[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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While I haven't tried it in this pack, with Pam's you can get jellyfish when fishing, which if placed in a crafting grid turn into slimeballs. It's how I've gotten slimeballs relatively painlessly in other packs (though it would be a pain if you need a lot.) Not sure if fishing golems can get them, though, so no idea if it's at all automatable later game (I've always just used EIO spawners if I needed a lot of slime in other packs.)
Oh I've got an even more cheaty way... LOL SSP only, obv.


I'd love to be able to spend the next year searching for GT ore veins... but then again, I have no desire to waste all that time looking for GT ore veins.

The ultimate cheat - I have 2 worlds, my normal world, and my "CoFH world", which is a copy of the world except I've "removed the Emperor's clothes", so to speak. LOL All those useless blocks, gone, poof!

Once all the "overburden" is removed, it's pretty easy to see where the slimes are spawning... or see where that Tetrahedrite has been hiding... :)
Oh I've got an even more cheaty way... LOL SSP only, obv.


I'd love to be able to spend the next year searching for GT ore veins... but then again, I have no desire to waste all that time looking for GT ore veins.

The ultimate cheat - I have 2 worlds, my normal world, and my "CoFH world", which is a copy of the world except I've "removed the Emperor's clothes", so to speak. LOL All those useless blocks, gone, poof!

Once all the "overburden" is removed, it's pretty easy to see where the slimes are spawning... or see where that Tetrahedrite has been hiding... :)
Yep that's pretty cheaty :p
Aargh, yes the cofh command. I totally abused that the first time I played GT5u (but not for slimes - we had the pneumaticraft plants then).

In a 1.6 Gregtech modpack I played a year or so ago, I seem to remember that ores were (at least somewhat) biome dependent. Was that the case, or I am making stuff up?

Anyway, I think I preferred that since you could go on a mission for a particular ore and have some reasonable chance of finding it.
So I've been making my GT tools out of iron because there's a huge deposit under my base. But gee whiz, iron pickaxes sure do get used up quick. I'm going thru a lot of them just mining up enough iron, copper and tin so I can start making steam machines. Am I doing it wrong, perhaps? What early game material do you use to make pickaxes and other such tools? I could still be using a cobblestone pickaxe for some tasks, to save my good GT pickaxe, but that's a hassle to keep switching back and forth.

As @Jason McRay said, wrought iron is good. Smelt iron nuggets into wrought iron nuggets and craft 9 of them into wrought iron ingots. Upgrade to steel when you get BBF going. Or, if you're magically inclined, the Thaumcraft pickaxe w/Efficiency and either Repair or Unbreaking is good. Also magical is the Focus of Excavation.

Also need a strategy for slimeballs, which I need so I can make a Railcraft Water Tower. Any ideas? Can't just wander the surface, need to wander around at elevation 20 or so, but since I don't mine the same way in this pack as I do in other packs, I'm never really down at the low elevations digging horizontally - so I'll probably never discover a slime chunk. Discouraging, especially when I've seen no hint of any kind of swampy biome (if the full moon thing works in swamps).

Besides slime (Marsh) biomes, slimes spawn underground in most/all biomes. You can use JourneyMap to see them and when close enough, hear them :)

Once you have 1 slimeball, you can duplicate it (again and again) using Thaumcraft crucible.
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Once you have 1 slimeball, you can duplicate it (again and again) using Thaumcraft crucible.

I always forget this, great advice :)

One of the maps that comes with the pack has a "slime chunks" overlay. If you dig a decent-sized room underground in that chunk, you'll find slimes there constantly. Kill them with a fortune/looting weapon and you're good to go.
Re: COFH clear cheating

It's like being able to see the future. It sounds cool and all, but there's a reason why it's been considered more of a curse than a benefit for thousands of years : knowing the future with absolute certainty is no fun !

Rather, finding ores or finding alternative ways of producing (via Thaumcraft, bees, crops, Fusion, UU-matter, etc.,.) is usually more rewarding in the long-term.
I just wish there was a way to dupe redstone with Thaumcraft :) Still haven't found a redstone vein.

I started node bullying last night though. Gonna try to find a few more compound aspect nodes to toss in the mix I think to try and see if I can push this thing over 120 to get 11CV/t. I started with a 101 vis bright node, but as I don't have advanced node jarring yet I have a 101 vis normal node :P I'm still a little gun-shy about hungry node feeding. I guess maybe if I make a flight harness it wouldn't be so bad. I found a monster of one that had removed 2/3 of a mesa plateau that seems like a good candidate :P

Aiwendil was nice enough to show me the wither skeleton spawner they set up in the nether though so I should have warding foci tonight when I can get around to slaying a wither. Then I can capture some of the better nodes that I've been too scared to ruin with regular node jarring.
I think the "cheating" speaks to a minor problem with the pack, which is why I like the idea of us adding a way to drop core-sampling machines around that indicate what ores are undernearth/nearby.

