[1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, another question, please. (Work is stressful today. Thinking about what I'm going to do tonight is stress relieving. Etc.) Is there something special about tilling land for planting seeds in this pack? I see only AgriCraft that's about crop growth and I don't think that causes this. I tried to till dirt at ground level, magical forest biome due to pure node, with a stone hoe and nada. The same action does clear the grass off a block and turn it to plain dirt so it's not like there's nothing going on. What did I miss?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, another question, please. (Work is stressful today. Thinking about what I'm going to do tonight is stress relieving. Etc.) Is there something special about tilling land for planting seeds in this pack? I see only AgriCraft that's about crop growth and I don't think that causes this. I tried to till dirt at ground level, magical forest biome due to pure node, with a stone hoe and nada. The same action does clear the grass off a block and turn it to plain dirt so it's not like there's nothing going on. What did I miss?
You can only till land near water. Using it on regular grass gives you other seeds
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can only till land near water. Using it on regular grass gives you other seeds

I thought I was near water but maybe not close enough. (Five blocks or so? Far enough to irrigate barely, I think. I'll double-check when I get home.) Thanks for the help.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You need to be 4 or less

Yeah, five including the water block itself, but maybe there was purple goo there or something, and not water. It was dark. I was tired. And I was approximating, because usually I can hoe if I'm too far, but it reverts. I think I can dig it out in such a way as to move the water source closer. I'm just trying to avoid a bucket when I have so little iron.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Version 1.0.0 Has been released - Official Release/Loot rework 2

First off I would like to thank everyone who participated during the beta releases. Not everyone is willing to play a beta pack, and I am grateful for those who endured my near constant updates and changes through these two weeks. Now for what you really want, the patch notes!
  • Artifacts Mod
Artifacts adds in wizardly tower structures full of traps, monsters, and more importantly, loot. That is not all, however, Artifacts adds in a unique armor/relic system in which you may find RNG rolled loot that has special properties and abilities. You can find Artifact items in the towers, and Artifact armor as a drop from mobs or in dungeon chests. You also have a very high chance of getting Artifact Diamond Armor from Infernal Mobs.
  • Storage Drawers Mod - More storage!
  • Battle Towers Mod - Adds in cool tower structures full of spawners and scaling loot the further you go up, with an epic boss fight. The boss is always Infernal so watch out!
  • Reworked Infernal Mob loot - The old infernal mobs dropped lame old vanilla things. Now you will only find Rare Treasure Bags or Artifacts Armor from infernal mobs.
  • Aether Quests
  • Botania Quests
  • Thaumic Exploration Quests
  • Saturation on food Buffed
  • Can now find 1-5 harvestcraft foods in dungeon chests - up from 1
  • Growing crops underground takes 5x longer to grow
  • Growing crops in general takes 3x longer to grow now - to compensate for saturation and loot buffs.
  • Updated Botania - Should fix a rare world gen crash.
  • Updated Forge to version 1352


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Amazing update. Very excited. Would you recommend restarting for this update? Thanks for all your hard work.

I don't ever recommend restarting. The only world gen that exists spawns structures that are VERY common. About a 30% chance of finding a battle tower in new chunks away from the world spawn.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't ever recommend restarting. The only world gen that exists spawns structures that are VERY common. About a 30% chance of finding a battle tower in new chunks away from the world spawn.

Oh okay, good to know. Also, I haven't played yet but the change to infernal mobs Loot sounds great. I always just threw out the random chain mail gear I got. Now I'm gonna look forward to hunting them down.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ran into a bit of an issue updating my server. The ServerStart.bat was looking for the wrong forge .jar file. It was a simple fix, but thought I would let you know.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Suggestion: The battle towers seem way too common. I made a new world to check things out and I had three within sight of my spawn point if I just turned in a circle. I remember having that issue last time I used that mod as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Suggestion: The battle towers seem way too common. I made a new world to check things out and I had three within sight of my spawn point if I just turned in a circle. I remember having that issue last time I used that mod as well.

The spawn rate will probably be reduced - just seeing how people like it currently. When adding world gen it is a conundrum to balance between those who already have a ton of chunks loaded and new worlds.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
...hm. My launcher is being weird and goofy and saying that the latest version of the pack is at .6.1, or something like that. Oh well. So far, the pack has been lovely!
I did sorta add a couple of mods, though, sorry:

-Open Blocks, solely for the hanglider and the elevator block <.<, disabled the rest and used minetweaker to make the elevator more expensive
-ExtraUtils, but I removed anything that had much to do with technology. Well, minus the transfer pipes, I figured that they weren't, super techy, and I wanted a small sort of item sorting system. Might get hopper ducts or Tubes! and disable the transfer pipes.
-A minimap of my choice (JourneyMap lags for me for some reason, so I just stick to VoxelMap)
-Witching Gadgets, because more fun baubles+baubles unique to the mod like the capes and junk
-I did add Mystcraft, but prevent hate towards me, I already removed the recipe for the book binder so I cannot make new ages, I'm not going to cheat out of the tainted lands that easily >.> I also made the recipe for linking books more expensive (a written book, three gold, the link page, and four mana pearls)
-And Armorer's Workshop, because cool, home made armor models are nice. (And to hide other armors blech)

Here's my base as of yet though!

Where I started out, I was lucky to find myself a pure node to hide in. Also found out that walls+slabs seems to stop the spread of that nasty tainty web stuff. I spent my time here until I found a better place.

My lil hidey hole

The inside, nasty I know

The chest storage room that was in the hidey hole. I WAS going to make the rest pretty, but again, I moved.

So I kind of chickened out and stopped living in the overworld in favor of a certain magical forest. My linking books all lead to the gazebo . Up to the left you can see the start of my thaumcraft area.


The infernal furnace and the infernal blast furnace

Bridge to Ars Magica area, as well as the other areas I'm eventually going to bridge to.

My pathetic AM area.


My botania area and mana gen stuff mainly using Endoflames. I can elaborate on this set up if anyone's interested I guess.

Aaand that's all for now.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I updated my server, but when I attempt to connect, it tells me that it is an "Incompatible FML modded server" with 78 mods present. Any ideas? I compared the mods list between the server and client and everything seemed in order, excluding all the client-only mods of course.

Let me know if I can provide anymore information that's needed to help me solve this problem.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I updated my server, but when I attempt to connect, it tells me that it is an "Incompatible FML modded server" with 78 mods present. Any ideas? I compared the mods list between the server and client and everything seemed in order, excluding all the client-only mods of course.

Let me know if I can provide anymore information that's needed to help me solve this problem.
Try running it with the 1291 forge files and the bat files from a previous version and dump the mods and configs of this version into it and see if it runs. I forgot to update the bat files on this forge version


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Suggestion: The battle towers seem way too common. I made a new world to check things out and I had three within sight of my spawn point if I just turned in a circle. I remember having that issue last time I used that mod as well.

I find it strange that the amount of towers in a new world is an issue at all. For one there can be a hundred, but if your just starting out there is no way your going in. If you get to the part where you can survive all the way to the top of one, then the amount shouldn't matter either. Unless your talking about lag then never mind.