[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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hi, im new and i want to play this mod. But i have a Problem with the Server.
My Server has 2 Proceccors (2xDualcore 2,4 Ghz) 64Bit Win 2008 R2, 8 GB Ram
java version 1.7.0_45, 64 Bit

1 World, 1 Player, not mutch tech (only basic steamsetup)
performance is bad, the server say from time to time, "skip 47 ticks, skip 907 ticks"
i test the standart serverStart.bat and others, but noone workes well.
i see there javaexceptions too.
what is wrong? what i can do?

What version of the pack are you useing
Is it a dedicated server?
how much ram do you have set to run Minecraft?
CPU usage?

Atm try lowering your view distance in the server properties form 10 to 8-6 (less chunks loaded buy the server)
there are java arguments you can try but most are outdated
Which CPU exactly? A Intel Celeron J1800 or an Intel Celeron G1820T makes an 300% difference. It could even be some stoneage stuff like an AMD Athlon X2 7250 has 2,4GHz and would never run modded minecraft lagfree.

Actually, even my server with an Intel Core i3-4340, 2x 3.60GHz is not able to run an advanced world with one big base at 20TPS.
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What version of the pack are you useing
Is it a dedicated server?
how much ram do you have set to run Minecraft?
CPU usage?

Atm try lowering your view distance in the server properties form 10 to 8-6 (less chunks loaded buy the server)
there are java arguments you can try but most are outdated
pack version is 1.7.10-1263 infitech2 version 2.1.4

i try "java -xms7196m -xmx7196m -xx:permSize=256m -64 - jar server-1.7.10-1263.jar nogui"
and i try many aguments
"java -xms7196m - xmx7196m -xx:permSize=256m -d64 -xx:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:parallelGCThreads=4 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -jar server-1.7.10-1263.jar -no gui" <= this one work better (the parameter should say use old things for garbidgecollector and so on. i try it without -XX:parallelGCThreads=4.)
CPU ist for one core max(that is normal i think). alltogether 40-47%. The server is in the local lan, and is only a minecraft server on it for my own.
view Distance is already set to 8.

http://pastebin.com/xinJUWuZ (the end of the log)

Which CPU exactly? A Intel Celeron J1800 or an Intel Celeron G1820T makes an 300% difference. It could even be some stoneage stuff like an AMD Athlon X2 7250 has 2,4GHz and would never run modded minecraft lagfree.

Actually, even my server with an Intel Core i3-4340, 2x 3.60GHz is not able to run an advanced world with one big base at 20TPS.
It is an old 19" server. There are two AMD Opteron 280 Proceccors.
maybe its not a CPU for max speed. but i hope it could run stable. :)
I think there is anything wrong, or incopatible or so.
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A 10 year old CPU with 2.4GHz? Not a chance to run this modpack much faster.

Not the best comparison, but it should show the difference in performance:

Core i3 4340 5,277 Points
Opteron 280 1,369 Points
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Question: has anyone been able to craft the Stargate crystals yet? Nothing pops up in NEI, and looking at the script is has an assembler recipe for them:
(SGCraft.zs entry)
# Assembler.addRecipe(crystalSGCore, lapotronChip, lensSapphire, 6000, 32);

Nothing happens when I put these materials into an assembler.

Getting enough osmium/upgrading powergrid enough to support these has been a goal of mine from the beginning, enough so that I've forgone the usual nether hub in hopes of actually building a legit stargate network. Any edits to the script I can make or am I just being dumb again?

Edit: If they're supposed to be dungeon loot or something, I can tell you that it doesn't exist. I've looted hundreds of chest, both of my strongholds and flown about thousands of blocks in the end, and never have I seen any crystals.

Edit2: Nevermind, you can get them from villagers. funky.
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Has anyone looked at the robots from buildcraft i'm looking at alternate options for farms and such, while testing them out they don't seem to drop items that are harvested. They work in other packs i looked at but not this 1

nvm it seems to be fixed in the 2.16 pack
Edit2: Nevermind, you can get them from villagers. funky.
Yeah, ToK'ra sell the yellow ones that you will need for a Dial Home Device, any other parts are chest loot (not the blue crystal directly, but you can loot the core gate block)
Edit: though i'm not 100% certain on Gregs stargates, i seem to recall some mention of compatibility for a makeshift DHD with computercraft?
Yeah, ToK'ra sell the yellow ones that you will need for a Dial Home Device, any other parts are chest loot (not the blue crystal directly, but you can loot the core gate block)
Edit: though i'm not 100% certain on Gregs stargates, i seem to recall some mention of compatibility for a makeshift DHD with computercraft?

Also an OpenComputers dialer. I can usually limp along with Lua, but it's not my forte. Wish it was, turtles are easymode.