One day.
I think the "cheating" speaks to a minor problem with the pack, which is why I like the idea of us adding a way to drop core-sampling machines around that indicate what ores are undernearth/nearby.

One day.
Once you have a reliable flight method and a diamond drill or an Eff4 pick it's not bad to core sample, but to start with it's, like almost everything in a GT pack, tedious because you have to lug around ladders and torches and crap just to get your core samples.
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I just wish there was a way to dupe redstone with Thaumcraft :) Still haven't found a redstone vein.

You and me both ! After mining around 10 Redstone veins to reduce to Ruby dust and Chrome, I turned to my old friend : bees.

I started node bullying last night though. Gonna try to find a few more compound aspect nodes to toss in the mix I think to try and see if I can push this thing over 120 to get 11CV/t. I started with a 101 vis bright node, but as I don't have advanced node jarring yet I have a 101 vis normal node :p I'm still a little gun-shy about hungry node feeding. I guess maybe if I make a flight harness it wouldn't be so bad. I found a monster of one that had removed 2/3 of a mesa plateau that seems like a good candidate :p

If you can bend Grove's ear, the latest Magic Bees (2.3.5, released 9/4) has some (possibly OP) Empowering bees that cause nodes to grow.

Aiwendil was nice enough to show me the wither skeleton spawner they set up in the nether though so I should have warding foci tonight when I can get around to slaying a wither. Then I can capture some of the better nodes that I've been too scared to ruin with regular node jarring.

Once you have a reliable flight method and a diamond drill or an Eff4 pick it's not bad to core sample, but to start with it's, like almost everything in a GT pack, tedious because you have to lug around ladders and torches and crap just to get your core samples.
I'll grant you the torches, but ladders? If you don't find any ores, you don't bother placing ladders, you just jump-build back up.
I'll grant you the torches, but ladders? If you don't find any ores, you don't bother placing ladders, you just jump-build back up.
If I don't find ore I jump build back out and seal off the shaft so I don't fall down it later by accident. But if I find anything I put down ladders so I can get back to that vein later. It's significantly easier to place ladders from the bottom up than it is to try and put ladders in as you're falling down a hole. I mostly only need redstone right now, but that doesn't mean the 173 copper veins I've found won't be useful later :)

I am glad that I've found and marked 2 nickel veins, 1 tungstate vein, 2 diamond veins, and 2 plutonium veins though in addition to all the magnatite and copper.
If I don't find ore I jump build back out and seal off the shaft so I don't fall down it later by accident. But if I find anything I put down ladders so I can get back to that vein later. It's significantly easier to place ladders from the bottom up than it is to try and put ladders in as you're falling down a hole. I mostly only need redstone right now, but that doesn't mean the 173 copper veins I've found won't be useful later :)

I am glad that I've found and marked 2 nickel veins, 1 tungstate vein, 2 diamond veins, and 2 plutonium veins though in addition to all the magnatite and copper.
Those are some nice veins indeed :)

Can you make a mining laser yet? When I'm looking for a very specific vein in the midgame, I don't bother core sampling anymore. At that point its more sensible to pick the correct elevation for my ore, and blaze a path in a given direction until I find it.

If using a mining laser, Advanced Lappack is also your friend.
You and me both ! After mining around 10 Redstone veins to reduce to Ruby dust and Chrome, I turned to my old friend : bees.

If you can bend Grove's ear, the latest Magic Bees (2.3.5, released 9/4) has some (possibly OP) Empowering bees that cause nodes to grow.
I do really need to get back into bee breeding. One thing I've noticed though on the IT2 public server is that I find a fairly large amount of standard hives, but I don't find hardly any of the magic bee hives though. I think this time I'll just get started with bees to get my imperials and such manually but once I get past industrials and imperials I'm going to go all in on GenDustry I think. It made my life so much easier towards the end last time. I really struggled through the metallic bees trying to do them the old fashioned way. I guess it didn't help that I didn't have an oblivion frames and that I didn't find out about the thaumcraft frames until I was just about to build the Gendustry stuff. I basically made it all the way to iron, lead, etc bees without any frames at all. What a time-sink that was.

Also, this go around I've made bee breeding infinitely easier for myself by not building my base in a wasteland biome... I'm in a meadow bordering a taiga, jungle, and swamp :)
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