[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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I just found out that pneumaticcraft actually supports "relative coordinates" on drones since Feb 2015. That basically removes one of the most annoying parts of using drones for excavations.

Gotta try using them again soon :)
Those are some nice veins indeed :)

Can you make a mining laser yet? When I'm looking for a very specific vein in the midgame, I don't bother core sampling anymore. At that point its more sensible to pick the correct elevation for my ore, and blaze a path in a given direction until I find it.

If using a mining laser, Advanced Lappack is also your friend.

I'll check, but I think I need more LV machines before I can even build a mining laser or diamond drill even. I have gone out and blasted in a straight line with unbreaking3 eff4 picks for a few thousand blocks at y25 with no luck on the redstone also. Time to try a different direction I guess :) I'm sure I'll find some sooner or later, just a matter of time. Plenty of other things to do between mining expeditions anyhow with Thaumcraft.
few THOUSAND? You might wanna fact-check that one to be sure. Few thousand is an absurd amount to not find any redstone.

I *think* you need MV to do the mining laser, and possibly HV.
Yep that's pretty cheaty :p

Well... its basically just a time-saver, that's all. Since I don't consider the days-weeks-months-long search for ore veins to be the "fun part" of a GT modpack, I tend to short-circuit the process a bit.

What happens is, I begin a new pack play-thru, but it takes so darn long to get into mid-game that I (literally, no pun intended) run out of steam by the time I get there. So I never get to experience mid-to-late game, but I play thru the early game over and over and over again.

So it's just kinda nice to be able to fast-forward thru a bit of the early game by taking some shortcut advantages of the tools available. I still do everything manually - for instance I just made a little slime farm because I cheated to find a slime chunk... however I didn't just use creative mode to give myself slimeballs, I still did the work to make a farm for them. It's cheating, yes, of course, but only to a certain point. We all must determine where that point is, for ourselves. It's our world, we can do what we want. :)

I always use Tin Ore as my example - if I didn't use CoFH clearblocks to find some tin deposits, I can almost guarantee it would have taken me at least a full week (of real time, real days) before I ever sniffed some tin in my world. I would have spent a full week doing nothing but exploring for the required tin. When I finally found where the tin is hiding, there's no way I ever would have just stumbled across some of it. And that would have left me very frustrated at my lack of progress in the pack.
Because of loss inside the machines. To output 32EU, the bat buffer actually looses 34EU, so this allone brings you up to 128EU/t usage. The Steam Turbines also have internal loss but for that they produce actually 34EU/t. Then the last loss point is charging/decharging the batteries itself.

I find that even if you are able to produce enough EU/t for the EBF, it seems to choose the way of drawing energy so that it is most likely to fail... It looks like the EBF tries to draw as much energy as possible into each of its hatches in turn, rather than an even draw from all of them. This means that while you can power an EBF with 4 LV battery buffers each containing 1x 100kEU LV battery, if you add a second battery to each buffer in order to do twice as many operations before running out of energy, what will actually happen is that two of the buffers will draw 2A of EU, while the others draw 0A of EU. Then when the buffers drawing 2A run out of EU their hatches will run out of EU and smelting operation will fail. Really frustrating until I figured out the reason the EBF was dying despite having lots of available energy, or doing strange uneven power draws.

If you were using four LV battery buffers, each with 4 batteries and a turbine attached to them, then you could find that two of the buffers were outputting 2A, while the other two were idle (or subblying a couple of EU every now and then). This would mean that the two doing all the work would have a net drain of 1A and die while the others were idling. Try running your setup for a single smelting operation without the generators on and see what the energy drain on all your batteries is.
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Well... its basically just a time-saver, that's all. Since I don't consider the days-weeks-months-long search for ore veins to be the "fun part" of a GT modpack, I tend to short-circuit the process a bit.

What happens is, I begin a new pack play-thru, but it takes so darn long to get into mid-game that I (literally, no pun intended) run out of steam by the time I get there. So I never get to experience mid-to-late game, but I play thru the early game over and over and over again.

