I have tried to have a look at Blood Asp's github for the source, but as everything is a metaitem made from templates, and the interfaces for the metaitems don't give any information on what is actually going on, I couldn't even find where to look for the calculations.
I tried the above experiment with a line of 10 1xTin cable between the buffers, and there the loss per packet was 12.57 EU. I would have expected it to be 10EU/packet more loss than before...
Is 'packet' the same as 'per tick', or 'loss out of 32EU/t' ?
There are multipe points of loss:Does anyone know exactly how EU transmission losses work?
It all looks simple on the face of it, but I was running some tests and I have some confusing results.
I set up two 4-slot LV battery buffers, with one outputting directly into the next. The other buffer connects to nothing. I then placed a full 100 kEU LV lithium battery into the first buffer and an empty 100 kEU LV lithium battery into the second buffer. The first round of discharging evidently some 8192EU goes into charging the battery buffer's internal storage. After the first discharge cycle I was left with a battery with 81,312EU (and a presumable full internal buffer on one of the battery buffers)
For subsequent rounds of discharging, my results were (note the column alignment, I don't know a nice way to format a table here):
Start_EU End_EU Lost_EU Packets_sent@32EU-V Loss_per_packet
81312 71968 9344 2541 3.67
71968 63712 8256 2249 3.67
63712 56384 7328 1991 3.68
56384 49888 6496 1762 3.69
49888 44160 5728 1559 3.67
44160 39072 5088 1380 3.69
39072 34592 4480 1221 3.67
I would have thought that in this experiment I would either have lost 2EU per packet (2EU lost when sending), or 4EU per packet (2EU lost from battery to containing buffer, 2EU lost sending). How on earth can I be losing a non integer number of EU per packet sent?
There are multipe points of loss:
1. Battery -> internal Buffer. 34EU discharge from battery fills 32EU into internal buffer.
2. internal buffer -> cable. 34EU dischagne from internal buffer outputs 32EU into cable.
3. cable loss. No cable in your case, so no loss here. Otherwise the loss per block in the cable tooltip applys.
4. cable -> second internal buffer. No loss here.
5. second internal buffer -> battery. 34EU removed from second internal buffer fills 32EU into battery.
That looks really nice... I hope you will not mind if I will use some of your pictures for the new main menu look
With that said... if anyone feels like sharing more of similiar screenshots, which shows your builds (can be just your factories buildings and stuff), feel free to send them to me directly to [email protected] or just PM here on forum and if I will like them, they will appear in the menu as well.
@Aiwendil Awesome build !
How are you applying the 'Needs Maintenance' covers to all those lovely PAs ?
I'm just starting to build my PAs for Fusion and haven't figured out a good way to apply the 'Needs Maintenance' covers.
https://github.com/Blood-Asp/GT5-Un...i/metatileentity/BaseMetaTileEntity.java#L365Thanks a lot for the details.
I'm having a bit of trouble rectifying this with my tests, though.
In my example with the two buffers, I would expect that I would be doing steps 1, 2 and 5 as you say. This would be using 34 EU to go battery to 32 EU buffer, then 34 EU to take 32 EU from buffer to buffer, then 34 EU to take 32 EU into the battery.
This means the final 32 EU product has cost roughly 32*(34/32)^3 EU.
In the example where I started with 71968 EU, and I ended with 63712 EU, working backwards:
The second buffer had to send 63712 EU to the battery. This is 1991 * 32 EU, so it had to expend 67694 EU (1991 * 34 EU)
The first buffer had to sent that 67694 EU to the battery. This is 2115 *32 EU + 14 EU, so it had to expend 71926 EU (2115 * 34 EU + 16 EU)
That gets us to almost exactly the original 71968 EU. If I put in the extra step of first battery to first buffer then I would have needed to start with much more EU than I actually had. It looks like I only had two steps of losses. Are batteries unified with the internal buffer for the purpose of discharging perhaps?
Could you point me at where these calculations happen in the source code? I would be quite interested to see how it all works.
That is the point were blocks output energy into other blocks/cables. The charging of batteries is a few lines later:
http://ftb.gamepedia.com/GregTech_5_UnofficialAre there any guides for GregTech? I mean, I can make like my first-gen machines, but a guide would help me along nicely...![]()
If i tell this Putin, he will come to UNo, tell Putin we don't like him. Go away.
1 переходишь в раздел сторонних модпаковА я так и не понял где скачать?
to work like that U must pre setup machine with cover. IMHO it's must be roboarm and with screwdriver set somethin like "in, allow out" or "out, allow in"Last image is the instance of perfectly working GT autocrafting elsewhere in the world.
I was experiencing similiar issue qith Assembling Machine and Packager. It did not want to accept certain items via outside, for example using obsidian pipe. Can you try to directly pump the item into the machine? If that will not work there you have the issue. @Blood Asp is already aware of this problem with the Packager and Assembler, but might be worth checking your issue out and reporting it to Blood if it will be true.Guys I'm having an issue with autocrafting GT stuff in AE in a test world I'm currently messing around with. As shown, the crafting job seems to be stuck and I can't get it to proceed. It's happening with all my GT machines, but the others like charger, inscriber and growing pure crystals are all flawlessly operating. However, in another instance, on a separate network, GT autocrafting is working just fine.
First image shows the bending machine AE interface.
Second image shows the bending machine UI.
Third image shows the (jammed) crafting job.
Fourth image shows I have no lack of crafting storage.
Fifth image shows my entire set of GT machines.
Last image is the instance of perfectly working GT autocrafting elsewhere in the world.
Could it have anything to do with too many AE interfaces next to each other? I'm stumped
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I've already posted some picture of my fluid nuclear reactor.There is really noone who wants to share their builds and have them featured with the new main menu? I dont want to just use Aiwens shots(also I prefer without any UI, and I do not care if it is with default or custom texturepack).