[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys, a noob here. I was searching NEI for alternative resource gathering, and came across bees. I saw that iron combs couldn't be centrifuged for iron itself, and didn't quite understand the other recipe. What does this mean? I cannot directly get iron from bees? (Using iron as an example)


You have two choices in getting more iron with iron comb. You can combine it with a much smaller amount of uu matter then what is normally required to get it. Or combine the comb in a chemical reactor with crushed iron ore to get 4 purified iron ore back (so you get 8 purified iron total from one ore), which is an awesome way to go since sometimes you get an extra by-product on top of that such as chrome from ruby.

Edit: I see Pyure beat me to the punch :p


In essence,
Uranium rod uses 2 ingots of U-238 and 1/3 ingot of U-235 to produce 1/9 ingot of Pu-244.
MOX rod uses 6 ingots of U-238 to produce 1/9 ingot of Pu-244.

I know this dont work wth gt5 anymore, but as said later on the thread , the normal way to get u235 end up using a god amount of uranium, while doing mox dont need that and all u238 can be converted to Pu . On the past i used to have way more uranium than i could use bacause the 235 was difficult to get after Grag nerfed it, so making mox enabled me to actually use all uranium dust i had. Also mox only last half of the time, so quicker gain of plutonium.

Quick question and a comment, I just finished the tungstensteel quest and have opened up the HV machine quests. I noticed it asks me to make the Jackhammer but the jackhammer can be created once you get access to titanium. It doesn't require tungstensteel. Ok so my question is, what is the point of the Jackhammer? I know in it's description it says that it can instant break stone but how is that helpful? My MV drill could instant break pretty much anything.

That is basic it, a jack hammer almost creative break stone, some other harder materials are going down pretty fast, but it crushes the block not mine, so you dont get the block but the crushed version, one thing that was useful on gt5 vanilla and idk why Blood aspen changed it, was that jack hammers only worked on stone material, so you could not break ores with it, making perfect to prospect the red/black gt granite.


Bees no longer provide infinite resources forever. They're a resource multiplier. They give something like 4-5x the resources you'd normally get for a given resource.

You have two choices in getting more iron with iron comb. You can combine it with a much smaller amount of uu matter then what is normally required to get it. Or combine the comb in a chemical reactor with crushed iron ore to get 4 purified iron ore back (so you get 8 purified iron total from one ore), which is an awesome way to go since sometimes you get an extra by-product on top of that such as chrome from ruby.

Edit: I see Pyure beat me to the punch :p

Thanks for the answers! :)

What age will a chemical reactor be?


Sven "flamestrider"

Thanks for the answers! :)

What age will a chemical reactor be?

Depends on the needed voltage of the recipe, if the voltage needed is 32 or below the lowest tier chemical reactor you need is a LV one, meaning first electrical eras machine.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I transferred the world I'm playing from SMP server to SSP, and this messed up my technique for using the Advanced Miner II. When I was playing on a server, I could log off and the Miner would keep working with my Chunk Loader determining which chunks it would mine.

But obv with single player that method doesn't work. I have to stay "online" with the game running in order for my Miner to work. But if I stay to close to it, then it will mine its full 6x6 chunk area.

So my long-winded question... how far away do I have to travel from the Advanced Miner's location so the Chunk Loader will govern which chunks get loaded for it? I seem to recall that a player will load a 13-chunk radius, does that sound right? So need to travel 14 chunks from the Miner and AFK at that spot? Or more than that? Even at 14 chunks away, I might be chunk-loading one side of the Miner's 6x6 region?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I transferred the world I'm playing from SMP server to SSP, and this messed up my technique for using the Advanced Miner II. When I was playing on a server, I could log off and the Miner would keep working with my Chunk Loader determining which chunks it would mine.

But obv with single player that method doesn't work. I have to stay "online" with the game running in order for my Miner to work. But if I stay to close to it, then it will mine its full 6x6 chunk area.

So my long-winded question... how far away do I have to travel from the Advanced Miner's location so the Chunk Loader will govern which chunks get loaded for it? I seem to recall that a player will load a 13-chunk radius, does that sound right? So need to travel 14 chunks from the Miner and AFK at that spot? Or more than that? Even at 14 chunks away, I might be chunk-loading one side of the Miner's 6x6 region?
Not sure how far you gotta go, but afk in the nether sure does the thing I guess

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm pretty sure i read something about it but can't seem to find it. Do Large Gas Turbine explode if the rotor turbine break?

Edit: Reason i ask mostly is because i feel rather lazy to setup a fail-safe to remove it and unassemble it before it break considering i've made a Steeleaf Turbine rotor and i'm growing steeleaf (<3 crops)
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I finally did some fluid reactor, toghether with LHE and HP turbines i am now maikng at least three time the power i used to make before, ofc it is not effective as blood aspens did , but to a first time is pretty good , and i had to make some ev regulators to make it happen, and used @Navarin setup to automate the on/off , on his design i just moved the redstone stuff one block up and it ended pretty good, i just derped a little because he did not said which side is normal or inverted. Now the question, tackle diesel engine next or assembly line, since large gas turbine is pretty easy to understand ( and it is an EV tier power, it cames way after large steam, that was a discussion about regulators and flow).

