Yep, 80 eu/t is MV (33->128)
I believe you start getting byproducts with the HV macerator..
Keep hunting around, you'll find that redstone vein. You can also get redstone from both bees and ic2 crops if you're so inclined.
Think i'll avoid forestry until later this time, maybe checkout gendustry tho i also might checkout the ic2 crops but i like what i got because it ties in to the progression, its neat-o
Now i understand why there is a way to crystallize thaumcraft shards from dusts in the thaumcraft recipees, because of machines recycling crystal shard tools (should in theory give you shard dusts), kinda huge, though because of my huge explorational mining tunnels (1x2xmany chunks deep) i got tons of shards, very little red stone though because the only source of it comes from small redstone ore and i didn't mine deep enough for small redstone ore at first because i was looking for the veins!
I gave up on veins and just hunt small ores for the rare stuff, diamonds & redstone.
Though now with the redstone centrifuge plan i can build diamonds from coal i get and i also get redstone, i can see myself building thaumcraft arcane bores to dig up all this netherack and using GT boilers to feed the macerators etc making a whole factory for this.
I haven't tried the arcane bores yet but i heard good things about it.