[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Finally, with gold being so rare... does anyone recommend constructing a nether portal zombie pigman farm as a solution? Or is it just much better to utilize this Thaumcraft process of transmuting metals instead?
If you have mercury, processing chalcopyrite (or magnetite) can get you an awful lot of gold.
That said, your zombie pigman thing works well too. For bonus points, do it in a fortress to get wither skeleton drops.
Great tip. Wow, this chalcopyrite sure is amazing! Of course, it's our major early-game source of copper... but once you achieve LV Thermal Centrifuge then you can get Cobalt out of Chalco Ore which is the best early-game tool material it would appear... and now you tell me that Chalco Ore can also provide us with Gold too? I know from past play-thrus that mercury isn't too tough to get if you have a redstone/cinnabar ore deposit handy.
Great tip. Wow, this chalcopyrite sure is amazing! Of course, it's our major early-game source of copper... but once you achieve LV Thermal Centrifuge then you can get Cobalt out of Chalco Ore which is the best early-game tool material it would appear... and now you tell me that Chalco Ore can also provide us with Gold too? I know from past play-thrus that mercury isn't too tough to get if you have a redstone/cinnabar ore deposit handy.
Yeah, each crushed chalco produces 70% gold dust. And then afterwards, each purified chalco has a chance to produce a "small" gold dust + nugget in the electromagnetic separator.

The mercury really is the hardest part of the whole thing, but once you have a couple of drums of it, you're "golden".
So... there are no AE2 meteors for finding the 4 different presses? Instead, they are constructed in a Laser Engraver requiring 120v? So there's no AE2 stuff available in early game, forcing us to live out of wooden chests? Yuck. Not sure I agree with that one, but it is probably Greg's decision and not the modpack's... i really despise having to live out of chests, it reminds me too much of vanilla minecraft. LOL
You can do logisticspipe once you have the steam turbine.

Finally, with gold being so rare... does anyone recommend constructing a nether portal zombie pigman farm as a solution? Or is it just much better to utilize this Thaumcraft process of transmuting metals instead?
Its not rare once you have a good amount of mercury.
Chemical Bath:
Crushed Magnetite Ore + Mercury = 70% chance for 1 gold dust
Finally made it to the nether, and its a mixed bag. On the plus side, my portal is located smack dab in the middle of a large Nether Fortress - quite lucky indeed! On the other hand, I walked around for a little while and didn't see a single block of nether quartz anywhere. That's discouraging since quartz is usually found in abundance. I have a feeling quartz quantities have been lowered in this pack?

Oh, and since it's now clearly time to wear some armor... what do you recommend? Is the steel armor from Railcraft worth the 24 steel plates to make it, or is there something better for early game?
Finally made it to the nether, and its a mixed bag. On the plus side, my portal is located smack dab in the middle of a large Nether Fortress - quite lucky indeed! On the other hand, I walked around for a little while and didn't see a single block of nether quartz anywhere. That's discouraging since quartz is usually found in abundance. I have a feeling quartz quantities have been lowered in this pack?

Oh, and since it's now clearly time to wear some armor... what do you recommend? Is the steel armor from Railcraft worth the 24 steel plates to make it, or is there something better for early game?
Nether Quartz like all other materials spawn in big veins ^^ so keep looking they arent that hard to find.
Nether Quartz like all other materials spawn in big veins ^^ so keep looking they arent that hard to find.

Oops, yeah I guess I forgot about that. :) thanks.

Just had my first odd thing happen... after returning from the nether (not sure it's related or not), trying to use my "Spruce Wood Planks 5:1" to make a chest and they won't craft anything. I even tried to make a simple vanilla crafting table in my 4-slot crafting table (by pressing "E") but nothing happens. If I drop an iron ingot into the crafting table, I do indeed get 9 nuggets... but with these wood planks nothing is working. Strange. Will try a full reboot, just rebooting FTB didn't help. As far as I know the planks are completely normal.
Finally made it to the nether, and its a mixed bag. On the plus side, my portal is located smack dab in the middle of a large Nether Fortress - quite lucky indeed! On the other hand, I walked around for a little while and didn't see a single block of nether quartz anywhere. That's discouraging since quartz is usually found in abundance. I have a feeling quartz quantities have been lowered in this pack?

