[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Big Reactor CAN use uranium and we could REMOVE the yellorium ore generation but I was the only one who wanted it at the time -> https://github.com/JasonMcRay/InfiTech-1.7/issues/236
(Jason disabled the use of uran in the big reactor after that)
Couldn't the recipe be changed to require fuel rods instead of ingots... The varying types of fuel rods giving you varying amounts of "fuel" inside a bigreactor.
The point I was trying to make was that, yes, Big Reactors is buff, but at least the fuel isn't as easy. I don't see any compelling argument to make it easier.

Btw you get so much yellorium from the quarry that the energy cost to run the quarry is almost nothing (dont forget about all the other ores you will get which is why you want a quarry anyway).
I actually assumed the various quarries would consume a lot more energy than this, so that's good to know. I really should test this, but tearing apart a chunk with enderio would take a long time to test in my creative world and I wouldn't be able to play properly at the time :p
The point I was trying to make was that, yes, Big Reactors is buff, but at least the fuel isn't as easy. I don't see any compelling argument to make it easier.

I am confused. I was thinking that my suggestions would make bigreactors harder to use... not easier. More dangerous too, to boot. The fuel would take a great deal more processing to make as well.
I am confused. I was thinking that my suggestions would make bigreactors harder to use... not easier. More dangerous too, to boot. The fuel would take a great deal more processing to make as well.
Now I'm confused too :)

I suppose if it consumed u235 that would be harder with existing ore generation. I was thinking u238 originally, which is pretty common.

I don't really see any dangers either way, its not like the reactor can explode. As long as you wear a hazmat suit you're fine.
I think he meant wearing the hazmat suit as the more dangerous part.

I have a enderquarry now running for 2 weeks and a big reactor running for longer than that but only for 400eu/t
I am right now at 24.765 Yellorium Ingots and only at 5.006 Uranium Ingots (without having a ic2 reactor that would consume uran).

Using fuel rods instead would definitely make it harder BUT you get 1 cyanite ingot back and not a depleted rod and don't know if we can change that also it would mean we need other recipes for the Big Reactor tubine which would be a problem so I think we should only change it to Uranium 238 Ingot not the fuel rods.

Uranium 235 would be bad because we only have a 20% change for 1x tiny pile of u235 from 1 dust of u238 (no u235 ores).
Now I'm confused too :)

I suppose if it consumed u235 that would be harder with existing ore generation. I was thinking u238 originally, which is pretty common.

I don't really see any dangers either way, its not like the reactor can explode. As long as you wear a hazmat suit you're fine.

Fair. But that is a requirement that yellorium does not have. So:
  1. more complicated processing to make fuel rods when compared with yellorium
  2. more dangerous to handle when compared with yellorium; still trivial to overcome but more dangerous none-the-less
  3. unified fuel for the nuclear age
That to me, means more difficult.

Using fuel rods instead would definitely make it harder BUT you get 1 cyanite ingot back and not a depleted rod and don't know if we can change that also it would mean we need other recipes for the Big Reactor tubine which would be a problem so I think we should only change it to Uranium 238 Ingot not the fuel rods.

Hmm, good point. Maybe just switch yellorium for the enriched nuclear fuel... The part that is needed in the canning machine
  1. This preserves the depleted rod functionality
  2. Still makes it necessary to have processed up to nuclear fuel thus making it radioactive and dangerous to use
  3. Fits in nicely with making bigreactors a stepping stone to IC2 nuclear; you don't need the fuel rods, just the nuclear fuel
  4. instead of giving you back depleted rods, it gives you cyanite and so preserves the bigreactors progression
  5. cyanite could be made to be required in an IC2 nuclear component enforcing the progression
This all seams to fit nicely together...
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That would be good BUT
cyanite could be made to be required in an IC2 nuclear component enforcing the progression
That would only work if the ic2 reactors produces MORE energy than the Big Reactors

Btw go and write on Github :) https://github.com/JasonMcRay/InfiTech-1.7/issues/236

compatibility {
# If true, automatically adds all unregistered ingots found as clonesof standard yellorium fuel

I don't know if we can add enriched nuclear as fuel in the Big Reactor.
I think uran 238 ingots would be good enough (if we cannot add enriched nuclear fuel)
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That would be good BUT

That would only work if the ic2 reactors produces MORE energy than the Big Reactors

Exactly :)

Relegate bigreactors to a power tier lower then IC2 nuclear.
  1. IC2 nuclear is more complicated
  2. IC2 nuclear requires more processing
  3. IC2 nuclear is vastly underpowered IMHO
  4. Bigreactors is vastly overpowered IMHO when comparing complexity/cost to output
All of that leads me to, nerf bigreactors and buff IC2 nuclear. It, to me, appears to be a better progression that way.

