[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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I hope you guys dont mind me stealing all the pictures you are posting in this thread for the Main Menu, keep them comming (I am grabbing all and will probably use all, but only if the are FHD (1920x1080), Windowed FHD (1920x1020-ish), HD (1280x720) or Windowed HD (1280x660-ish), otherwise it would look awefull :D
Wub wub wub... Modpack updated to v3.1.10 (needs to be selected from the dropdown version menu in the launcher)
Mod Updates:
- Bdlib ->
- BiblioCraft -> v1.11.2
- BuildCraft -> 7.0.25
- Chisel -> Switched to Chisel-Team v2.9.1.7
- Forestry ->
- GTTweaker -> 1.0.7
- IGW Mod -> 1.1.11-32
- IndustrialCraft 2 -> 2.2.777
- LogisticsPipes ->
- MalisisDoors -> 1.10
- Minetweaker -> Temporary usage of KittenEdition
- OpenBlocks -> 1.4.4-668
- OpenComputers ->
- OpenMods Lib -> 0.8-396
- PneumaticCraft -> 1.11.9-129
- XACT -> 0.5.4b

Removed Mods:
- ExtraCells (I no longer support addition of this mod)

- Fixed XACT Crafter not saving its inventory
- Fixed Framed Chest Crash
- Fixed IGW fails to look up pages
- Fixed Cropmatron not applying water to crops
- Performace improvements of LP on servers, causing server to slow down/halt
- Seismic Sensor (PC) now also works for other mods Oil spawns (like Buildcraft)
- Updated Scripts to reflect changes and fixes in Minetweaker and GTTweaker
- Boosted forestry hives slightly (by 50%). Should affect all hives from other mods as well (magic bees).
- Removed direct crafting of AE2 Cells (Storage, Spatial, View). The only way to craft them is by combining Universal Housing + Component.
- Added Stardust and EndPowder to Macerator
- Added some items to FT Adventurer Backpack.
- Removed and changed few trades in Amadron Tablet.
- Disabled NEI Integration with HEE as workaround for items disapearing from Crafting Table upon opening Compendium.
- Disabled decomposition of and into GT Tools.
- Re-added potions to NEI
- Fixed Forestry Worktable not working properly with GT Tools
- Fixes Chisel Packed Ice not being chiselable into
- Fixed server/client sync issue (you no longer need to start SSP first)

Known Issues:
- There is a sound lopp happening with Forestry Wortable and AE2 Patters if you have GT Tools that make sounds.
- XACT Crafter is losing its inventory
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Reactions: adamich and SolManX
I can't seem to make the Advanced Charging Battery from IC2. It has a recipe in NEI but nothing appears in a crafting table and as far as I can tell I have all the correct components. I made the Charging RE Battery without any problem, but need someone to check the Advanced version and see what the problem is please. Thx.
Tested it and works fine. There were some issues with IC2 reactor items. Does the Heat Exchanger has some Meta data (like 4359:1 or is it just plain 4359). If it doesnt place it on its own in the crafting table to convert it to the one with meta and try that again
Where do you find your numbers for 3 steam per 1 eu for LV and 4 per eu for MV? isnt the efficiency 2/(tier+2)? ( 2/3, 2/4, 2/5)

We should also have to consider machine losses

In essence when a machine outputs energy (think its battery buffers and generators and maybe transformers) they consume more energy than they actually output equal to 2^tier. So a tier 0 machine uses 9 eu but outputs 8. LV outputs 32 but uses 34, MV 132 and so on. I haven't tested it but then i assume the total fuel consumtion of a steam turbine should be (voltage+machine losses)/efficiency which for LV turbines should be (32+2)*3/2=51 mb/tick. Same way MV should consume 264 mb/tick and HV should consume 1300 mb/tick of steam.

Anyone know if this is the case?
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I'm completely out of ideas on how to get logistics pipes working. I just set up what I think is the simplest possible system, and it isn't working for me.

I have a chest with 108 spruce wood connected to a provider pipe, the provider connects to a basic pipe (connected to a power unit with 1M EU) and the basic pipe goes into a supplier pipe with a request for 3 spruce wood, in turn connected to a chest.


Nothing moves. What incredibly simple thing am I missing here? I tried setting the provider to both include and exclude, and having spruce wood in the providers grid for both include and exclude settings. If I right click on the provider with a hand, then it shows red sparks going down the pipe.
Where do you find your numbers for 3 steam per 1 eu for LV and 4 per eu for MV? isnt the efficiency 2/(tier+2)? ( 2/3, 2/4, 2/5)

We should also have to consider machine losses

In essence when a machine outputs energy (think its battery buffers and generators and maybe transformers) they consume more energy than they actually output equal to 2^tier. So a tier 0 machine uses 9 eu but outputs 8. LV outputs 32 but uses 34, MV 132 and so on. I haven't tested it but then i assume the total fuel consumtion of a steam turbine should be (voltage+machine losses)/efficiency which for LV turbines should be (32+2)*3/2=52 mb/tick. Same way MV should consume 264 mb/tick and HV should consume 1300 mb/tick of steam.