Oh, and since it's now clearly time to wear some armor... what do you recommend? Is the steel armor from Railcraft worth the 24 steel plates to make it, or is there something better for early game?
I dont wear any armor since I am MLG :D j/k I am using RC Steel armor, or Thaumcraft Robes for early game.

@Blood Asp: Are you going to implement the modular armor from GTExtras in GT5.09? :)
Oops, yeah I guess I forgot about that. :) thanks.

Just had my first odd thing happen... after returning from the nether (not sure it's related or not), trying to use my "Spruce Wood Planks 5:1" to make a chest and they won't craft anything. I even tried to make a simple vanilla crafting table in my 4-slot crafting table (by pressing "E") but nothing happens. If I drop an iron ingot into the crafting table, I do indeed get 9 nuggets... but with these wood planks nothing is working. Strange. Will try a full reboot, just rebooting FTB didn't help. As far as I know the planks are completely normal.
That is indeed wierd. Have you tried to click on the empty output to see if you will get the item?
That is indeed wierd. Have you tried to click on the empty output to see if you will get the item?

Yes I did try that. I rebooted my computer and the problem is resolved. Not sure if my wood planks somehow acquired some odd metadata that prevented use in a vanilla crafting table (or in my "E" inventory crafting screen) but that would be my guess. Whatever happened, it was temporary because those wood planks in my inventory are now craft-able again.
I dont wear any armor since I am MLG :D j/k I am using RC Steel armor, or Thaumcraft Robes for early game.

Thanks - steel armor it shall be then. I think it's a vanilla complaint (i.e. a limitation in the vanilla mechanics/code), but I never really understood why armor doesn't show any sort of "protection value" when mousing over them. Tools have this feature, so why not armor too? Pretty much makes it a total guessing game when browsing thru the various armor sets in NEI - we have no idea which are the best armors, which is why I have to come here and ask for people's advice.
Yeah that's harsh. Keep at it though :)
Oh! I finally found a redstone vein this weekend. I ended up finding a vein of it 200m from my base. In the opposite direction I had been sampling, of course. Now I'm swimming in it. For a while.

I think its safe to say this about chunkloaders:
1) There is a chance that current ones will be removed
2) GTEU Powered Chunkloader? Its comming. When? not soon, thats for sure :D (@Blood Asp) :)

It's difficult for me to understand the general aversion to chunk loading. Maybe it's just my desire to advance quickly, but honestly a lot of stuff in this mod pack is grindy because of GT. And I fully understand that one of the driving forces behind GT is to build the next tier of machine to make stuff happen faster so you don't have to wait as long. However, the next tier of GT machine doesn't help with things like tree and plant farms, mob grinders, quarrying. And really it's just silly that all of my machines, golems, automated alchemy, farms, and whatnot would just grind to a halt because I got 16 blocks too far away from them.

As it stands right now I feel like in order to progress through the game I need to sit and idle sometimes to get the resources I need to progress. And that's not much of a good game mechanic either.

Great tip. Wow, this chalcopyrite sure is amazing! Of course, it's our major early-game source of copper... but once you achieve LV Thermal Centrifuge then you can get Cobalt out of Chalco Ore which is the best early-game tool material it would appear... and now you tell me that Chalco Ore can also provide us with Gold too? I know from past play-thrus that mercury isn't too tough to get if you have a redstone/cinnabar ore deposit handy.

It used to be even more amazing. When IHL Tools was in the modpack you could create an exceptionally complex chain of GT machines and extract iridium and other rare things from it.
It's difficult for me to understand the general aversion to chunk loading. Maybe it's just my desire to advance quickly, but honestly a lot of stuff in this mod pack is grindy because of GT. And I fully understand that one of the driving forces behind GT is to build the next tier of machine to make stuff happen faster so you don't have to wait as long. However, the next tier of GT machine doesn't help with things like tree and plant farms, mob grinders, quarrying. And really it's just silly that all of my machines, golems, automated alchemy, farms, and whatnot would just grind to a halt because I got 16 blocks too far away from them.