So it's just kinda nice to be able to fast-forward thru a bit of the early game by taking some shortcut advantages of the tools available. I still do everything manually - for instance I just made a little slime farm because I cheated to find a slime chunk... however I didn't just use creative mode to give myself slimeballs, I still did the work to make a farm for them. It's cheating, yes, of course, but only to a certain point. We all must determine where that point is, for ourselves. It's our world, we can do what we want. :)

I always use Tin Ore as my example - if I didn't use CoFH clearblocks to find some tin deposits, I can almost guarantee it would have taken me at least a full week (of real time, real days) before I ever sniffed some tin in my world. I would have spent a full week doing nothing but exploring for the required tin. When I finally found where the tin is hiding, there's no way I ever would have just stumbled across some of it. And that would have left me very frustrated at my lack of progress in the pack.
Fair enough, although big notwithstanding the exaggerated amounts of time. Where you say "weeks", I'll typically transform that in my brain to "hours". Still, point stands.

Why is Jason so angry at me, more importantly why are clones of him showing up in my world! (Guessing it's new feature of 3.1.8)
So I've probably asked this question more than once before, but every time I play GT it confuses me all over again... how do I get steam from the little orange steam boiler into my Railcraft tank? The small bronze fluid pipe isn't pushing the steam into the tank - do I need a pump or something? Do I need to use a BC waterproof fluid pipe to make the final connection (tried it, didn't work)?
So I've probably asked this question more than once before, but every time I play GT it confuses me all over again... how do I get steam from the little orange steam boiler into my Railcraft tank? The small bronze fluid pipe isn't pushing the steam into the tank - do I need a pump or something? Do I need to use a BC waterproof fluid pipe to make the final connection (tried it, didn't work)?
Your small bronze pipe should accept steam from the boiler. Just make sure the boiler isn't pointing the wrong way. Specifically, the boiler has a "front" and it doesn't output steam from there.

Also make sure there's no water in your pipes. You may need to break and replace the pipes to ensure there's no water. You can also cheat in the portable scanner item, which (I believe) tells you the contents of the pipes.
Your small bronze pipe should accept steam from the boiler. Just make sure the boiler isn't pointing the wrong way. Specifically, the boiler has a "front" and it doesn't output steam from there.

Also make sure there's no water in your pipes. You may need to break and replace the pipes to ensure there's no water. You can also cheat in the portable scanner item, which (I believe) tells you the contents of the pipes.

okay, there was definitely water in the pipes because I had placed a BC fluid pipe from my water tanks adjacent to the GT fluid pipes and they did connect up. Just broke the GT pipes and replaced, its working now.

Something I also noticed... if I mouse-over my Railcraft tank it says 0mb/576,000... however if I actually right-click the tank, I suddenly see the tank is actually half full of steam. That's weird. I think that's why I thought nothing was happening. Maybe I didn't have water in my pipes after all...
I do really need to get back into bee breeding. One thing I've noticed though on the IT2 public server is that I find a fairly large amount of standard hives, but I don't find hardly any of the magic bee hives though. I think this time I'll just get started with bees to get my imperials and such manually but once I get past industrials and imperials I'm going to go all in on GenDustry I think. It made my life so much easier towards the end last time. I really struggled through the metallic bees trying to do them the old fashioned way. I guess it didn't help that I didn't have an oblivion frames and that I didn't find out about the thaumcraft frames until I was just about to build the Gendustry stuff. I basically made it all the way to iron, lead, etc bees without any frames at all. What a time-sink that was.

Also, this go around I've made bee breeding infinitely easier for myself by not building my base in a wasteland biome... I'm in a meadow bordering a taiga, jungle, and swamp :)

You don't need that many Mystical or Unusual Bees - just 1 each of each Princess and Drone is enough. As for frames, my Go-To frames are Metabolic and Oblivion, though you may have a hard time finding those if the server is well-explored. Nectrotic are good 2nd choices if you can't find Oblivion.

Once you are progressed enough and have enough power, Gendustry can help a lot. And, you'll really want Gendustry for those 1% species.
So I've probably asked this question more than once before, but every time I play GT it confuses me all over again... how do I get steam from the little orange steam boiler into my Railcraft tank? The small bronze fluid pipe isn't pushing the steam into the tank - do I need a pump or something? Do I need to use a BC waterproof fluid pipe to make the final connection (tried it, didn't work)?