I've looted a few of the regular gate blocks (5) out of literally hundreds of chests... I'm an explorer, and I raid every thaumcraft and zulu dungeon I've come across, and both of the strongholds I've been able to locate (unable to triangulate third, as ender eyes keep going to one or the other, even in a 6k radius from spawn)

I don't remember where I looted them to be honest. Been playing the same world for... 4 months now? 2.0.8 version, 3 or 4 hours a day.. Still haven't made a stargate yet. Well done on difficulty lol.

Then again, All that time spent gave me incentive to build more than just a square, and I now have the coolest base I've ever had in minecraft, modded or otherwise.

Looting blocks isn't really a long term option though, I intend to build a network, and after 4 months of looting I've only 5 gate blocks to show for it.
How did semifluid generator from IC2 work? It didnt seem to accept creosote oil via enderio conduicts, nor BC pipes, buckets, or universal cells..
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How did semifluid generator from IC2 work? It didnt seem to accept creosote oil via enderio conduicts, nor BC pipes, buckets, or universal cells..
It dosnt.
i never could get it to work myself on a ftb pack either, just burn the creosote in a small liquid boiler.

Also; i have a question for a more, experienced, thaumaturge ...
Advanced Node Stabilizers, do they allow a node to ignore the "Bigger eats smaller" Rule? (ie, have a just wasted two hours flying around cataloging all my nodes trying to find something weaker than this bright node with a strength of 49? :p )
How did I get blaze powder? I went to the nether but I didnt find any fortress.. are they rare as fuck or there aren't any?
I probably used the wrong acronym. By MFR I mean Forestry MultiFarm.

For zombie Pigman farm we burrowed up to the top of the nether and found a thin spot in the bedrock and threw enderpearls to get above the bedrock. Then we built above bedrock pigman farms. At first it was just simple vanilla style pressureplate/piston style spawning. Now we've got a cursed earth spawn pad that is washed clean of mobs every 10 seconds with droppers with buckets of blood on a redstone clock. The mobs are washed into a trench where they are pushed against diamond spikes. Vacuum hoppers pick up the loot. Iron spikes around the perimeter of the spawn kill any fire bats or ghasts. Biomes of Plenty's blood pools make it pretty easy to mob farm in the nether.
I probably used the wrong acronym. By MFR I mean Forestry MultiFarm.

For zombie Pigman farm we burrowed up to the top of the nether and found a thin spot in the bedrock and threw enderpearls to get above the bedrock. Then we built above bedrock pigman farms. At first it was just simple vanilla style pressureplate/piston style spawning. Now we've got a cursed earth spawn pad that is washed clean of mobs every 10 seconds with droppers with buckets of blood on a redstone clock. The mobs are washed into a trench where they are pushed against diamond spikes. Vacuum hoppers pick up the loot. Iron spikes around the perimeter of the spawn kill any fire bats or ghasts. Biomes of Plenty's blood pools make it pretty easy to mob farm in the nether.

Dunno how cursed earth works but, the old MC problem is that any mob in a other dimension or more then 250? blocks away will despawn if you are not there.
Some modded Spawners change this but at least the early Vanilla trap you mentioned still needs you near therere and that pigman spawn inside your trap am I wrong?
Did they look exactly as vainilla fortress?

Hmmm, I never played Vanilla MC :P Always did moded MC. But for me they looked the same as always. Big huge culloms that support a path of netherbricks. I´m not yet prepared to fight the blazers. So I just saw the bridge and got happy. Did not go there yet.
I found my Nether Fortress pretty far, too. (and yes, vanilla) I recommend making a tunnel, up in the netherrack (below bedrock), in one direction, and checking Journey Map.
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Hi guys, I'm at the point ingame of building an ME system and I'm learning to automate crafting using the ME system, one thing I'm stumbling over though, is taking items out of the machine, I don't mean the item that I have crafted, but items like the forms used in the forming machine to make the chips.

When I run it to, say, make a Printed Logic Circuit, that bit works ok, but when I then get it to craft a Printed Silicon, it can't because the form used to make the Logic circuit is left in the machine, is there a way to have the machine totally emptied after each item is crafted?
Dunno how cursed earth works but, the old MC problem is that any mob in a other dimension or more then 250? blocks away will despawn if you are not there.
Some modded Spawners change this but at least the early Vanilla trap you mentioned still needs you near therere and that pigman spawn inside your trap am I wrong?
Cursed earth causes mobs to spawn at a very high rate and disregards some of the standard rules of mob spawning ( player can be close). We get around the despawning problem by putting a Dimensional Anchor(chunk loader) there so that the spawner/farm is always running.

Hmmm, I never played Vanilla MC :p Always did moded MC. But for me they looked the same as always. Big huge culloms that support a path of netherbricks. I´m not yet prepared to fight the blazers. So I just saw the bridge and got happy. Did not go there yet.

Nether Fortress always looks the same, as mentioned here. Also they tend to spawn in a north/south direction. So if your Z stays roughly the same and you wander you might have better luck. If you get truly desperate and are running your own instance of MC you can input the seed into a tool to find it (aka cheat).