i did it it still not working and also same errorknown and old issue with FTB Launcher. Try to fresh redownload the launcher (of course you need to delete whole FTB folder, so make sure you have made a backup just in case)
i did it it still not working and also same errorknown and old issue with FTB Launcher. Try to fresh redownload the launcher (of course you need to delete whole FTB folder, so make sure you have made a backup just in case)
Yay I got it to work finally... I just had to fully uninstall the launcher like 6 toesi did it it still not working and also same error
Glad you sloved it.Yay I got it to work finally... I just had to fully uninstall the launcher like 6 toes
Looks like corrupted jar file. Its bit hard to say which one, but this error has been seen also on vanilla. So maybe its just core minecraft jar file, but can be any of the mod files as well (run CRC check on the jar files maybe)I know this isnt the thread for other packs and i havnt posted in a while, but my friend is having an issue with his own modpack and since you guys are experienced i thought id see if you wouldnt mind running over his crash report and telling me if my hunch is correct.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.SecurityException: SHA-256 digest error for bex.class
at sun.security.util.ManifestEntryVerifier.verify(ManifestEntryVerifier.java:218)
at java.util.jar.JarVerifier.processEntry(JarVerifier.java:241)
at java.util.jar.JarVerifier.update(JarVerifier.java:228)
at java.util.jar.JarVerifier$VerifierStream.read(JarVerifier.java:482)
at sun.misc.Resource.getBytes(Resource.java:124)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:450)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(URLClassLoader.java:73)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:367)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:361)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:360)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:308)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:760)
at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:142)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:455)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(URLClassLoader.java:73)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:367)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:361)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:360)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:308)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:760)
at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:142)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:455)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(URLClassLoader.java:73)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:367)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:361)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:360)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:308)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357)
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:72)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release
I *think* its java, but it could also be his computer or a bad mod file - he lives in Ireland - so any tech that isnt 4 years old is at a premium... also, sorry thats come out in a garbled mess ... friggin facebook chat.
Anyone got a good sugestion for how to get filling materials for batteries (lithium, Sodium and a third i don't remember) in early electric age? Is my best bet finding a vein with rock salt and electrolyzing that for sodium or is there some easier way to get around it?
I always found that Cadmium is harder to obtain than lithium, so much so that the former just isnt bloody well worth looking for when compared to Lithium.With only LV the best method should be to go for Sodium. You just have to find Salt and electrolyze it. You can get Lithium from centrifuging lepidolite ... if you already have found lepidolite(usually the problem). Cadmiun should be the best way to centrifuge sphalerite.
With MV you just have to eletrolyze Clay Dust, so fucking easy to get Lithium with MV.
We don't have MineFactoryReloaded which means no Laser Drill but we have other stuff like UUMatter or simply an Ender Quarry with a really big area.Any way to create ores besides bees and crops?
There was a mod in Beyond Reality that let me send a laser beam down to bedrock to mine ores out of the worlds core (created them out of the void).
I'm not very knowledgeable regarding bees and crops seems like a pain in the butt.
I read back thru the thread to see opinions and suggestions but still difficult to determine which of the steam boiler methods is best for early game? I've been using 4 of the little Bronze Age GT boilers but they're obv slow and I'd rather not make more of them but would rather step up to the next level. I do have 3 BBF's making steel for me, but I think I still need an intermediate step before I can construct a GT steel boiler... so would you recommend - the GT Bronze boiler or should I make a serious effort to find some abyssal stone so I can make some Railcraft boilers? Or perhaps some other method I forgot about or don't know about?
Second question, I'm doing my tree farming by hand, feeding 4 coke ovens for making charcoal, but I'm spending a lot of my playing time keeping up with the wood supply and thus I realize I've gotta automate my farm and charcoal somehow. A Steve's Carts farm doesn't seem do-able yet since I've only got a few basic GT LV machines running so far, but the nice thing is, the cart can power itself via the wood/charcoal. But I think I'd prefer a Forestry farm since I know exactly how to set them up quickly - but that means I need to get going on an RF-based power source, and I've been too focused on my GT stuff to spend time on that end of things. Any other suggestions for early-game tree farming/charcoal making?
