[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Yeah I agree 100% all around on this.

The only thing I'd add is, ideally the chunkloader has a configuration option so that the loaders stop working if the player becomes inactive for X days. Otherwise as players come and go from the server, some chunks might stay persisted infinitely.

As a server admin I'd want to make it so that the chunks stay loaded for, say, 2 days. And every time the player logs on, that timer resets.
That's fine, but on the public server we have issues where someone's base will get loaded by someone just walking too close, and then due to a combination of massive base scale, a few mod bugs, and some conduit methods that just can't be optimized any further in a large network the game will slow to a crawl as soon as that chunk gets unloaded. Well, it gets partially unloaded more accurately, I guess. Sure, it'd be nice to fix the bugs and encourage players to use better and more optimized methods to transmit items. But it seems to me that this could also be solved by just adding chunk loading without time/resource limits. Just limit the chunks per player and call it good. If someone quits the game then a server admin should be able to intervene and remove the chunk loading.
Fir trees are sort of broken.

So looking at NEI it appears you are talking about the ExtrabiomesXL fir tree? I'll throw my 2 cents in on that mod... when I picked my base location, I had no idea it was surrounded by a lot of ExtrabiomesXL strawberry bushes... but once I found out that you can right click them and eat them to stay full, I haven't had to worry about food since that point. It is trivial to keep a stack of strawberries in my inventory and keep the hunger bar at 100%.

I've played packs with Hunger Overhaul mod enabled, and it is really not fun at all - I was just complaining about not being able to multi-task during early game, but you want to talk "time-consuming"? Let's add a major requirement to build and maintain a big farm on top of GT. LOL Yeah, that's a nightmare. But I just wish there was a better balance for food - not a mod like Hunger Overhaul which makes you focus on food and farming above all else... but also not a few little strawberry bushes being able to fulfill me forever. As it stands, Pam's Harvestcraft is gonna get zero interest from me since food is a non-factor. As much as I love a big farm and making foods, there are much more pressing needs from a time perspective in this modpack. I suppose I'm happy that I don't have to worry about hunger, but it also confuses me a bit since everything else in the pack is designed to be a bit tougher than the average player is used to.
That's fine, but on the public server we have issues where someone's base will get loaded by someone just walking too close, and then due to a combination of massive base scale, a few mod bugs, and some conduit methods that just can't be optimized any further in a large network the game will slow to a crawl as soon as that chunk gets unloaded. Well, it gets partially unloaded more accurately, I guess. Sure, it'd be nice to fix the bugs and encourage players to use better and more optimized methods to transmit items. But it seems to me that this could also be solved by just adding chunk loading without time/resource limits. Just limit the chunks per player and call it good. If someone quits the game then a server admin should be able to intervene and remove the chunk loading.
That's mostly what I'm saying.

The only difference between my scenario and yours is that the chunkloading might eventually expire. And if someone's stuff stops running after someone's inactive for 2 days, screw em. That's not a big deal.

My experience on servers (which is a bit limited) is that its hard for admins to track whose bases are where. On the main infitech server, the admin had no idea where my base was or how to get there. And it would be a pain to try to track who is permanently inactive and which chunkloaders need to be deactivated, and where they are, etc. It just makes more sense to have an expiry on them.

The downside is that for any "sensitive" infrastructure, boilers/reactors/etc, players would need to ensure they keep stuff within one chunk so that loading/unloading can happen safely.
Thanks - steel armor it shall be then. I think it's a vanilla complaint (i.e. a limitation in the vanilla mechanics/code), but I never really understood why armor doesn't show any sort of "protection value" when mousing over them. Tools have this feature, so why not armor too? Pretty much makes it a total guessing game when browsing thru the various armor sets in NEI - we have no idea which are the best armors, which is why I have to come here and ask for people's advice.

You could also electrolyze dark ashes(byproduct from burning steel) into Carbon dust --> wiremill --> compress that and build a nanosuite. That is a little bit more expensive, but you can add a jetpack to the nanochestplate.
But I just wish there was a better balance for food - not a mod like Hunger Overhaul which makes you focus on food and farming above all else... but also not a few little strawberry bushes being able to fulfill me forever.
Any time Jason considers adding hunger/survival elements to Infitech2, I throw a tantrum and talk him out of it. Like, a really epic tantrum. So blame me :)

I love survival games too. I was addicted to crash landing. But this isn't a survival game, its a tech game, and trying to shoehorn all your favorite genres into a pack that doesn't accommodate them makes for a worse pack. I'm half-tempted to just completely turn hunger off in this pack.
Any time Jason considers adding hunger/survival elements to Infitech2, I throw a tantrum and talk him out of it. Like, a really epic tantrum. So blame me :)

I love survival games too. I was addicted to crash landing. But this isn't a survival game, its a tech game, and trying to shoehorn all your favorite genres into a pack that doesn't accommodate them makes for a worse pack. I'm half-tempted to just completely turn hunger off in this pack.

