1.7.10 Infinity Is Nothing

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Update 21: Concrete Over Everything

Big update today so I'll start with the overview and go into each of the structures after


Yeah! Fuck you nature!!!! No more icky green grass and baby bunnies... My industrial area is finally looking industrial.


However it turns out that concreting over everything made it a bit boring so I had to wrack my brain for a while to come up with filler to go over the big ugly grey squares... So shipping containers!


And what goes with shipping containers? A big crane! Added a nice splash of colour to the area, and let's be honest stopped it looking like shyte...


As you can see the plan for the blast furnace changed somewhat(you'll see why at the end of the post), came out beautifully I think...


I also built a dock/harbour building, the plan was to have the carts go into the mountain like the coke ovens but decided to do something different... Unfinished for now until I detail it.

How the blast oven works:


2 loaders fill carts with the iron and coal coke, 1 unloader collects the steel. There's an ME interface under the floor connected back to the main base. The iron and coke is then unloaded next to the storage structure out the back of the furnace.


Iron and coke fills the 2 droppers, timers and state cells then drop 30 iron and 60 coal coke onto the conveyor when a signal is sent from the blast furnace...


Iron and coke trundling up... There's a hopper up there it drops into.


Inside the main building and the iron and coke are placed into the actual Railcraft blast furnace. Steel is then extracted and turned into molten steel by the Tinkers Construct Smeltery, is piped out to a liquid loader at the back of the blast furnace next to where you can see the molten iron flowing out.

When the blast furnace is empty a signal is sent wirelessly to restock from the droppers in storage bins.


A tank cart then takes the molten steel to the casting building(little brick building out back) where it's recast into an ingot and loaded into a chest cart which takes it back to the dock...

All completely pointless but great fun;)


And gratuitous night-time artsy shot


And finally we come to why I redesigned everything, the dome-thingy®... I ignored everyone, including myself and put it behind the blast furnace! I've also laid out the groundwork for the harbour mouth to define the edges of the industrial area.

Once I've "finished" this area I'm going to use the water as a break between it and the surrounding nature
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What is that dome-thingy®?

I like how you design your builds to focus on what looks cool and fits the logic and/or lore of the world, rather than just using itemducts moving everything into AE directly. The automated (yet overtly complex) steel production is quite inspiring.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Awesome. Especially the gratuitous melting of the steel.

Haha thnx, had great fun building it actually

I like how you design your builds to focus on what looks cool and fits the logic and/or lore of the world, rather than just using itemducts moving everything into AE directly. The automated (yet overtly complex) steel production is quite inspiring.

Why thank you, "inspiring" well I've never had anyone say that to me before! ;)

What is that dome-thingy®?

I'm glad you asked, this is the dome thingy®:


You can count this as this weeks update btw(we'll call it Update: 21.5: IC2 is a pain in the arse...) Gotten most of the autocrafting setup sorted and overclocked it so it doesn't take 1000 years to make anything. Quite proud of the fact I'm getting all my rubber needs from the waste propolis of the bees;) Still really enjoy IC2, it's just the nested crafting recipes that bug me until I automate it all.

Once I've got the nukes and the UU fabrication setup I'll show you pics of the interior...

Oh and ideas for my next project please!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
why so strict on the support? like i understand not getting any support, but baring access to the server, just for asking? doesn't that seem a bit much?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
why so strict on the support? like i understand not getting any support, but baring access to the server, just for asking? doesn't that seem a bit much?
I'm confused by what you even mean by this- if you mean that he isn't allowing others on his server who cares? Maybe he just wants to have a SP world with no lag. Besides: if I were him I wouldn't want random people on my server- I would want my build without other player interference


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
I'm confused by what you even mean by this- if you mean that he isn't allowing others on his server who cares? Maybe he just wants to have a SP world with no lag. Besides: if I were him I wouldn't want random people on my server- I would want my build without other player interference
Hey, as I said, let's just leave it and not derail the thread.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It was just a deterrent to stop people asking daft questions, and anyway as of a few days ago I'm back on SSP... the latency to my server was driving me mad


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Update 22: Industrial Craft 2 Experimental

Well that was annoying and grueling, but at the same time I never got bored or gave up and was continually interested. Guess I must be a masochist... Also be warned that there is very very little documentation and you'll spend your life on the IC2 wiki and forum looking at date stamps to see if it's still relevant.