Anyone know if this is the case?

It takes 2 steam to generate 1 EU at 100% efficiency. This means that you need 3 steam per EU for the 66% efficiency LV turbine.

I can guarantee that 7 HP coal boilers provide a tiny excess of steam for one LV turbine to stay at full power, but 6 is not sufficient (even with perfect piping). The HP coal boilers produce 15 mb/t of steam, so the 7 are making 105 mb/t, while the generator is consuming 34*3 = 102 mb/t of steam.
Then my calculations only need to be multiplied by two and they should be correct. So LV consumes 102 mb/tick, MV 528mb/tick and HV 2600 mb/tick
Tested it and works fine. There were some issues with IC2 reactor items. Does the Heat Exchanger has some Meta data (like 4359:1 or is it just plain 4359). If it doesnt place it on its own in the crafting table to convert it to the one with meta and try that again

yes the recipe calls for the 4359 and when I crafted the item it is 4359:1. I'm playing on a server, am I able to convert the metadata myself?
Dammit, all the things I want to do can't be solved that easy like I think they would be.
I'd like to have a way to detect if a pipe/tank/machine has a full liquid inventory(or if it is filled for like 50%/70%). The fluid detector upgrade just shows if there is liquid, not if it is full.
I'd like to pump out the extra mercury from my redstone-processing-system, based on how full the basic fluid canners internal tank is. That way I could slowly get mercury and power the restone processing.
It seems that this needs something more complicated, than just a fluid detector cover. :(
Dammit, all the things I want to do can't be solved that easy like I think they would be.
I'd like to have a way to detect if a pipe/tank/machine has a full liquid inventory(or if it is filled for like 50%/70%). The fluid detector upgrade just shows if there is liquid, not if it is full.
I'd like to pump out the extra mercury from my redstone-processing-system, based on how full the basic fluid canners internal tank is. That way I could slowly get mercury and power the restone processing.
It seems that this needs something more complicated, than just a fluid detector cover. :(
No the Fluid Detector cover detects the liquid and emits redstone signal of appropriate strength. If there is no Liquid = it will not emit anything, if the tank is 50% it will emit redstone signal of power 7, if the tank is full - redstone signal of power 15. Of course it works only with vanilla redstone, because all modded redstone transmition just doesnt care about the strentgh.
Dammit, all the things I want to do can't be solved that easy like I think they would be.
I'd like to have a way to detect if a pipe/tank/machine has a full liquid inventory(or if it is filled for like 50%/70%). The fluid detector upgrade just shows if there is liquid, not if it is full.
I'd like to pump out the extra mercury from my redstone-processing-system, based on how full the basic fluid canners internal tank is. That way I could slowly get mercury and power the restone processing.
It seems that this needs something more complicated, than just a fluid detector cover. :(
Also possibly look at BC Gates for this as they can be installed in an extraction pipe attached to the machine/tank and be set to turn redstone on or off based upon empty/25%/50%/75%/full etc.
No the Fluid Detector cover detects the liquid and emits redstone signal of appropriate strength. If there is no Liquid = it will not emit anything, if the tank is 50% it will emit redstone signal of power 7, if the tank is full - redstone signal of power 15. Of course it works only with vanilla redstone, because all modded redstone transmition just doesnt care about the strentgh.

oh okay, then I should correct my problem
the shutter modul should be able to shut based on the redstone strength OR is that possible? :eek:
that would be awesome! because I just don't want to place redstone for space purposes and for redstone puposes and for vanilla purposes :D
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oh okay, then I should correct my problem
the shutter modul should be able to shut based on the redstone strength OR is that possible? :eek:
that would be awesome! because I just don't want to place redstone for space purposes and for redstone puposes and for vanilla purposes :D
No. That is not possible. It shuts on any signal strength (1-15) given. So you need to do the vanilla annyoing and ugly comparator thing. Or shout at @Blood Asp to implement the redstone buttons thingies (
and use that with the comparator combo

or maybe you could program a OpenComputers robot to emit signal of X strength into the comparator.
Ok, I just got my basic logistics network to function at all. I had to use a logistics power junction, instead of an EU power provider. With the power junction the system "just works". With the EU power provider in exactly the same spot the pipes appeared to connect, and the power provider ate lots of EU, but nothing happened. No items moving at all.

What is the point of the "EU power provider", and how does it actually provide power? Is using a junction the wrong thing to do for some reason?
Is there a GT cover that I can use to prevent two adjacent electrical cables from connecting? Or any other "zero-thickness" divider I can place in between them?