[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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I know there exists a Energy detector cover, which outputs a singal from 0-15 depending how full it is. Unfortunatly I need a clear 1 or 0 signal. If one side is 100/75%/50% powered the other side should get energy.
You said you only want 1/0 if its full correct?

You need to run the signal through a comparator. Put a signal of 15 in one side, and the energy detector signal in the other. If its in the correct mode, it will only output a signal from the output end if the detector emits >= 15.
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Love the early game in this pack, automate nothing, do it all yourself. Nice sense of accomplishment when you finally place that basic steam turbine.

Took me 3-4 hours of exploring at the start of the world but I found a place where I could see tin, copper, silver, sand, and clay from one place. Mineshaft down to 10 finding iron on my way to those first macerator diamonds and I was ready to go.


Sand to the left, tin and copper in hills to right, silver/lead right behind the coke ovens, clay and pipe waterproofing in the water wrapping around the outpost, iron and redstone/cinnabar very close to mineshaft across the river. Everything you need to start plus an OK biome for railcraft watertanks, this place is perfect. Is even a village not too far away.


Think playing with early steam is one of the most entertaining bits. Started out with gravity-fed clay pipes, upgraded to gold pipes, wooden/emerald extraction pipes and redstone engines, upgraded again to some ender i/o conduit since I didn't have an easy way to really power emerald extraction pipes. The basic conduit can keep up with the basic steam turbine where I couldn't with 2 redstone engines on each emerald pipe. Think I would have had to make some basic steam engine/sterling engines to drive those emerald pipes.

Do a little thaumcraft now and then when GT resources are processing, mainly so I could get some Boots of the Traveler. Doing the golem research in case I want them for farms but might do Forestry instead, prefer tech to magic when I have a choice. Couple hurdles on the way to BoTs, first was silverwood for the alembics as in a couple days of exploring/playing I hadn't found a magic biome/silverwood tree. Did a bit more exploring, found that, realized I didn't have any cinnabar for the essentia tubes. Went back to my mines, did some vertical shafts where convenient until I hit a redstone/ruby/cinnabar vein. GT5 ore system seems like a giant headache but once you know it I think it is better because once you've found a resource you're usually set for a good long time.

Got my wiremill and bending machine, work on canner, batteries and buffer today, try to add 2 more bronze blast furnaces. Start thinking about automation options.
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Just letting you know - extra utilities is severely outdated. No idea why you missed updating it - but in case you have just forgotten about it - newer versions are avaliable for a long time.

On a perhaps related note, I have noticed a similar sound bug when playing this pack. I'm still on 3.1.7, but for some crafting recipes that use lots of GT tools (eg maintenance hatch), when I encode them in an AE2 pattern and then have that pattern in an interface, if I mouse over the pattern I get tons of screwdriver/hammer/tool/whatever noises.
So I'm in LV era but made some MV machine and got my EBF running nonstop. It appear from examing NEI that if I make one HV machine - Autoclave - then I can make the Advanced NanoChestPlate? Does that sound right? What am I missing? Am I really right around the corner from having some decent armor and being able to fly around the world? After doing everything by hand up until this point, I'm finding this slightly hard to believe. :) I've already made all the Carbon Plate, and the only thing I really can't make are those IC2 Energy Crystals, hence the HV Autoclave... was this the point where you guys were able to make the Nano Armor? I know I'll need 4 MV turbines plus a GT transformer to run the Autoclave, but that's no problem. Go for it? Even if it takes a full RC tank of steam to make one Energy Crystal, I don't care how slow it goes as long as it's do-able.
On a perhaps related note, I have noticed a similar sound bug when playing this pack. I'm still on 3.1.7, but for some crafting recipes that use lots of GT tools (eg maintenance hatch), when I encode them in an AE2 pattern and then have that pattern in an interface, if I mouse over the pattern I get tons of screwdriver/hammer/tool/whatever noises.
I can attest to that.
I can't seem to make the Advanced Charging Battery from IC2. It has a recipe in NEI but nothing appears in a crafting table and as far as I can tell I have all the correct components. I made the Charging RE Battery without any problem, but need someone to check the Advanced version and see what the problem is please. Thx.
Ok there we go, my Mk2 Fusion.
I'm using Deuterium+Beryllium reaction, since I already had Deuterium setup from Mk1.


The reactor room. Nothing changed except it's now a Mk2 reactor :)


Beryllium room. Consists of lever-controlled EiO powered spawners. Enderman fall on conveyor belts and get killed by Looting III Sharpness V diamond spikes. Drops get sucked in by the vacuum chest and xp is collected by a vacuum hopper and stored in EiO Experience Obelisk.
On the left you can see a simple ender pearl processing line - 2 macerators, 2 electrolyzers and 1 fluid extractor.


