at 75% for better results.
Ah I see where I went wrong: percentage of damage not durability. Well thanks for your help, I can begin full-scale nuclear now.


1. Can I use Realistic Terrain Generation? I play in a singleplayer mode. Are there additional settings for this mod?

2. How to restore the automation of coal-fired boilers item pipes? Lava boilers, and boilers Railcraft can accept the items through the pipes. Only the coal boilers can not. I think it's wrong, and for myself I would like the option back.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
haven't played in a while (lol still reading the 100+ pages since I last did)

2 questions:
1) is there a hand held rf power source to charge rf based devices? I don't see any and I don't recall what I used (if I used anything) last time I played.

2) when I try to link up the wireless essentia terminal, I get a 'Error Communicating with network" message but same setup allows me to connect the ae2 wireless crafting terminal and the ae2 regular terminal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
haven't played in a while (lol still reading the 100+ pages since I last did)
1) is there a hand held rf power source to charge rf based devices? I don't see any and I don't recall what I used (if I used anything) last time I played.

Why do you need a hand held power source? Does the RF-Wireless Charger from EnderIO does not do the job? If you need a on the go storage I don´t know what other options there are but a capacitor bank from EnderIO does store the energy it has when breaking it. So charge this one pick it up and when you run low on your tools place it and put them into the charging slot.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Why do you need a hand held power source? Does the RF-Wireless Charger from EnderIO does not do the job? If you need a on the go storage I don´t know what other options there are but a capacitor bank from EnderIO does store the energy it has when breaking it. So charge this one pick it up and when you run low on your tools place it and put them into the charging slot.
Yeah, I get the idea of carrying around a capbank and doing it that way, but was looking for something more portable. For example for any of the EIO tools/swords, wireless crafting, etc. something not at my base pretty much. If there isn't anything in the pack, then I'll manage w/o, but figured I'd ask just the same.