[1.7.10][205 Quests][Listed] BeeHappy - A quest based map about Bees

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So I finally decided to move on my corrupted save, and try out a new world. I know Agricraft is in, but are the resource crops enabled?
Okay, I was using the centrifuge on some of my combs, and I got a strange type of propolis. Unstable Propolis, but I can find no uses for it. What can it be used for, (I realize nothing is the answer in this pack) however I would like to know its uses in general.
Okay, I was using the centrifuge on some of my combs, and I got a strange type of propolis. Unstable Propolis, but I can find no uses for it. What can it be used for, (I realize nothing is the answer in this pack) however I would like to know its uses in general.

One of those many things in Forestry that has no known uses anywhere (like the drops from Glacial, Acidic, and Venomous combs).
One of those many things in Forestry that has no known uses anywhere (like the drops from Glacial, Acidic, and Venomous combs).
No, I think the crystalline pollen is used for something, and those ice shard thingies can make a crushed ice bucket for using in an acclimatiser? :/ And the acidic combs drop sulfur, and they have a 50% of replenishing the comb after you centrifuge it... *scratches head*
So I finally decided to move on my corrupted save, and try out a new world. I know Agricraft is in, but are the resource crops enabled?

I believe the resource crops are in Magic Crops, not Agricraft. Regrowth forced the use of agricraft on all the plants (Vanilla farming disabled.) But Agricraft handles crop mutations and cropsticks (IC2 has cropsticks as well but they are not as good IMHO)

However if you have trouble getting the crop mutations for Pam's harvestcraft you can always use 1 emerald, 4 wool and 4 wood planks to get the "Market" block. You can buy any Pams seed as well as getting cow, chicken, sheep, etc spawn eggs.
I believe the resource crops are in Magic Crops, not Agricraft. Regrowth forced the use of agricraft on all the plants (Vanilla farming disabled.) But Agricraft handles crop mutations and cropsticks (IC2 has cropsticks as well but they are not as good IMHO)

However if you have trouble getting the crop mutations for Pam's harvestcraft you can always use 1 emerald, 4 wool and 4 wood planks to get the "Market" block. You can buy any Pams seed as well as getting cow, chicken, sheep, etc spawn eggs.

Agricraft has its own resource crops. They are used in AS2 for example. In regrowth those were disabled in favor of Magic Crops
No, I think the crystalline pollen is used for something, and those ice shard thingies can make a crushed ice bucket for using in an acclimatiser? :/ And the acidic combs drop sulfur, and they have a 50% of replenishing the comb after you centrifuge it... *scratches head*

Sorry - I was referring only to the 'drop-shaped' drops: the Kelvin drop, Acidic drop, and Venomous drop items.
Agricraft has its own resource crops. They are used in AS2 for example. In regrowth those were disabled in favor of Magic Crops

I don't think so. I was looking at the Agricraft The only resources listed are seeds. In Regrowth. most of the "resources" I was thinking of wer ore seeds. Those all come from Magic Crops. But Agricraft implements the IC2 crop mutations, as well as the crop sticks. The only seeds they list are basic minecraft type seeds. The usual Wheat,potato, carrot,melon, and pumpkin, but also seeds for red and brown mushrooms as well as flower seeds, such as allium, blue orchid, poppy, dandylion etc. No other resources are listed with that mod. AS2 I believe uses mostly Ex Nihlo, and Ex Astris to get mineral resources correct?
I don't think so. I was looking at the Agricraft The only resources listed are seeds. In Regrowth. most of the "resources" I was thinking of wer ore seeds. Those all come from Magic Crops. But Agricraft implements the IC2 crop mutations, as well as the crop sticks. The only seeds they list are basic minecraft type seeds. The usual Wheat,potato, carrot,melon, and pumpkin, but also seeds for red and brown mushrooms as well as flower seeds, such as allium, blue orchid, poppy, dandylion etc. No other resources are listed with that mod. AS2 I believe uses mostly Ex Nihlo, and Ex Astris to get mineral resources correct?

Finally the mod also provides some resource crops, these generate resources (gold nuggets, redstone dust, ...). In order for these plants to grow, they need a base of the corresponding ore (as seen in the screenshots). When AgriCraft detects other mods that add metals (aluminum, tin, copper, lead, ...) it will also add in crops for that.
Both these features (greenhouses and resource crops) can be disabled in the config.

Source: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/agricraft

I don't remember all the names right now, but one was lapender, another was redstonian or something like that. In AS2 you start with exNihilo / exAtris, but later you need to cross some of those resource seeds.

Coming back to beehappy, I don't think the resource crops are enabled, but they are not really needed, with all the bees.
Perhaps you are correct @Nicolás Granelli I was only going off what I saw on the FTB wiki.There was something in there about the ore seed being planted on a base of the corresponding ore. If I was to use a crop for ores, I would probably choose Magic crops with agricraft compatability. But I really do like the bees, I have 2 industrial apiaries of copper tin and iron. I will probably make a 2nd diamond and emerald one soon.
Okay, I was using the centrifuge on some of my combs, and I got a strange type of propolis. Unstable Propolis, but I can find no uses for it. What can it be used for, (I realize nothing is the answer in this pack) however I would like to know its uses in general.

Unstable propolis has uses. I'm not familiarized with it, but I can them see in my NEI. Maybe the recipes are hidden in your NEI? What mod could possible hide recipes until you research them?

This is my very lame intent of being mysterious hehe. You have to research in the Thaumonomicon. I still don't understand most of it, but I think they are for magical frames
Unstable propolis has uses. I'm not familiarized with it, but I can them see in my NEI. Maybe the recipes are hidden in your NEI? What mod could possible hide recipes until you research them?

This is my very lame intent of being mysterious hehe. You have to research in the Thaumonomicon. I still don't understand most of it, but I think they are for magical frames
It's from magic bees, I suppose. :p
EDIT: Unstable propolis come from the Transmuting Bee.
Anyone know the conditions for growing Netherwart on cropsticks in this pack? I'm starting a 'mushroom garden' underneath my platform.
I think it has to be dark, or low light. and has to be on mycelium for the mushrooms. To get it to grow, you have place soulsand, then cropsticks then netherwart. Then mycelium with double cropsticks, then (I think one of them is sugarcane) so it would be sugarcane with cropsticks on the correct soils. As usual though in order for mutation to occur both parent plants have to be fully mature first.