Its voiding it ^^Okay, and where does it go?Nevermind, I'll make one and figure it out - thanks!! Sounds easy enough, not every little thing needs to be automated.
It only auto autoputs to the output side (moveable with the wrench) NOT the frontBut how does the auto-output work? I don't get that =(
Why is it not auto-outputing into a fluid pipe if I set it to auto-output?
It voids the liquid. Also Chlorine is not usefull for anything. All you can use it for (at least currently) is cleaning wool and other coloured stuffzOkay, and where does it go?Nevermind, I'll make one and figure it out - thanks!! Sounds easy enough, not every little thing needs to be automated.
Actually, now I'm wondering if it just deletes the fluid. While I have no idea if I'll ever have a use for chlorine, i feel compelled to save every bit of it - minecrafters are pack rats. LOL
It voids the liquid. Also Chlorine is not usefull for anything. All you can use it for (at least currently) is cleaning wool and other coloured stuffz![]()
Oh aaaaand.... Modpack update v3.1.9 in just a few minutes (available from the version dropdown)
Mod Updates:
- BiblioCraft -> 1.11.0
- Buildcraft -> 7.0.23
- Buildcraft Compat -> 7.0.12
- Computronics -> 1.5.7
- CustomMainMenu -> 1.8
- EnderCore ->
- EnderIO ->
- Forestry ->
- GalacticGreg -> 0.7
- Gendustry ->
- IndustrialCraft 2 -> 2.2.773
- MrCrayfishFurnitureMod -> 3.4.8
- PneumaticCraft -> 1.11.6-126
- XACT -> 0.5.4
- Fixed crash when entering the Controls/Keybinds Options menu.
- Reworked spawning of Naq ore. End: Only generates Small Naquadah Ore. Asteroid (GC): Generates full Naquadah Ore
- Crafting Hungry Hand Mirror now accepts any thaumium nugget.
- Changed the path for the Patreon Wall image to remote place. (so i can mess with it without the need for modpack update)
- Removed the patreon wall from resources.
- Removed duped and deprecated entries in GT WorldGen.cfg (regenerated again)
- Fixed handling of certain recipes in XACT Crafter.
- Few more regen of GT configs (MaterialProperties.cfg and MachineStats.cfg)
- Fixed producing of Sand with wierd meta value in SAG Mill. (Gravel is still broken)
Known Issues:
- Recipes that are changed are not visible on servers, they still work, but NEI is not showing them. Current workaround is to load Singleplayer first and then log onto server.
Nope. MT has not been updated yet, and I am not going to revert and rewrite whole bunch of scripts, because lots of them are deps on 3.0.10. And since there is a simple workaround for this, its not that pressing.Does it fix the MT issue?
Any way to create ores besides bees and crops?
There was a mod in Beyond Reality that let me send a laser beam down to bedrock to mine ores out of the worlds core (created them out of the void).
I'm not very knowledgeable regarding bees and crops seems like a pain in the butt.
and no update in reciepts for ae storage cells?update v3.1.9
Oh yea.. I forgot about it, sorry... Thats why i have Issue tracker, so i dont forget. Can you please put it there so I dont forget?and no update in reciepts for ae storage cells?
I think it's intended for servers, as a way to prevent someone from setting their chunk loader and disappearing for the next 3 weeks. By requiring a fuel that powers a timer, it ensures that the chunks will unload after a reasonable amount of time automatically (i.e. 24-36 hours) without the server admin having to worry about it. I've never run a server so maybe there is a very easy way for an admin to monitor chunks, I dunno, but this was my understanding of the Railcraft Anchor blocks and why they were useful. But for someone like myself on my own SSP world, yeah - having to power a chunk loader just doesn't make much sense really, unless it's truly a big part of the pack's balancing somehow (which my point was, it shouldn't ever be). Since its been pointed out that ender pearls really aren't all that rare, none of this is really a big deal. I just saw the "Admin Anchor" and wondered if that might be a perfect solution for my SSP world. Worst case, I'll simply go vanilla and construct a big mob spawner in the sky near my base and just let the pearls pile up over time. Everything takes time in this pack, so I've just gotta get that solidly into my mindset, and get back to work!
What if all the players set up a simple ender pearl farm that feeds the chunkloaders?Requiring fuel makes the player need:
*) Infrastructure
*) Actually be playing instead of vanish for weeks at a time
Thus is highly useful for both balancing and servers.
Personally instead of ender pearls I would prefer a gregtechy GTEU powered chunk loader as that power can be more interesting to keep working, and puts the technology properly higher with higher machines.
Yeah that's harsh. Keep at it thoughI dug north at Y25 from Z-526 to Z-1354 without finding any redstone. I found Neodyium, Copper, Copper, Nickel, Limonite, Copper, Gold, Copper, Copper, Emerald, Limonite, Copper, and Plutionium veins along that path. No redstone.
So yeah, I did exaggerate a bit it seems, but 830 blocks is still a long ways to go to not find what you are looking for.
Nope.There's no IRC channel?
Steve's mods are amazing, but they subvert a lot of the tech in this pack. SFM is one of the most powerful mods in existence. Probably *the* most powerful logistics mod.Yea about Steve's Factory Manager I wanted that too but it doesn't have any energy costs and so it was considered "too overpowered".
Any way to create ores besides bees and crops?
There was a mod in Beyond Reality that let me send a laser beam down to bedrock to mine ores out of the worlds core (created them out of the void).
I'm not very knowledgeable regarding bees and crops seems like a pain in the butt.
That's funny, this is actually the first time I've ever heard someone praise AE2 meteors over IT2 handling of AE2 stuff. These are definitely IT2 changes. You wouldn't even be able to get INTO a meteor in the early game anyway: skystone is hard.So... there are no AE2 meteors for finding the 4 different presses? Instead, they are constructed in a Laser Engraver requiring 120v? So there's no AE2 stuff available in early game, forcing us to live out of wooden chests? Yuck. Not sure I agree with that one, but it is probably Greg's decision and not the modpack's... i really despise having to live out of chests, it reminds me too much of vanilla minecraft. LOL
That's funny, this is actually the first time I've ever heard someone praise AE2 meteors over IT2 handling of AE2 stuff. These are definitely IT2 changes. You wouldn't even be able to get INTO a meteor in the early game anyway: skystone is hard.
You can still make iron chests in the "early" game. Its not a big deal.
Look at it from this perspective. Not many ppl will go by foot on hunt for meteors, most ppl wants to have some form of flight. And where is flight tiered in GT itself? Yes, thats right. In MV. So its not that much diferent in the endSo... there are no AE2 meteors for finding the 4 different presses? Instead, they are constructed in a Laser Engraver requiring 120v? So there's no AE2 stuff available in early game, forcing us to live out of wooden chests? Yuck. Not sure I agree with that one, but it is probably Greg's decision and not the modpack's... i really despise having to live out of chests, it reminds me too much of vanilla minecraft. LOL
Someone mentioned lava boilers and a train in the nether... can trains go thru nether portals somehow? Not very familiar with railcraft, if that's how you do it.
Yep I understand. I certainly never hated the meteors as much as other people, although finding chests with tech in them is a bit weird.I just love my AE2 and never had any problem with meteors. I think the biggest complaint about the meteors was for multiplayer - the early birds would get all the worms, so to speak, leaving the late-comers with nothing.
So my complaint is really about the timing - making us wait until we've got MV machines before we can utilize any of the AE2 stuff outside of the Quartz Grindstone.