As someone else pointed out earlier, the main problem is servers: chunks get unloaded for necessary performance reasons, and if everyone's persisting a bunch of chunks, everyone suffers.

The problem is that requiring fuel, in the "eu" or "enderpearl" or "charcoal" or whatever sense, doesn't really address the actual problem. Its definitely less simple to cause performance problems, but not hard by any actual stretch.

Another issue is that, once people get the idea of fueling chunkloaders, they start to to forget that we only have unloaded chunks for performance reasons. Loading chunks should never be a gameplay design issue. It makes no sense because we're only unloading them out of necessity.

The ideal solution is actually really simple: if you run a server, then use an addon or mod or rule that says, players may chunkload X chunks for free...period. That's it. If your server can maintain 3000 chunks without difficulty, then you ensure that your regular playerbase multiplied by chunks-allowed equals 3000, and the players can decide how and where to do that chunkloading.
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It's difficult for me to understand the general aversion to chunk loading. Maybe it's just my desire to advance quickly, but honestly a lot of stuff in this mod pack is grindy because of GT. And I fully understand that one of the driving forces behind GT is to build the next tier of machine to make stuff happen faster so you don't have to wait as long. However, the next tier of GT machine doesn't help with things like tree and plant farms, mob grinders, quarrying. And really it's just silly that all of my machines, golems, automated alchemy, farms, and whatnot would just grind to a halt because I got 16 blocks too far away from them.

As it stands right now I feel like in order to progress through the game I need to sit and idle sometimes to get the resources I need to progress. And that's not much of a good game mechanic either.

I suppose the aversion to chunk loading comes directly from server operators who must gasp in horror when they find how many chunks the players have loaded around the clock. SSP might be a bit lonely compared to playing on a server, but at least nobody is gonna tell me I need to reduce my number of loaded chunks.

I'm loving this pack but yeah, all automation takes a back seat to climbing up thru the GT machine tiers ASAP. By the time automation is available to us, we probably won't need it as much. I find I need automation during early game for "simple" things like a tree farm - otherwise, I'm spending all my time manually cutting down trees and making charcoal to run my steam boilers... and that slows me down from what I really need to be spending my time on. Likewise for a quarry - it's a huge boost when you no longer have to spend most of your time mining materials by hand but can spend that time doing other things. Basically, there's little opportunity to "multi-task" in early game since we have to spend all our time doing the manual, repetitive tasks over and over, day after day.
I'm loving this pack but yeah, all automation takes a back seat to climbing up thru the GT machine tiers ASAP. By the time automation is available to us, we probably won't need it as much. I find I need automation during early game for "simple" things like a tree farm - otherwise, I'm spending all my time manually cutting down trees and making charcoal to run my steam boilers... and that slows me down from what I really need to be spending my time on.
What's funny about treecutting is we can actually leverage the 2x2 fir trees that are monstrously tall and have no branches, along with GT tree-capitation. I never even bothered with a treefarm at all. Every few days I'd go out and chop down 3 trees and they'd keep me in wood for a good while.
As someone else pointed out earlier, the main problem is servers: chunks get unloaded for necessary performance reasons, and if everyone's persisting a bunch of chunks, everyone suffers.

The problem is that requiring fuel, in the "eu" or "enderpearl" or "charcoal" or whatever sense, doesn't really address the actual problem. Its definitely less simple to cause performance problems, but not hard by any actual stretch.

Another issue is that, once people get the idea of fueling chunkloaders, they start to to forget that we only have unloaded chunks for performance reasons. Loading chunks should never be a gameplay design issue. It makes no sense because we're only unloading them out of necessity.