Hmm, maybe make cyanite required to make the fuel rod casings...
I think you got that confused...
Nobody wants to nerf IC2 nuclear reactors.

Btw you mean the "Enriched Uranium Nuclear Fuel" and not the the "MOX Nuclear Fuel", am I right?
I got it backwards, woops. My intent was the same. Thanks for catching that, I've corrected it.

I mean whichever uranium fuel uses U-235, which I believe is the one you mentioned. MOX uses U-238, which is very common. U-235 requires extra processing steps, but I'm concerned Blood Asp might be replacing Pu veins with U235, which would defeat the purpose.
Nerfing IC2 nuclear isn't as simple as buffing BR.

Buffing IC2 nuclear isn't as simple as nerfing BR.

I think it is quite trivial to buff IC2 nuclear (but I am likely missing something important :) ). There is a section in the configs for IC2 Kenetic generator balance. It is set to 1.0 now. Shouldn't bumping that increase the output of the kenetic generator per unit of steam? There is also something for nuclear in the balance section too. There is a section for heat generation... but it doesn't appear to affect the IC2 liquid reactor.

My basic balance idea to buff IC2 would be to increase the amount of Heat units produced by the IC2 liquid reactor or, if that can't be done, increase the amount of steam produced per Heat unit.

I am purposely avoiding the non liquid reactor. I don't think it should be available in the pack, but I don't think it can be disabled. Reason being, it is a direct energy producer whereas most everything else requires a steam powertrain. That reactor doesn't fit with the theme.
I got it backwards, woops. My intent was the same. Thanks for catching that, I've corrected it.

I mean whichever uranium fuel uses U-235, which I believe is the one you mentioned. MOX uses U-238, which is very common. U-235 requires extra processing steps, but I'm concerned Blood Asp might be replacing Pu veins with U235, which would defeat the purpose.
MOX uses Plutonium with u238 so I don't think we want that.
Enriched Uranium Nuclear Fuel is 6x uran ingot 238 + 3x tiny uran 235
I think using uran 238 ingots would be good enough and we don't really need Enriched Uranium Nuclear Fuel but if we change it to Enriched Uranium Nuclear Fuel then we have to consider this:

Enriched Uranium Nuclear Fuel needs 6x u238 + 3x tiny u235
1x tiny u235 needs 5x u238 in a centrifuge

Which means that 1x Enriched Uranium Nuclear Fuel needs 21x u238 .... we should consider this when we want to rebalance the Big Reactor / IC2 Reactor stuff.
I think using uran 238 ingots would be good enough and we don't really need Enriched Uranium Nuclear Fuel but if we change it to Enriched Uranium Nuclear Fuel then we have to consider this:

Enriched Uranium Nuclear Fuel needs 6x u238 + 3x tiny u235
1x tiny u235 needs 5x u238 in a centrifuge

Which means that 1x Enriched Uranium Nuclear Fuel needs 21x u238 .... we should consider this when we want to rebalance the Big Reactor / IC2 Reactor stuff.
Both extremes suck.

U238 is too easy. U235 possibly too hard.

Guys I gotta ask, is this legitimately a problem? Have either of you used BR in Infitech2 yet? That's not me being an ass, I genuinely want to ensure you've gone to the trouble of actually USING big reactors power.

For me, I haven't turned on my big reactors turbine in over a week because as powerful and safe as it is, IC2 is still more convenient.
U238 is too easy. U235 possibly too hard.
Yes u235 is too hard
No u238 is not too easy
I got 5 times more yellorium from my quarry than uran 238.

Guys I gotta ask, is this legitimately a problem? Have either of you used BR in Infitech2 yet? That's not me being an ass, I genuinely want to ensure you've gone to the trouble of actually USING big reactors power.
I have a Big Reactor but only making 400eu/t with 13 reservoirs. (stupid water problem)

For me, I haven't turned on my big reactors turbine in over a week because as powerful and safe as it is, IC2 is still more convenient.
I already have fusion so im not really using anything else to power my base.
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