I like to attach the starter bronze boilers directly to the RC tank and pipe in water from the bottom. You can use any kind of pipe for the water. I use all of my early-game silver to make solar boilers, which is usually enough for 5 or 6, which is usually enough to get me through the bronze age and into LV age.
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The Astro Miner gets blocked by GT ores, is there a whitelist or something that those need to be added to?

EDIT: And how do you make the SG Craft crystals, they have no recipe showing (I am in SP testing world so should not be a MineTweaker issue?)...
I should have asked about the other end too - pulling steam from a Railcraft tank - is there any way to do it using only GT fluid pipe? Right now I'm having to use a BC engine with a BC extraction pipe connected to the tank Valve, and then I butt that up to the GT fluid pipe. They don't connect visually so it looks terrible, but they do connect internally so at least I've got my first machine working now. But it's ugly and inelegant and therefore its gotta go once I figure out the best way. While I could probably make a Nether portal using a lava/water mold, as of right now all EnderIO conduit use is out of the question for me since I cannot obtain any nether quartz.

Also: Is the BC Redstone Engine recipe done on purpose or something? It requires GT "wood planks" which look like metal plates and are made from wood pulp which I don't think I'll have anytime soon. I just need a little engine to pull my steam out, the Stirling Engine isn't a very good solution since it appear to keep overheating and shutting off unless I babysit it.
I should have asked about the other end too - pulling steam from a Railcraft tank - is there any way to do it using only GT fluid pipe? Right now I'm having to use a BC engine with a BC extraction pipe connected to the tank Valve, and then I butt that up to the GT fluid pipe. They don't connect visually so it looks terrible, but they do connect internally so at least I've got my first machine working now. But it's ugly and inelegant and therefore its gotta go once I figure out the best way. While I could probably make a Nether portal using a lava/water mold, as of right now all EnderIO conduit use is out of the question for me since I cannot obtain any nether quartz.

Also: Is the BC Redstone Engine recipe done on purpose or something? It requires GT "wood planks" which look like metal plates and are made from wood pulp which I don't think I'll have anytime soon. I just need a little engine to pull my steam out, the Stirling Engine isn't a very good solution since it appear to keep overheating and shutting off unless I babysit it.
GT fluid pipes can extract directly from the RC tank, you just need to be extracting from the bottom of the tank. It used to be you could extract from the bottom and the first bottom row on the sides of the RC tank, but now I've only had it work to extract from the very bottom. You shouldn't need any sort of engine or pump to extract.

Also I believe the redstone engine is that way on purpose, yes. I thought it was weird also, but you can make the GT planks with steam machines. Check the NEI recipes again. I missed it the first time around also.
I should have asked about the other end too - pulling steam from a Railcraft tank - is there any way to do it using only GT fluid pipe? Right now I'm having to use a BC engine with a BC extraction pipe connected to the tank Valve, and then I butt that up to the GT fluid pipe. They don't connect visually so it looks terrible, but they do connect internally so at least I've got my first machine working now. But it's ugly and inelegant and therefore its gotta go once I figure out the best way. While I could probably make a Nether portal using a lava/water mold, as of right now all EnderIO conduit use is out of the question for me since I cannot obtain any nether quartz.

Also: Is the BC Redstone Engine recipe done on purpose or something? It requires GT "wood planks" which look like metal plates and are made from wood pulp which I don't think I'll have anytime soon. I just need a little engine to pull my steam out, the Stirling Engine isn't a very good solution since it appear to keep overheating and shutting off unless I babysit it.
A GT Pump cover on a pipe can pull out, but if it is indeed a Railcraft tank then any Railcraft Tank Valve's on the bottom 2(?) layers will auto-eject the fluid.
The Astro Miner gets blocked by GT ores, is there a whitelist or something that those need to be added to?
iirc GT ores are tile entities. I imagine that makes them look like "machines" to the miner. The GC folks would need to provide a whitelisting mechanism.

Also, that miner is still in beta and probably isn't supported to that extent quite yet (You can't build it w/o cheating it in)
iirc GT ores are tile entities. I imagine that makes them look like "machines" to the miner. The GC folks would need to provide a whitelisting mechanism.

Also, that miner is still in beta and probably isn't supported to that extent quite yet (You can't build it w/o cheating it in)
You sure it is only cheatably in? In my test world I try to follow recipe paths to make sure everything is acquirable that I test before I built it on server (with deadly results like the dragon egg thing...)...