Turbine room. I have now 3 plasma turbines using Large Iridium rotors. It's not enough to utilize all my plasma, but enough for my current needs. Also I'm storing plasma to power the Americium reaction :).
Right hand side turbine feeds the reactor, middle one is pretty much the same as before - feeds my IV machines (which have grown quite a bit) and MFSUs. The left hand side turbine feeds my replication setup:


A small bonus, not part of the reactor, but made with fusion in mind - The Replicatonator 3000, as I like to call it. 2 Processing Arrays with 16 HV recyclers each feeding scrap to 1 EV Amplifabricator, from which the amplifier is spread between 4 EV Mass Fabricators. 4 EV Replicators produce Lutetium (as you can see in the barrel there's already some of it).

I didn't show the deuterium room because it's pretty much the same except I removed redundant Arrays.
When Lutetium is done, I can start working on sustained Mk3 reaction :)
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Maybe you confuse normal copper cables with annealed ones...

No, I made the Advanced RE-Batteries just fine. Those are the items which requires the annealed copper. The recipe is just 4 Adv. RE-Batt plus 4 Heat Exchangers, with the lower-tier Charging RE Battery in the middle.

There's something wrong with the recipe itself, or else the recipe has been turned off due to the Advanced Battery Pack being considered overpowered or something (which would be ridic, I hope it's just an error).
By the way, I host a small server on PC with my friend on latest version, anybody wants to join?
I'm on MV era right now.
Kinda looking for a company that won't bitch around "WHY I CANT CRAFT A QUARRY? A QUARRY ISNT USELESS HERE IF U SEE IT AS USLESS URE DDOWN! WHERE TP PIPES! WHY 2 PLANKS?????" and stuff.
If anybody interested, PM me.
By the way, I host a small server on PC with my friend on latest version, anybody wants to join?
I'm on MV era right now.
Kinda looking for a company that won't bitch around "WHY I CANT CRAFT A QUARRY? A QUARRY ISNT USELESS HERE IF U SEE IT AS USLESS URE DDOWN! WHERE TP PIPES! WHY 2 PLANKS?????" and stuff.
If anybody interested, PM me.

Hmm, I have wanted the same thing... and would take you up on that offer... but I run a slightly modified pack... Specifically, I add the following:
  • dynamic lighting - held torches now emit light
  • wawla - additional mod support and expanded capabilities of waila
  • ATG - this terrain generator is awesome and much more realistic
  • gregslighting - adds a spotlight. alternative to the arcane lamp.
  • mekanism - don't freak out! everything is disabled via mod/mine tweaker accept the fluid pipes and the configurator. The base pipe requires enderium, so it is properly tiered. These pipes are among the highest flowing pipes available in modded minecraft.
Trying to figure out my steam situation. The problem is, I dislike coal/charcoal and love using lava because it is plentiful - infinite - and because it gives me a reason to spend time in the nether which is a place I don't otherwise visit very often.

According to the math, 17 GT HP Lava Boilers are required to keep a single MV Steam Turbine going "full steam"... and I expect to run 5 MV Turbines - 4 of em to bump the EBF up to HV and the other one to run all my other MV machines. This means I'll need 85 HP Lava Boilers to keep up, which is 850 steel ingots to make, almost a ridiculous number even tho I do have over 600 steel ingots saved up right now. If I went this route, there's little doubt people would call me nuts.

So it seems clear I need to re-evaluate my plan. The GT Large Steel Boiler probably only costs 200 steel ingots to make, but I'm struggling to figure out how much steam it will put out and how much fuel it uses up. The Survival Guide has numbers for it, but I need to double-check them with you.

1. Does it really use up one charcoal per second? That seems like a rate that no tree/coke farm could ever keep up with, or any coal mining operation.
2. Does it really put out 24,000 L/s? That will run 2 MV Turbines plus 2 LV Turbines according to my math, sound right?

If that's correct, I'll need 2 Large Steel Boilers to run my 5 MV Turbines, does that sound right? So now I need to double the charcoal production... how much charcoal would 2 Large Boilers consume, running at full steam around the clock?
Hmm, I have wanted the same thing... and would take you up on that offer... but I run a slightly modified pack... Specifically, I add the following:
  • dynamic lighting - held torches now emit light
  • wawla - additional mod support and expanded capabilities of waila
  • ATG - this terrain generator is awesome and much more realistic
  • gregslighting - adds a spotlight. alternative to the arcane lamp.
  • mekanism - don't freak out! everything is disabled via mod/mine tweaker accept the fluid pipes and the configurator. The base pipe requires enderium, so it is properly tiered. These pipes are among the highest flowing pipes available in modded minecraft.