A great thing would be to add seasons. The little grasshopper will starve in the winter ^^
You could also electrolyze dark ashes(byproduct from burning steel) into Carbon dust --> wiremill --> compress that and build a nanosuite. That is a little bit more expensive, but you can add a jetpack to the nanochestplate.

wow, i'll def look into that tip, thanks. Got plenty of dark ash from my steel-making, that's for sure. If I recall, I'll need the dark ash later for something like making higher-tier metal ingots in the blast furnace. But if I'm anywhere close to a jetpack at my current LV stage, then I will surely jump for joy... but somehow I doubt it will be that easy. :)
A great thing would be to add seasons. The little grasshopper will starve in the winter ^^

hehe well, not really - there's a village approximately 13 chunks to the east of my base... lo and behold, when I travel there to collect potatoes and wheat and carrots (back when I thought I would actually need real food to survive), I discover that the entire village is chunk-loaded. I was pretty amazed to find all the crops always being mature when I arrive... but then I recalled that in SSP, all the chunks in your view range are chunk loaded... and I've got my view range cranked up to the max... which explained (I think) why this village 13 chunks away always has a ton of fully grown foodstuffs. The only thing that could ever impact my food/hunger situation is a mod like Hunger Overhaul where you are unable to eat the same things over and over again. And I certainly agree with Pyure on this one - such a mod would not add to the modpack but would take away from its focus.
Made an LV Assembling Machine... some recipes require molten metals... looks like we use the GT Fluid Extractor for that? Problem is, the recipes fpr Fluid Extractor (such as molten lead) say the machine uses 34 EU/t at one amp... well LV is only 32 EU/t, so doesn't that mean I need an MV Fluid Extractor to make my LV Assembler work? I do have my machines hooked up to a 4-battery box and I'm using 4x Tin cable, so I can provide 4 amps of current but only 32 volts (EU/t). Don't think that helps any, but perhaps it will.
Made an LV Assembling Machine... some recipes require molten metals... looks like we use the GT Fluid Extractor for that? Problem is, the recipes fpr Fluid Extractor (such as molten lead) say the machine uses 34 EU/t at one amp... well LV is only 32 EU/t, so doesn't that mean I need an MV Fluid Extractor to make my LV Assembler work?
Can you provide an example?

There's always going to be bridging from one tier to another, so, yes its possible that some MV molten metals can be used in an LV assembly recipe.
Can you provide an example?

There's always going to be bridging from one tier to another, so, yes its possible that some MV molten metals can be used in an LV assembly recipe.

Sure, look up "Electronic Circuit" in NEI, page over to the Assembler recipe, recognize that the recipe requires molten lead, then click on the molten lead and you will see the recipe is shown as the GT Fluid Extractor. On page 2 of 65 is the recipe to turn one lead ingot into molten lead, and it requires 34 EU/t. Does that mean I need an MV Fluid Extractor, or is there a way to provide that extra 2 EU/t somehow via LV, such as using a GT Transformer?
Sure, look up "Electronic Circuit" in NEI, page over to the Assembler recipe, recognize that the recipe requires molten lead, then click on the molten lead and you will see the recipe is shown as the GT Fluid Extractor. On page 2 of 65 is the recipe to turn one lead ingot into molten lead, and it requires 34 EU/t.
Out of curiosity, can you also check the alternative metals in that recipe? There's always lead, tin, and an alloy. I forget the name of the alloy, but its 9 tin + 1 antimony if memory serves. Do they all require 34? (Quite probably)

Little-known pro-tip: the most efficient recipe uses that alloy. You use less of it per circuit.
Sure, look up "Electronic Circuit" in NEI, page over to the Assembler recipe, recognize that the recipe requires molten lead, then click on the molten lead and you will see the recipe is shown as the GT Fluid Extractor. On page 2 of 65 is the recipe to turn one lead ingot into molten lead, and it requires 34 EU/t. Does that mean I need an MV Fluid Extractor, or is there a way to provide that extra 2 EU/t somehow via LV, such as using a GT Transformer?
On the public Infitech2 server (3.1.7 currently) both Lead and Soldering Alloy (the one you should use for the reason Pyure stated) are both 16 EU/t. What version of InfiTech2 are you running?
On the public Infitech2 server (3.1.7 currently) both Lead and Soldering Alloy (the one you should use for the reason Pyure stated) are both 16 EU/t. What version of InfiTech2 are you running?

