[1.6.4] Material Energy^3 [JamPacked] [HQM] [CTM] [Beta]

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I need help. What is the secret quest in left alone, and where are the creeper, spider, sheep, zombie, witch, slime, and villager trophies? I can't find any of these and I've been searching for hours...
Bug report : using transfer nodes on minechem multiblock (I assume both of them, only did on the fusions reactor) make the game crash (and crash again when you open the world).
I'm not asking for it to get solve, I'm not expecting 1.6.4 mods to update anymore. What I would like would be for you to add a warning about it in the how to use books so others won't do the same mistake.

edit : Note that I managed to save my world with mcEdit, if it happens to anyone else
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For XP:
Diamond dollies, Blaze Spawners from Hell, and AAs weaponized with Polytools. Came up with a design that accommodates 36 spawners [liking the fans], is controllable via Lava Lighting and Crusher design compatible. Now to build the the thing.

The more you know...
If building a mob grinder powered via monster spawners, make sure the floor is made of a non-spawnable material. Otherwise you'll get unwanted mobs polluting you system.

While writing this I was thinking about wiring the Lava to have banks of spawners enabled/disabled [to allow for various mob types]. I think this would decrease efficiency too much tho. Blaze/Pigmen would swim up in the lava if spawned near it and overworld mobs would burn up. Thoughts?
hey, this is what I saw earlier today! I like the concept of a spatial pylon super hostile, but the map does look quite daunting from the perspective of a CTM.

However, still looks good, so I wish you luck!
It's because of you wishing me luck that I won!!!! :D
Bug report : using transfer nodes on minechem multiblock (I assume both of them, only did on the fusions reactor) make the game crash (and crash again when you open the world).
I'm not asking for it to get solve, I'm not expecting 1.6.4 mods to update anymore. What I would like would be for you to add a warning about it in the how to use books so others won't do the same mistake.

edit : Note that I managed to save my world with mcEdit, if it happens to anyone else
Read the FAQ
Minor Annoyance:
Had 1/4 stack of aspirin-coated bread vanish from my inventory. Got the Regen but didn't get any meat pops for the one bread I ate...
Also noticed the eating animation is a bit buggy with coated bread...assume other foods too?
Dunno how you're doing things 'I assume AE' but I installed/use Steve's Factory Manager for the simple/beginning automation stuff. I'll use AE later for the more complex crafting but I'm not that far into the map to be using AE for anything besides minimal storage. I still don't see AE changing the pattern in the synth machine tho.

Aside: for as advanced as this base is...Steve has access to very few tech mods/automation methods. ComputerCraft/SFM/liquid storage for AE would be welcome additions and in keeping with the lore of the map.

Naw I don't have anything crazy automated with it. Just using them to make my power system with the Multifarm from Forestry. Logs->Charcoal->Carbon->Coal->Liquid Coal->Compression Dynamo. It's probably overkill but I just wanted to see if I could do it. The problem I was having was pulling the coal from the synthesis machine, but I just derped and forgot my servo with coal in the whitelist.
Naw I don't have anything crazy automated with it. Just using them to make my power system with the Multifarm from Forestry. Logs->Charcoal->Carbon->Coal->Liquid Coal->Compression Dynamo. It's probably overkill but I just wanted to see if I could do it. The problem I was having was pulling the coal from the synthesis machine, but I just derped and forgot my servo with coal in the whitelist.
Staying as far away from Forestry as possible...until I'm forced to use it. Have a care with TE3 pipes [ducts and conduits], as they don't like it when you cross chunks with them.
What block gives it power. We haven't changed anything from how it was at the start
The block above the ME Controller is a Leadstone Energy Cell [mouse over and you'll see Walia tell you what it is]. The Cell is an RF-battery. It's what powers the Controller. If you right-click on the cell, you'll open up it's GUI and you can see how much energy is stored. If it's empty, you need to recharge it. If it has power, then look at the Controller underneath it. If you see a red-to-green bar on the Controller, then the controller has power. If you see a black bar on the Controller, then the controller isn't getting any power from the Cell...this is where you flip the lever.

If your Cell and Controller have power and you're still having problems...I dunno what to tell ya...maybe get another of whatever disk is problematic and try that?
Read the FAQ
humm, seem like it have been too long since I downloaded the pack then :p
(I think that it should be a little more visible for something that can destroy your world tho)

Edit : For the pay to win quest s, I've notice some major unbalaced quest reward for the XP side of it :
Prometheum orb -->333,3xp/coin (1 000xp)
Deep Iron orb -->277,7xp/coin (10 000xp)
Orichalcum -->086,3xp/coin (34 980xp)

Making it so the quest give 3 Orichalcum orbs(making it 259xp/coin), or lower the cost would make it more useful, else it's a waste of coins to buy the top tier orb.
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I am new to Minecraft and wanted to know how i can install your excellent map as i have seen other people playing it and would love to play this mod with my friends
Looking forward to your reply soon
Is the method to create Cursed Earth safely been patched or do you need to use a crafted light source? I've got glowstone nooks 7 block above the Cursed Earth area except for 9 blocks centered on the Enchantment Table. Removed all torches in the vicinity and can't get the 'Altar must not be lit by outside sources' to go away.

Tried this in creative with glowstone lamps. Still no luck AND either the lamps or the table caused a lighting glitch [light level 8 around table with no light sources]. Removing the lamps, table, and logging fixed the glitch.

Found the issue...sorta. Video I was watching was using Railcraft Stone Lamps. What wasn't specified was that these lamps give off same light level as a torch. Moved the glowstone up one block and tried again. The outer ring of glowstone is ok. Anything closer trips the light detector for the ritual...so it looks like it's been patched.
Since there doesn't seem to be any infos...

Metallurgy Enchanting system [Tartarite Table + Pylons] will get you beyond the vanilla enchanting limits. Bibliocraft allows you to copy Enchanted books. If you use Metallurgy to enchant books beyond the vanilla limit, can you then use Bibliocraft to copy them [this didn't work in either AgS or CL - but they didn't use Metallurgy]?
Got 'Storage Upgrade x243' as a loot reward [Miraculous/Supernatural/?]
But the Barrel Structural Upgrades only go as high as 127 slots.