I'm having an issue with the 2x2 combined electric blast furnace, specifically at low voltage. The machines seem to 'fight' for energy from the shared energy hatches. Example: each blast furnace has 3 LV energy hatches - 2 that are its own, and 1 that is shared with a neighbor. It seems that one neighbor pulls energy from that shared energy hatch, and does fine. The other one is stuck with power coming into the other two hatches, which isn't quite enough. I'm positive that the energy availability is enough: the middle (shared) hatch has its own LV transformer, and there is 1 transformer and 1 wire for each of the two other hatches. Each set of 3 LV transformers is supplied by its own MV transformer, so they're getting full power. Adding extra transformers so that each hatch gets its own transformer solves the problem, but only if no maintenance is needed (because the EBF can function on 2 hatches). Once any part breaks, however, that's it.
Is there a way around this? Adding a 4th hatch raises the energy requirement of the process