Whitelist Server [1.6.4] JCraft Dedicated Server 100+ Tech mods and more!

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  • Name: dirtstump
  • Age(if you dont mind saying): 15
  • Experience with the mods/vanilla MC: 1.5 years vanilla, .5 years or more tekkit/FTB
  • What do you bring to the table?: Jello mixed with Redstone
  • Anything else that may make us like you.: My personality? Or giving you cake?
  • Have you ever been banned and why?: The only time that might have happened would have been from my friend playing around with the commands...
  • Proof that you read the rules and this post :): COOKIES!
Any updates?

We are still waiting, Watchful has been very busy. Quote from his update pack.

Yep, spilling over to tomorrow. Might even be saturday for some packs. We set a record for most new pack submissions, 23, and pack updates, 14. Well over 100 packs now.
If you have new pack submission and I have not responded to your pm saying something is wrong with it, that means it has been accepted and I haven't had time to respond yet. It should go up in the next day or so with the updates.

Hopefully Jarrad hasnt had a PM saying there is a problem with it which from this means it has been accepted and we're just waiting for upload. Fingers crossed guys :)
Edit: Thanks for replying. I bet the staff is just as exited as us the players. Lets pray to the goats that there was no probs with the pack!
For your information while we wait this is a list of Mods that will be on the pack:

Advanced Machines AtomicStryker Version
Advanced power Management
Advanced solars
Applied Energetics
Assembly Line
Atomic Science
Biomes o'plenty
Carpenters slope
Charge Pads
CoFH core
Complex Machines
Electric Expansion
Extra Bees
Extra Utilities
Fluid Mechanics
Immibis Microblocks
IndustrialCraft 2
Minefactory reloaded
Modular Power Suits
Minecraft Forge
Nuclear Control
Power Converters
Steves Carts
Thaumcraft 3
Thaumic Bees
Thaumic Tinkerer
Thermal Expansion
Tinkerers Construct
Universal electricty

As you can see we have added alot more technical mods mostly Universal Electricity and associated modules. We have tested the pack between the 3 of us but there will be some bugs and possible exploits, so we ask that you guys report any bugs or exploits to us.

We removed some mods from the Ultimate pack which was our foundation, these are:

Bibliocraft - fairly useless Aesthetic mod, removed to save on mod congestion.
Secret Rooms - the same as above.
Twilight Forest - This one was a tough one but we decided to remove it due to the CPU hog and tbh it doesn't offer a whole lot more.

Mods that are pending on Permission or awaiting update:

Compact Windmills - awaiting permission
Mystcraft - waiting for update

You will also notice we haven't included a minimap mod or NEI plugins. There is several minimap mods out there and it is Client side mod so pick your own flavour and install it yourself, I use Zans minimap. NEI plugins wasn't updated at the time of submission, it is now and you can install it yourself as it is client side, get it here. https://bitbucket.org/mistaqur/nei_plugins/wiki/Home. It will be added to in the next pack update which will probably be next week if all goes well.

Ofc we take any pack suggestion for future inclusion into the pack :)
Nicenice, cheers for the update. :)

Kinda relieved about compact windmills to be honest, from what I understand it's pretty overpowered in a GT pack as the mod author removed wind fluctuation so the top tier windmill reliably kicks out as much as a plasma generator and is (relative to other top-tier power producing machines) extremely cheap to make.

Losing mystcraft be a bit of a pain, but we don't really need it. Only part of it that was awesome was the linking books but we have teleport commands to compensate for that functionality.

Are we banning any items btw? .. just so everyone's clear ahead of time whether stuff like MFR's auto-spawner is off the table.
Nicenice, cheers for the update. :)

Kinda relieved about compact windmills to be honest, from what I understand it's pretty overpowered in a GT pack as the mod author removed wind fluctuation so the top tier windmill reliably kicks out as much as a plasma generator and is (relative to other top-tier power producing machines) extremely cheap to make.

Losing mystcraft be a bit of a pain, but we don't really need it. Only part of it that was awesome was the linking books but we have teleport commands to compensate for that functionality.

Are we banning any items btw? .. just so everyone's clear ahead of time whether stuff like MFR's auto-spawner is off the table.

Both Mystcraft and Compact windmills will still be added to the pack, they are just pending atm, don't think Compact windmills is as OP as you think, the Dev made some recent changes.

There will be some recipes banned for balance reasons and griefing etc, don't think MFR spawner is one of those items though common sense dictates that they should not be on all the time and a good overflow system to reduce server lag, if people abuse them and they cause a problem then Jarrad will ban them, simples :)
Aye, I just read about the rotor system; it's gonna be one of those things that's hard to judge without tinkering with it a bit. At first glance, 2048eu/t from a single block with no fuel or advanced material costs just seems a little bit. .. :/

Time will tell I suppose.
to quell your fears abit about it Grungi, GT already adds a more expensive recipe for the windmill, and you'll have to make somewhere along the lines of 1000 of them to make that single block. all it really does is make what already can be done into a smaller more compact footprint. As well as help the server in terms of lag.
My main concern is that, even with the GT recipe adding the carbon plate requirement, they're still way cheaper than solar panels, and the removal of the fluctuation mechanic makes 'em very powerful indeed.

No real biggee; if I don't like them I can just ignore them and pretend they don't exist. :P
Ofc we take any pack suggestion for future inclusion into the pack :)

There's a few computercraft related mods that I might want to use. I'll talk to you about them when the server is up though. I think computercraft is cool and I haven't been using it much apart from turtles. But with some added peripherals you can do alot of cool stuff (like OpenCCsensors)
from Watchfuls Update thread:

Looks like 1.5 gigs of packs takes longer than a few hours to cache. As soon as the packs are up, I will push the xml's to make them public. Probably early tomorrow afternoon.