Final question, I've got the steel for making my pickaxes and other tools out of it, but with all the mining and tree farming I'm doing, I'm still using up my steel for tools too quickly, and it bothers me to be "wasting" valuable steel which takes so long to make on tools. I've always preferred to use a "sacrificial" material for my tools, such as sticking with stone pickaxes even tho they're slower. They're also as cheap as cobble to make! But in this modpack, you just can't use stone pickaxes, they break so quickly it would be highly inefficient to keep making tons of them. So... looking for suggestion for tool material that (a) isn't all that valuable, (b) isn't all that rare, and (c) a material I can make using my basic LV machines. I did just find some Cobaltite, but not a lot of it. I know Cobalt was suggested and I saw in a chart that Cobalt, while having similar properties to steel, is actually a Level 3 pickaxe material (steel is Level 2) - so I guess that means a Cobalt pickaxe can mine some of the materials that steel cannot, such as the Garnierite Ore that surrounds the Cobaltite vein? Cobalt seems too rare to waste on tools, but perhaps there aren't many other uses for it other than tools?
1) Steam Boiler for early game: Lava Boiler is the most efficient boiler for early game. RC Boilers are great, but it takes some time to heat them up and you really do not want to let them cool down. GT Large Boiler is great for quick steam injection when you need it.I read back thru the thread to see opinions and suggestions but still difficult to determine which of the steam boiler methods is best for early game? I've been using 4 of the little Bronze Age GT boilers but they're obv slow and I'd rather not make more of them but would rather step up to the next level. I do have 3 BBF's making steel for me, but I think I still need an intermediate step before I can construct a GT steel boiler... so would you recommend - the GT Bronze boiler or should I make a serious effort to find some abyssal stone so I can make some Railcraft boilers? Or perhaps some other method I forgot about or don't know about?
Second question, I'm doing my tree farming by hand, feeding 4 coke ovens for making charcoal, but I'm spending a lot of my playing time keeping up with the wood supply and thus I realize I've gotta automate my farm and charcoal somehow. A Steve's Carts farm doesn't seem do-able yet since I've only got a few basic GT LV machines running so far, but the nice thing is, the cart can power itself via the wood/charcoal. But I think I'd prefer a Forestry farm since I know exactly how to set them up quickly - but that means I need to get going on an RF-based power source, and I've been too focused on my GT stuff to spend time on that end of things. Any other suggestions for early-game tree farming/charcoal making?
Final question, I've got the steel for making my pickaxes and other tools out of it, but with all the mining and tree farming I'm doing, I'm still using up my steel for tools too quickly, and it bothers me to be "wasting" valuable steel which takes so long to make on tools. I've always preferred to use a "sacrificial" material for my tools, such as sticking with stone pickaxes even tho they're slower. They're also as cheap as cobble to make! But in this modpack, you just can't use stone pickaxes, they break so quickly it would be highly inefficient to keep making tons of them. So... looking for suggestion for tool material that (a) isn't all that valuable, (b) isn't all that rare, and (c) a material I can make using my basic LV machines. I did just find some Cobaltite, but not a lot of it. I know Cobalt was suggested and I saw in a chart that Cobalt, while having similar properties to steel, is actually a Level 3 pickaxe material (steel is Level 2) - so I guess that means a Cobalt pickaxe can mine some of the materials that steel cannot, such as the Garnierite Ore that surrounds the Cobaltite vein? Cobalt seems too rare to waste on tools, but perhaps there aren't many other uses for it other than tools?
1)I read back thru the thread to see opinions and suggestions but still difficult to determine which of the steam boiler methods is best for early game? I've been using 4 of the little Bronze Age GT boilers but they're obv slow and I'd rather not make more of them but would rather step up to the next level. I do have 3 BBF's making steel for me, but I think I still need an intermediate step before I can construct a GT steel boiler... so would you recommend - the GT Bronze boiler or should I make a serious effort to find some abyssal stone so I can make some Railcraft boilers? Or perhaps some other method I forgot about or don't know about?