The ideal solution is actually really simple: if you run a server, then use an addon or mod or rule that says, players may chunkload X chunks for free...period. That's it. If your server can maintain 3000 chunks without difficulty, then you ensure that your regular playerbase multiplied by chunks-allowed equals 3000, and the players can decide how and where to do that chunkloading.
The last time I played an InfiTech2 server (2.x) prior to this bout we had 1 form of chunk loader and it was the Dimensional Anchor. You could make as many Dimensional Anchors as you wanted and they didn't require fuel. However, the total sum of the chunks you could load was 100, so you had to choose your patterns in the Dimensional Anchors appropriately to get the best usage out of your 100 loaded chunks. I'm guessing that the server admin was able to modify the number of chunks able to be loaded by that particular anchor in the config.

This seems like a perfectly reasonable solution to me. If chunk loaders require EU then I'll just set up a Magical Energy Absorber with an appropriately sized energized node and get it for "free" that way, I guess. Or I can build another tree farm, and provide power that way. Or I could just build some massive fusion reactor eventually and have plenty of leftover EUs to power a chunk loader that way. Honestly, making it require resources is just silly and it only hurts the people that need the chunk loader the most: the people sitting there waiting for their stupid Bronze Blast Furnace to spit out its first steel ingot.
The last time I played an InfiTech2 server (2.x) prior to this bout we had 1 form of chunk loader and it was the Dimensional Anchor. You could make as many Dimensional Anchors as you wanted and they didn't require fuel. However, the total sum of the chunks you could load was 100, so you had to choose your patterns in the Dimensional Anchors appropriately to get the best usage out of your 100 loaded chunks. I'm guessing that the server admin was able to modify the number of chunks able to be loaded by that particular anchor in the config.

This seems like a perfectly reasonable solution to me. If chunk loaders require EU then I'll just set up a Magical Energy Absorber with an appropriately sized energized node and get it for "free" that way, I guess. Or I can build another tree farm, and provide power that way. Or I could just build some massive fusion reactor eventually and have plenty of leftover EUs to power a chunk loader that way. Honestly, making it require resources is just silly and it only hurts the people that need the chunk loader the most: the people sitting there waiting for their stupid Bronze Blast Furnace to spit out its first steel ingot.
Yeah I agree 100% all around on this.

The only thing I'd add is, ideally the chunkloader has a configuration option so that the loaders stop working if the player becomes inactive for X days. Otherwise as players come and go from the server, some chunks might stay persisted infinitely.

As a server admin I'd want to make it so that the chunks stay loaded for, say, 2 days. And every time the player logs on, that timer resets.
What's funny about treecutting is we can actually leverage the 2x2 fir trees that are monstrously tall and have no branches, along with GT tree-capitation. I never even bothered with a treefarm at all. Every few days I'd go out and chop down 3 trees and they'd keep me in wood for a good while.

I have 4 coke ovens running non-stop, which means I need 4 stacks of wood to feed into them every hour or so... I think I have a 4x7 plot of spruces (yes, the oak branches were slowing me down too much so I switched species) and those 28 trees pretty much gives me 4 stacks every hour as long as I tend to them on a regular schedule. I had to underline that to emphasize it. About every 15 minutes of real time, I have to drop what I'm doing, probably craft another axe because they always break, and go cut down trees again.

So perhaps my biggest problem is my reliance on charcoal to run my 4 little steam boilers. I just got to the nether an hour ago, so I guess it's time to make those lava steam boilers now and stop relying on trees/charcoal which is far too labor-intensive.

Oh, I just saw you said "2x2 fir trees"... hmmm, either that's a Forestry species or else I need to get out and explore some more. :)
What's funny about treecutting is we can actually leverage the 2x2 fir trees that are monstrously tall and have no branches, along with GT tree-capitation. I never even bothered with a treefarm at all. Every few days I'd go out and chop down 3 trees and they'd keep me in wood for a good while.
I've got 1 thaumium golem with chop and have 6 2x2 dirt pads where fir sapplings get planted. The fir trees grow faster and get chopped down quicker than 2 flesh golems with earth core upgrades can gather all the wood. With 30 coke ovens and growing; automated alchemy using wood pulp, crafting tables, trapdoors, wooden shovels, wooden hoes, and more; and my regular wood usage for everything else I am still accumulating wood faster than I'll ever be able to use it. I've already upgraded my fir log JABBA to Tier 5 as a result. Fir trees are sort of broken.
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