Sven "flamestrider"

I'm pretty sure i read something about it but can't seem to find it. Do Large Gas Turbine explode if the rotor turbine break?

Edit: Reason i ask mostly is because i feel rather lazy to setup a fail-safe to remove it and unassemble it before it break considering i've made a Steeleaf Turbine rotor and i'm growing steeleaf (<3 crops)
They are supposed to, I have not been willing to make sure if it does explode or not when you have an empty turbine slot... easiest failsafe imo is to calculate the time the tubine lasts, place down a chunkloader, fill with fuel for less time than the turbine can maximum run... it's a bit manual but it's not ever going to fail you :) I believe if you want to you could even hook the loader up to a comparator that disables the big turbine for you automatically...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I finally did some fluid reactor, toghether with LHE and HP turbines i am now maikng at least three time the power i used to make before, ofc it is not effective as blood aspens did , but to a first time is pretty good , and i had to make some ev regulators to make it happen, and used @Navarin setup to automate the on/off , on his design i just moved the redstone stuff one block up and it ended pretty good, i just derped a little because he did not said which side is normal or inverted. Now the question, tackle diesel engine next or assembly line, since large gas turbine is pretty easy to understand ( and it is an EV tier power, it cames way after large steam, that was a discussion about regulators and flow).
I enjoyed the LHE and HP turbines quite a bit. I've skipped using oil for anything except for circuit products and abusing the quest system. I just finished my first assembly line, and honestly it was quite a big process. Mostly just IV robot arms. I upgraded at least 3 of my common used machines to EV just because autocrafting the buggers took forever, so it was definitely good motivation to do so. I think I have like 75% of the diesel engine made (including the 8 intake blocks), but have never gotten around to setting it up as it just is unnecessary for me. If I restarted though I'd definitely abuse the hell out of the diesel engine. Easiest way by far to get into IV era.

If powers not an issue, the assembly line is the next logical step.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are there any blocks that can use a tool on the block in front of them, such as using an axe on a tree? Excluding open computers.


I finally did some fluid reactor, toghether with LHE and HP turbines i am now maikng at least three time the power i used to make before, ofc it is not effective as blood aspens did , but to a first time is pretty good , and i had to make some ev regulators to make it happen, and used @Navarin setup to automate the on/off , on his design i just moved the redstone stuff one block up and it ended pretty good, i just derped a little because he did not said which side is normal or inverted. Now the question, tackle diesel engine next or assembly line, since large gas turbine is pretty easy to understand ( and it is an EV tier power, it cames way after large steam, that was a discussion about regulators and flow).

I enjoyed the LHE and HP turbines quite a bit. I've skipped using oil for anything except for circuit products and abusing the quest system. I just finished my first assembly line, and honestly it was quite a big process. Mostly just IV robot arms. I upgraded at least 3 of my common used machines to EV just because autocrafting the buggers took forever, so it was definitely good motivation to do so. I think I have like 75% of the diesel engine made (including the 8 intake blocks), but have never gotten around to setting it up as it just is unnecessary for me. If I restarted though I'd definitely abuse the hell out of the diesel engine. Easiest way by far to get into IV era.

If powers not an issue, the assembly line is the next logical step.

Whenever I read what you guys post I feel like I've been doing things slightly out of order. I just finished my diesel engine and I have made a total of 32 Tungstensteel and have no need for IV power. I'm still doing just fine on my HV. xD So far for power I've went Bronze Age -> Large Steel Boiler -> Big Reactor -> Diesel Engine. Here she is... Doing absolutely nothing. 2017-01-21_22.22.31.png


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whenever I read what you guys post I feel like I've been doing things slightly out of order. I just finished my diesel engine and I have made a total of 32 Tungstensteel and have no need for IV power. I'm still doing just fine on my HV. xD So far for power I've went Bronze Age -> Large Steel Boiler -> Big Reactor -> Diesel Engine. Here she is... Doing absolutely nothing. View attachment 31828
lol, i'd like to say i know how you feel exept i've been staying on HV volontarely while was occupied with crops. I'm almost done with them though (only Naquadah left to propagate) so i'm starting to work on my tech. If you don't know what to do with your Tungstensteel, i'd recommend Processing Arrays. Those are god send. :)


Depends on the needed voltage of the recipe, if the voltage needed is 32 or below the lowest tier chemical reactor you need is a LV one, meaning first electrical eras machine.
Alright, thanks! :)
Guess I need to speed through the Bronze Age then.



If powers not an issue, the assembly line is the next logical step.

Not so much as i do a lp i try to shown what is available on the current quest stage, out of the more advanced power gen LHE and diesel are somewhat trick to use. Assembly ine is somewhat on fussion age while the power gens are nuclear, but aside Luv components, assembly line dont do much.

Are there any blocks that can use a tool on the block in front of them, such as using an axe on a tree? Excluding open computers.

the closest to it i can think of is "use" golems.

i'd recommend Processing Arrays. Those are god send.

pity they cost a ton and comes so far on the tech tree, i highly wish that we could have a less grind version of gt5u so we could had more fun like in the past.

if ones have a huge amount of sparing material and power to spend, they can actually do, just difficult.