Whitelist Server [1.6.4] JCraft Dedicated Server 100+ Tech mods and more!

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  • Name: niege
  • Age: 27
  • Experience with the mods/vanilla: I have been playing FTB for about 8 months, not in "hardcore" way.
  • What do you bring to the table?: Cookies ? erm.. I like to build compact buildings with aesthetic. Progress is going on with technical side though, still learning anyway.
  • Anything else that may make us like you: Friendly, chilled out etc. I will not be a pain for others, I can promise that. Besides, I will harass Grungi. Just kidding of course, he is the reason I'm applying here.
  • Have you ever been banned and why?: None that I know of, no.
  • Proof that you read the rules and this post: Cod fish smells bad, I can smell it from miles away.
  • Name: niege
  • Age: 27
  • Experience with the mods/vanilla: I have been playing FTB for about 8 months, not in "hardcore" way.
  • What do you bring to the table?: Cookies ? erm.. I like to build compact buildings with aesthetic. Progress is going on with technical side though, still learning anyway.
  • Anything else that may make us like you: Friendly, chilled out etc. I will not be a pain for others, I can promise that. Besides, I will harass Grungi. Just kidding of course, he is the reason I'm applying here.
  • Have you ever been banned and why?: None that I know of, no.
  • Proof that you read the rules and this post: Cod fish smells bad, I can smell it from miles away.
and welcome to you too niege. sending the pack code now.
IGN: daverboon
Age: 36
Experience: Moderate for most of the ultimate mods
What do I bring to the table?: I have the research recipes for all the thaumcraft items.
Anything else that may make us like you: I'm friendly
Have you ever been banned and why?: no
Proof that you read the rules and this post: "This is a mature server and I expect all on it to behave that way. Do no cause grief for the players on it or you will be removed." My thoughts exactly.
  • Name: Gimpansor
  • Age(if you dont mind saying): 28
  • Experience with the mods/vanilla MC: I did not play much of vanilla, but really started modded minecraft with tekkit. I moved to FTB once it become more known and ultimate as soon as it was available.
  • What do you bring to the table? Automation, automation, automation. Development skills (CC and other stuff), and i always try to stay "bleeding edge" when it comes to MC mods.
  • Anything else that may make us like you. I can make an automated cookie machine? :(
  • Have you ever been banned and why? Nope
  • Proof that you read the rules and this post :) Failsave levers, i try to avoid pipes so i wont need the overflow ;)
  • *edit* Suggested Mod (if i may): OpenCCSensors! (*edit2*: At least i didnt find it on the spreadsheet ;-))
  • Name: ZdiDaNigga
  • Age: 15
  • Experience with the mods/vanilla MC: I have played for a while on a other mc server but I don't have much experience with playing with this mods, i would love to learn about it.
  • What do you bring to the table?: I will help people when they ask me
  • Anything else that may make us like you. I am going to play a lot on this server and I am going to build nice buildings.
  • Have you ever been banned and why?: No
  • Proof that you read the rules and this post: you must be limited to 5 spot loaders and 1 chunk loader, you must beware the relay and timer lag, you must have a off lever and fail safe, you don't make your own shard spawners, you don't use the Tanks
  • ING: ZdiDaNigga
  • Name: Jonah ING: Jonah009
  • Age(I dont mind saying) 14
  • Experience with the mods/vanilla MC: I have played on many vanilla servers but I prefer modded minecraft because of the diversity, and much experience with many of the mods in this pack
  • What do you bring to the table? I am an active player and I will do my best to improve the quality of this server.
  • Anything else that may make us like you. I make excellent cookies :)
  • Have you ever been banned and why? Once but that was because the spawn was a NPC village and I 'griefed' it without knowing it was the spawn
  • Proof that you read the rules and this post :) 5 spot loaders, 1 chunk loaders, beware of timer/relay, fail safes in automations, no soul shards, no tanks
  • Name LokiNorseMyth
  • Age(if you don't mind saying) Fourteen
  • Experience with the mods/vanilla MC - I've done a fair bit of building and I consider myself moderately proficient with redstone.
  • What do you bring to the table? - Being a member of a build team, I bring my whimsical style of architecture and my fairly broad knowledge concerning art and color theory.
  • Anything else that may make us like you. I was previously an Administrator on a server, so I rarely show extreme emotions, and always try to avoid possible arguments. I also enjoy drawing humans, animals, and other aspects of nature.
  • Have you ever been banned and why? Once, but I was later unbanned as I was proven innocent.
  • Proof that you read the rules and this post :) I know the power of the codfish. It is a fierce force to be reckoned with.
  • Name Voodooroo2010
  • Age(if you dont mind saying) 23
  • Experience with the mods/vanilla MC been playing minecraft since alpha and ftb for about 3 months now
  • What do you bring to the table? I am very creative and love to build and i am very great with bees :)
  • Anything else that may make us like you. I collect geckos irl
  • Have you ever been banned and why? Not to my knowledge
  • Proof that you read the rules and this post :) turn chunck loaders off when you are not using them
  • Name: Mondaine
  • Age: 28
  • Experience with the mods/vanilla MC: Started with vanilla quite a while ago, but since Gimpansor (the guy, you recently whitelisted) started playing tekkit and later FTB/Ultimate, I joined him on his personal server.
  • What do you bring to the table? Automation! Guess, when Gimpansor speaks of automation, he really means, that he forces me to do stuff :D
  • Anything else that may make us like you. ...idk... since there are no oreos in mc, my automated oreo-seperating-machine wouldn't be too useful. How about cookies?!
  • Have you ever been banned and why? No
  • Proof that you read the rules and this post :): Stay away with that cod fish! And of course, only one chunk loader and 5 spot loaders and no xycraft tanks
  • Name: Quifraigo
  • Age(if you dont mind saying): 15
  • Experience with the mods/vanilla MC: I've been playing vanilla since beta 1.7.3, I started playing feed the beast since 1.2.5
  • What do you bring to the table?: I'm almost every day online for at least an hour.
  • Anything else that may make us like you: I've played a hack of a lot minecraft, so I know a lot about the game :).
  • Have you ever been banned and why?: Nope
  • Proof that you read the rules and this post :) : You must have a power button, its fail safe. No soul shards. No xycraft tanks, 5 spotloaders and 1 chunk loader max allowed.
  • Name: mit240
  • Age(if you dont mind saying): 17
  • Experience with the mods/vanilla MC: Played minecraft for longer than i can remember, experience with almost all the mods in ftb
  • What do you bring to the table? I'm pretty good with computercraft, im yet to make some contraptions using some of the newer miscperipherals stuff.
  • Anything else that may make us like you. i try to play as much minecraft as i can.
  • Have you ever been banned and why? No
  • Proof that you read the rules and this post :): Fear the codfish, Xytanks are bad and dont make soul shards use the public ones.
We figured out the problem, It appears to be an electric chest, so who ever placed it down, don't do it again ^^

Added, welcome![DOUBLEPOST=1370464767][/DOUBLEPOST]Be careful of a bug guys, nothing can go into the Tinker's Construct tables but the items intended. It will crash the server if anything else is put in there.