[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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If you use Mystcraft with this pack, please remove it. It's superbly unbalanced. Instead, use the mod RFTools. It's WAY more balanced. You need power to create dimensions, dimlets (Mystcraft pages equivalent) need power and a bunch of resources to craft, plus you need power to keep the dimension running. It also adds a bunch of machines, all useful and all have balanced recipes. It even has its own amazing wireless redstone system. It also has a manual to tell you how to make stuff. Definitely recommend it if you think Mystcraft is unbalanced and you want more uses for precious RF. I think the pack could use this mod, actually.

While I do agree RFTools and the dimension system is pretty darn awesome (added it and played around with it), it's actually just as unbalanced as Mystcraft is without extensive config changes. Every auto-added dimlet, like all the gregtech ores, seems to be at the default RF/t costs and rarities, so they're not hard to find and cost virtually nothing in RF/t to use.

It'd definitely be cool to see this put in, but I don't know who would want to go through and edit all the dimlets D:
isnt it packed in the modpack anyway? you simply have to enable it. the load time issue has vanished just consider yourself warned that Genetics is a little bit difficult to get started with :p
It is, but the configs haven't been played with by Jason since it was fixed. I COULD add it myself, but I trust him to have everything balanced to GregTech much more that I could.
Just wanted to ask for some advice.
I am used to having ComputerCrafts Turtles. I love turtles. I made most of my stuff with them.
Now, in this pack i see Drones, Robots and other similar things.
What choice is most like turtles?
And can be used in early electric era?
[Just got the machines able to do me silicon and aluminum.]
Just wanted to ask for some advice.
I am used to having ComputerCrafts Turtles. I love turtles. I made most of my stuff with them.
Now, in this pack i see Drones, Robots and other similar things.
What choice is most like turtles?
And can be used in early electric era?
[Just got the machines able to do me silicon and aluminum.]
The closest to CC Turtles are Robots from OpenComputers. You should be able to get them working in MV age. I might be mistaken, "lol pack maker and doesnt know?"... i am really unable to remember all the tweaks and recipe changes i did in this pack :) Its just sooo much :)
The closest to CC Turtles are Robots from OpenComputers. You should be able to get them working in MV age. I might be mistaken, "lol pack maker and doesnt know?"... i am really unable to remember all the tweaks and recipe changes i did in this pack :) Its just sooo much :)

Just watched a tutorial on Robots. They may be the most awesome thing I've seen in quite a while. =D
Thanks for the tip.
I know now what to aim for.

Keep up the good work! =)
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After quite a while away ive finally caught up on what's been going on in this forum, and lots of you have interesting ideas and different takes on how to get to the same goal, I'll be trying some of those out :)

Just a quick update on my base... I'm finally in MV although still only operating on 1 RC turbine, it seems to be suiting my needs but I can see the affects of only having 1 now. I'm getting ready to add atleast 1 more, just upgraded my IC2 wiring to be able to handle the load so I'm all good for now.

I am looking to produce oil via bees, there is NO oil wells around me at all, not in 1000 blocks in every direction.. I'm looking at a MV/HV power system at the moment and I'm drawing a blank...
What do other people use for HV power and above? How do you keep up with power demands?

Once ive got HV cracked I'm hoping to have a go at a space station :D

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After quite a while away ive finally caught up on what's been going on in this forum, and lots of you have interesting ideas and different takes on how to get to the same goal, I'll be trying some of those out :)

Just a quick update on my base... I'm finally in MV although still only operating on 1 RC turbine, it seems to be suiting my needs but I can see the affects of only having 1 now. I'm getting ready to add atleast 1 more, just upgraded my IC2 wiring to be able to handle the load so I'm all good for now.

I am looking to produce oil via bees, there is NO oil wells around me at all, not in 1000 blocks in every direction.. I'm looking at a MV/HV power system at the moment and I'm drawing a blank...
What do other people use for HV power and above? How do you keep up with power demands?

Once ive got HV cracked I'm hoping to have a go at a space station :D

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I'm in HV now, taking a break from GT teching for a dip into genetics, bee breeding is not what i remember it being.
Anyway right now, my whole GT enterprise is run by 3 railcraft turbines - i do have plans to add on to that, probably more rc turbines at this rate, the only thing i have problems with is my HV rail ... arc furnace kills the batteries flat in 2 seconds lol, i think i should of made the MV one.
I went the easy route of a golem tree farm being turned into charcoal by enderio alloy smelters and the charcoal going into 36LP boilers. I have 6 boilers and 6 RC turbines right now, with enough charcoal production to support about 15 or so of each. I probably could be further into MV/HV right now, but I'm mostly using the power for 2 EBFs, 20 macerators, and 12 centrifuges :D

Eventually I want to turn all my charcoal into alumentum and use that for power. And then maybe using all the oil I've found, or using the hydrogen I'm getting as a byproduct of my oxygen production.

