Hi everyone!! sorry about my English!
I need to spawn an Ocelot and i made a Table of necromancy and a cursed spirit's blade, if i kill animals with it it is ok but i need alienis to spawn an ocelot so i kill every mob i see and no essence drop, just normal drops, i activated the blade with harvesting essence, i think it is because every mob is from special mobs mod and the csb only works with minecraft mobs...if anyone can help i'll be very gratefull
Earlier in the thread, someone mentioned that in order to get the cursed blade working, they had to edit the spawn tables in the Infernal Mobs and Special Mobs configs in order to allow vanilla mobs to spawn. I'll see if I can find it.
There are a bunch of lines in the SpecialMobs.cfg that currently say something like allow_vanilla=false. You need to change those to read true, instead. You might also want to adjust spawning rates, but this change is enough if you're just trying to play for a while, power up the CSB, then set things back to default.
I noticed the portal back from TF spawned me somewhere underground in Y=13 instead of where I started. Seems like some common bug as in Regrowth on exiting Nether I ended up beneath the ocean floor.
Original portal was Y=75 at X/Z approx. -1738/3287, yeah fibrous taint ate some flowers but the blocks are still there and it works, TP arrival portal is Y=49, return TP is Y=29 not as deep as I thought first (apparently I went down from there for ressources) at approx. -1480/3136. Don't think it spawned there naturally inside the stone. I only found that portal as I'm not far in, just wanted to grab myself some ressources. Guess the taint warps everything.What was the y-altitude of the original TF portal in the Overworld? And what was its altitude in the Forest? Was the Overworld portal damaged somehow or is it still fine? And does this happen with every TF portal you go through or just one location?
Original portal was Y=75 at X/Z approx. -1738/3287, yeah fibrous taint ate some flowers but the blocks are still there and it works, TP arrival portal is Y=49, return TP is Y=29 not as deep as I thought first (apparently I went down from there for ressources) at approx. -1480/3136. Don't think it spawned there naturally inside the stone. I only found that portal as I'm not far in, just wanted to grab myself some ressources. Guess the taint warps everything.
I recently started this mod, and I have somewhat dumb issue: I can't equip the adventure's backpack. How does that work?
Put it on the ground, then left click it with an empty hand. There's a good web page about it that you should read so you're familiar with all the tricky things it can do. Be aware that in Hubris, it will NOT spawn when you die on areas that have crusted taint, which means sometimes it ends up spawning in a cave below or above you. If you think you have 'lost' it, start digging...
Explain "despawn" please? Is the world unloading, as if the loading bit was happening in reverse?So I don't know if this is something on my end (i'm not getting any crash reports since it isn't "technically crashing") but any time that I die, the entire world begins to despawn and I have to force quit out of the game then reload it. Usually it will spawn me back in right before I died (sometimes I die again immediately, forcing me to force close again). I can't figure out with the issue is.
Also, if it makes any difference, I'm playing from the curse launcher.
I think they're talking about the effect you can see in Electric Cake's Youtube LP, around the 21:30 mark. Chunks being unloaded instead of loaded after respawn.
Very first. Uh....