What's the first thing you need when starting IC2exp, that's right auto-crafting, and a lot of it.


My 6 crafting cubes in the AE room have been upgraded to 17 co-processors and 9x16k storage so the super-duper complex recipes have enough space. I then added 32 other crafting cubes under the blood magic pyramid each with 3 co-processors, 8 with 16k storage and 24 with just 4k(leftovers from the base cubes).

This was because I could only ever have 6 things crafting at once and there's nothing more irritating than waiting for a free CPU because they're making cakes or bacon. Now I can craft like a demon and there's always enough CPU's to go round.


For those who missed it, this was the original plan for the dome thingy®.


And this is what it became, those are a line of Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panels that are autocrafted whenever my replicator produces enough iridium. Think I've got about double that running now, once I'm producing iridium fast enough I'll set Quantum Solars to auto-craft. Any ideas for a use for ridiculous amounts of EU;)


Bio-mass and bio-gas production, macerators produce the Bio-Chaff which is then put into Solid/Liquid Canning machines to enrich water into Bio-mass, that's then stored in the liquid pyramid via and endertank.

Bio-mass comes back into fermenters which are powered by Liquid Heat Generators under the floor using lava, Bio-gas heads back to liquid pyramid.

Also need an idea how to use the excess bio-gas in a fun way because I'm producing a lot of it.


Power gen for the machines and bio-gas production, 10x semi-fluid generators using the bio-gas... Started out with 5 standard coal generators that I'm swapping out for Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators once I've generated enough plutonium to make RTG fuel. Will fill that whole wall with these. Hey, it's 32EU/t each for free forever.


Center machine room, autocrafting of plates, cells etc front and to the right. Closest wall holds 4 MFSU's that power all of the above. Nothing too fancy just overclocked to hell and back.

Left most wall is the 5 recyclers(10 overclockers each) and mass-fab/replicator setup to produce iridium, this is powered from the nukes and the solars. I've halved the EU requirement of UU as it's painfully slow to produce. Ultimate Hybrids and RTG fuel are auto-crafted and put in those barrels.


The nuke dome(closest to the harbour mouth), nukes are enclosed at the sides with Lumium Hardened Glass, Reinforced Obsidian and Hardened glass. The top is one layer of Lumium glass followed by a double layer of hardened. 3 layers of hardened glass can stop pretty much any explosion, yet it disappears when you mine it, MC logic ftw.

Shielding is not strictly necessary but I prefer to be safe rather than sorry.

Remote thermal monitors for the MOX reactors send signal in wirelessly.


Inside the containment shielding, back 2 reactors in the pic are standard Uranium reactors while the front ones with the redstone circuit(and smoking) are the MOX reactors.

A subnetwork detects when the reactor is not full(ie: when the fuel rods are being swapped) as you don't want it running not full as it'll lose heat and power output. That was the theory but the import and export buses with 4 acceleration cards each are so fast that the level emitter doesn't have time to trigger. The heat will probably drop but it'll take a good long while.

Another signal comes wirelessly from the monitors to make sure it doesn't get too hot(again not strictly necessary). An AND gate then turns the reactor on only if both the signals are present.


The standard Uranium reactor, please note I've doubled the nuke output in the configs so you won't get as much out of this design unless you do the same. It was a bit ridiculous that 4 nukes running could barely run a mass-fab.


The MOX reactor, the hotter these things run the more power you get so I've increased mine to just under 70% heat(at 70% you start taking damage around the reactor which is annoying). This is a heat neutral design so will never gain heat, only lose as you're swapping out the fuel, so should be perfectly safe...

Not a very visual build, but an interesting one for me... God knows what I'm going to do next...

Thnx for reading, comments, criticisms, suggestions and ideas are welcome as always.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have long since abandoned IC2, it was the first mod I really ever played with and I enjoyed it- but now theres just so much else to do now that I know more about mods and mod packs that I just simply can't stand its crafting. Even if it's auto crafted it takes tons of resources and power and pre-planning: I just cannot even stand to look at it nowadays.