Second question, I'm doing my tree farming by hand, feeding 4 coke ovens for making charcoal, but I'm spending a lot of my playing time keeping up with the wood supply and thus I realize I've gotta automate my farm and charcoal somehow. A Steve's Carts farm doesn't seem do-able yet since I've only got a few basic GT LV machines running so far, but the nice thing is, the cart can power itself via the wood/charcoal. But I think I'd prefer a Forestry farm since I know exactly how to set them up quickly - but that means I need to get going on an RF-based power source, and I've been too focused on my GT stuff to spend time on that end of things. Any other suggestions for early-game tree farming/charcoal making?
Final question, I've got the steel for making my pickaxes and other tools out of it, but with all the mining and tree farming I'm doing, I'm still using up my steel for tools too quickly, and it bothers me to be "wasting" valuable steel which takes so long to make on tools. I've always preferred to use a "sacrificial" material for my tools, such as sticking with stone pickaxes even tho they're slower. They're also as cheap as cobble to make! But in this modpack, you just can't use stone pickaxes, they break so quickly it would be highly inefficient to keep making tons of them. So... looking for suggestion for tool material that (a) isn't all that valuable, (b) isn't all that rare, and (c) a material I can make using my basic LV machines. I did just find some Cobaltite, but not a lot of it. I know Cobalt was suggested and I saw in a chart that Cobalt, while having similar properties to steel, is actually a Level 3 pickaxe material (steel is Level 2) - so I guess that means a Cobalt pickaxe can mine some of the materials that steel cannot, such as the Garnierite Ore that surrounds the Cobaltite vein? Cobalt seems too rare to waste on tools, but perhaps there aren't many other uses for it other than tools?
Time issues....2)
We don't even have Steve's Cart but I don't really now why ..... hm @Jason McRay why don't we have Steve's Cart (with changed recipes)?
Yea about Steve's Factory Manager I wanted that too but it doesn't have any energy costs and so it was considered "too overpowered".Aha, my bad for not looking for Steve's Carts. I think it was because I read there are other Steve's mods in the pack? Such as Steve's Factory Manager? Perhaps I'd better go look.Ah bummer, no Factory Manager. Oh well. But there is Steve's Workshop, I've used that before, it can come in handy for the powered auto-crafting table stuff.
Thanks for all the tips. I really didn't know Golems can cut down trees. I tend to avoid the magic mods but I think in this pack I'll slog thru the TC early game yet again because since we're missing some things normally found in all the other modpacks (MFR, Thermal Exp), the TC stuff will probably come in real handy.
Oh and I just also want to say... really enjoy my little Endermini friends I seem to have acquired. They like to flood my base, 5 or 6 of em sometimes, and they wander around making their funny noises while I work. They even use my front door, the pressure plates are only on the insides but they walk right up onto them and right out the door like they own the place. LOL It's pretty funny actually. And they've never bothered me except one time I got greedy, one of the Enderminis hopped onto my GT steam pipe and damaged itself pretty good... well, can't let an opportunity like that pass by!! So I killed him with my sword to get an enderpearl... and his buddies swarmed me and killed me in my own house. LOL Other than that one incident tho, they're pretty harmless and pretty darn cute. haha
Yea about Steve's Factory Manager I wanted that too but it doesn't have any energy costs and so it was considered "too overpowered".
Make plunger and right click the machine. It will remove 1000L per clickMaking my first GT batteries, electrolyzing salt into sodium - how can i get the chlorine out of the machine? Trying to use a buildcraft wooden fluid extraction pipe connected to the side of the electrolyzer and a stirling engine pointed at the wooden pipe, into a drum. But nothing happens even if i click on the machine's button for Fluid Auto-Output. I also tried placing a GT bronze fluid pipe between the machine and the drum, but nothing happens there either. Probably need that pump cover thing? It would appear my major task at this point is to get to the nether and collect some quartz to make EnderIO conduits. I always run into these kinda roadblocks except when I'm using EnderIO. I try to adapt, but for some things like this there's just no substitute whatsoever.
Make plunger and right click the machine. It will remove 1000L per click