Basically, this modpack is amazing cuz there is so much stuff to do and so many ways of doing it.
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Is there any way to build a fancy 6x3 door/garage? I was thinking about the shutters-mod or the drawbridges from tinkers but both mods are not installed^^
Is there any way to build a fancy 6x3 door/garage? I was thinking about the shutters-mod or the drawbridges from tinkers but both mods are not installed^^
I know you can use Malisis doors (or something similar) to do this I've seen 3x4 one in aiwens base on our server, they look awesome.

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I am looking to produce oil via bees, there is NO oil wells around me at all, not in 1000 blocks in every direction.. I'm looking at a MV/HV power system at the moment and I'm drawing a blank...
Well, I have a desert oil field biome right next to my base. Plus, oil bees barely produce anything unless you have like 100 running at the same time. Plus, Oil doesn't give GT power (does give IC2 power though) unless you distill it. Still, Ethanol is way better than Oil. GT Distillation Towers have the best Biomass to Ethanol ratio, 2:1. Plus they give by-products rather than giving nothing.
Is there any way to build a fancy 6x3 door/garage? I was thinking about the shutters-mod or the drawbridges from tinkers but both mods are not installed^^
This modpack includes both Carpenters Blocks and Malisis Doors. Carpenters Blocks Garage Doors can be replaced with any sort of block, and Malisis Doors Garage Doors actually look like Garage Doors in real life and have a cool animation.

Yay, looks like the Minechem plutonium exploit has been fixed in 2.1.5!
Jason McRay said:
The closest to CC Turtles are Robots from OpenComputers. You should be able to get them working in MV age. I might be mistaken, "lol pack maker and doesnt know?"...i am really unable to remember all the tweaks and recipe changes i did in this pack :) Its just sooo much :)
You haven't even created a single line on OpenComputers on Minetweaker. Robots need an Electronic Assembler which doesn't require any power. By the way, for crafting recipes, you can simply use MineTweaker Recipe Maker, a mod by DoubleDoorDevelopment. I added a mod called Ztones, which is a decoration mod, but adds a second recipe to when you put a single piece of coal/charcoal on a crafting grid, as so does Galacticraft, so I added a recipe with that. It's REALLY boring to create recipes on MT, I know.

Second edit: @Xavion, you can use the Minetweaker Recipe Maker mod too. Just make it so GT dusts output their components, and if they drop multiple, you can change 'em in the script. In the script, make sure to replace every "recipes" word with "Decomposer", and "Shapeless" with "Recipe". Make sure to make them shapeless (in the Recipe Maker mod), and you need to tweak the recipes anyway.
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You haven't even created a single line on OpenComputers on Minetweaker. Robots need an Electronic Assembler which doesn't require any power..

I think i left the GregTech recipes for OpenComputers stuff on OpenComputers themselves. Since they implemented them, there is no need for me to mess with it
Is there any way to build a fancy 6x3 door/garage? I was thinking about the shutters-mod or the drawbridges from tinkers but both mods are not installed^^

I know you can use Malisis doors (or something similar) to do this I've seen 3x4 one in aiwens base on our server, they look awesome.

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Carpenters has garage doors, though i think the visual customisation is a little limited.
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I just upgraded my item transport from BC pipes to EnderIO transport pipes. It's a huge step forward, but I can already see the limitations in this system with only a few channel colors and the need to create filters all over the place (wouldn't be so bad if I got off my butt and built an iron golem farm I guess). Is the next step up from this an AE2 ME network?
I just upgraded my item transport from BC pipes to EnderIO transport pipes. It's a huge step forward, but I can already see the limitations in this system with only a few channel colors and the need to create filters all over the place (wouldn't be so bad if I got off my butt and built an iron golem farm I guess). Is the next step up from this an AE2 ME network?

Like AE2, you can break up your eIO networks into sub-networks. To do that, place any inventory in between, such as a chest.

For example, export from one eIO network into another using a chest. Then, import into the 2nd eIO network from that chest.

Also, since I use JABBA barrels a lot, 95% of my eIO outputs are the default 'green'. I rely upon the locked JABBA chest to restrict what's put in. And, I like subnetworks. For instance, all of my bee stuff (combs, frames, assembling tiny dusts into dusts, etc.,.) is on a subnetwork. Combs, extra drones, string and wood in, frames and finished bee products out.
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