Actually, server is using the default generator and its kinda a nessesity to edit a server file to change worldgen)
Mekanism is what I like, but its kinda imbalanced when used together with GT

I think the default modpack is a way to go, because all these small things aren't really a gamechanger, but it takes alot of effort and time to modify both client and server and to actually share installers and stuff..
I don't mind client-side mods though.
So, pm me if you re interested
By the way, can I..er..somehow get advertised on the first page? At least in spoiler like "THIS GUY IS ACTUALLY LOOKING FOR SOMEBODY TO PLAY WITH ON HIS SERVER" or something?
Trying to figure out my steam situation. The problem is, I dislike coal/charcoal and love using lava because it is plentiful - infinite - and because it gives me a reason to spend time in the nether which is a place I don't otherwise visit very often.

According to the math, 17 GT HP Lava Boilers are required to keep a single MV Steam Turbine going "full steam"... and I expect to run 5 MV Turbines - 4 of em to bump the EBF up to HV and the other one to run all my other MV machines. This means I'll need 85 HP Lava Boilers to keep up, which is 850 steel ingots to make, almost a ridiculous number even tho I do have over 600 steel ingots saved up right now. If I went this route, there's little doubt people would call me nuts.

So it seems clear I need to re-evaluate my plan. The GT Large Steel Boiler probably only costs 200 steel ingots to make, but I'm struggling to figure out how much steam it will put out and how much fuel it uses up. The Survival Guide has numbers for it, but I need to double-check them with you.

1. Does it really use up one charcoal per second? That seems like a rate that no tree/coke farm could ever keep up with, or any coal mining operation.
2. Does it really put out 24,000 L/s? That will run 2 MV Turbines plus 2 LV Turbines according to my math, sound right?

If that's correct, I'll need 2 Large Steel Boilers to run my 5 MV Turbines, does that sound right? So now I need to double the charcoal production... how much charcoal would 2 Large Boilers consume, running at full steam around the clock?

that is wrong you dont't need 85 Lava boilers, you need:
17 lava boiler to power 5 LV steam turbines which provide power into 3 LV energy hatches --> EBF powered forever
that is wrong you dont't need 85 Lava boilers, you need:
17 lava boiler to power 5 LV steam turbines which provide power into 3 LV energy hatches --> EBF powered forever

[EDIT: These numbers are slightly incorrect as you read in subsequent posts. Due to machine losses, the actual steam usage for an LV Turbine is 102 L/t instead of 96 and MV is 528 instead of 512.]

You only need 16 Lava Boilers to power 5 LV Turbines. See math below. But there are EBF recipes that requires 500 EU/t or so. So it eventually needs HV-level power, perhaps not right away but that's eventually where you need to be.

HP Lava Boiler = 30 L/t steam = 600 L/sec
LV Steam Turbine = 3 L steam per EU = 3*32 = 96 L/t = 1920 L/sec
MV Steam Turbine = 4 L steam per EU = 4*128 = 512 L/t = 10,240 L/sec

1920*5/600 = 16 Lava Boilers to run 5 LV Turbines
10240/600 = 17 Lava Boilers to run one MV Turbine so 17*5 = 85 HP Lava Boilers to run 5 MV Steam Turbines (4 for the HV EBF and 1 for all my other machines)

Might as well finish off the math. Let's use the most-efficient Steam Turbines, the LV's:

We need 512 EU/t for the EBF and 128 EU/t for the other machines = 640 EU/t
640/32 = 20 LV Steam Turbines
20*1920 = 38,400 L/sec steam required (as opposed to 51,200 L/sec for 5 MV Steam Turbines, approx. a 20% savings)
38,400/600 = 64 HP Lava Boilers

So it's 85 HP Lava Boilers to run 5 MV's, but only 64 of em to run 20 LV's. The only additional cost is 5 LV->MV GT Transformers plus one MV->HV Transformer.
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Actually, server is using the default generator and its kinda a nessesity to edit a server file to change worldgen)
Mekanism is what I like, but its kinda imbalanced when used together with GT

I think the default modpack is a way to go, because all these small things aren't really a gamechanger, but it takes alot of effort and time to modify both client and server and to actually share installers and stuff..
I don't mind client-side mods though.
So, pm me if you re interested

That is why i brought it up and phrased like... I would take you up, but...

Agreed that mekanism is imbalanced in this sort of pack... hence all my edits to it.

I have run private servers for quite awhile myself. It is a pain to distribute this stuff. I use dropbox.
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