I'm not sure, it's whatever the launcher uses as the Recommended version.

I see lead is 34 EU/t but tin is only 31 EU/t. So using lead is MV and using tin or soldering alloy is LV.

I highly disagree that using soldering alloy is what we should use. Sure, it might be more efficient than plain old tin, but the requirement for Antimony is a deal-breaker. That stuff is incredibly hard for me to find, I had to use my "CoFH clearblocks" cheat in order to find one small vein of Tetrahedrite/Antimony so I could progress to the battery-making stage. No way I'm wasting any antimony on anything other that its primary use (so far as I've seen), battery alloy.
I highly disagree that using soldering alloy is what we should use. Sure, it might be more efficient than plain old tin, but the requirement for Antimony is a deal-breaker. That stuff is incredibly hard for me to find, I had to use my "CoFH clearblocks" cheat in order to find one small vein of Tetrahedrite/Antimony so I could progress to the battery-making stage. No way I'm wasting any antimony on anything other that its primary use (so far as I've seen), battery alloy.
Highly disagree away. The problem with your argument is that you're going to have to find a vein of this stuff eventually no matter what because its required in batteries. And once you find a vein you're essentially set for life because you only need small amounts of antimony in battery/soldering alloys.

At the end of the day its a pretty easy vein to find due to its high elevation and dark coloring. So since you have to find it anyway and it stretches forever, and its easier to find than both lead and tin, it makes more sense to use it.
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Well my first week went incredibly well. But I've hit the wall after making my first 12 LV machines. I feel like I'm stuck in an infinite loop, doing the same things over and over - mining for my iron, copper, tin basic materials, farming trees for my charcoal and keeping my coke ovens and steam boilers going... taking up all my time. I know I should be going right into MV steam turbine and then making MV machines, but it seems like such a chore after making all my LV stuff and still not having any help (such as AE2 autocrafting) to help me make my MV stuff. I guess it's the GT blues setting in, the realization as to exactly how long its gonna take before I get to the good stuff like quarries and dimensional transceivers and AE2. Heck, I still don't even feel like I'm close to making EnderIO conduits anytime soon, and those are about as basic as it comes when we're talking modded minecraft. Just the gold requirement alone for the Energetic Alloy is a deal-breaker. I have absolutely zero gold except for a few small gold ores I've found, and there's no gold in sight anywhere in the near future. Maybe I'd better look into Thaumcraft and figure out this transmutation stuff.

I got incredibly lucky that my nether portal plopped itself down right in a nether Fortress... but after exploring the entire thing for an hour, it appears my good luck was balanced by the bad... there wasn't a single netherwart plant to be found anywhere so I still can't make potions... sigh and LOL
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Well my first week went incredibly well. But I've hit the wall after making my first 12 LV machines. I feel like I'm stuck in an infinite loop, doing the same things over and over - mining for my iron, copper, tin basic materials, farming trees for my charcoal and keeping my coke ovens and steam boilers going... taking up all my time. I know I should be going right into MV steam turbine and then making MV machines, but it seems like such a chore after making all my LV stuff and still not having any help (such as AE2 autocrafting) to help me make my MV stuff. I guess it's the GT blues setting in, the realization as to exactly how long its gonna take before I get to the good stuff like quarries and dimensional transceivers and AE2. Heck, I still don't even feel like I'm close to making EnderIO conduits anytime soon, and those are about as basic as it comes when we're talking modded minecraft.
Good job. If you decide to stick with it, try not to stress over long term goals.

Quarries are essentially non-critical in this pack: In fact its the only pack ever where I've never created a generic quarry. AE2, even when you get to it, its a real grind too resource-wise, and costs a lot to run power-wise. In terms of progression its definitely where it needs to be, otherwise it would deprecate too many other logistical items from the pack.

Ditto EnderIO conduits: they're so massively powerful and convenient that if they came too early in the pack, nobody would ever use anything else.

Of course it may just be time to take a break from IT2: its a total slog and its pretty normal for peeps to get crushed by it :)
I understand progression - without it, I usually lose interest in playing any game - however it just seems like if all the helpful stuff is "end-game" because its "too powerful for early-game", then we're gonna go thru the vast majority of our time in the game without these things that would really help us to free up our time. If it's all "end-game", then the only time it will be useful is at the end, when we've already done all the hard work where this stuff would have helped us out bigtime.

So I guess your attitude Pyure is the proper one - basically, just forget that stuff even exists and just "slog it out" like a GT boss. :)
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