[1.6.4] InfiTech Modpack [GregTech/Galacticraft hard-mode modpack] - DISCONTINUED


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Now *IC2 crops*, I haven't tried yet and am looking forward to it. I'll add IC2 crops to my to-do list for this world.
Speaking of which: Victory! ( 5 mins ago )

I was beginning to think Enderbloom actually didn't exist.

Ironically, I no longer need it if I'm willing to set up a passive mobfarm in the end. But whatevs. I wanted it, got one.



Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Incredibly lame vanilla question: any particular reason I cannot use buildcraft/ic2 pipes to extract from an ender chest?

I never use the damn things. I have the most bizarre gaps in my knowledge.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would guess that it is because vanilla ender chests are tied to each own players inventory and pipes are not tied to any player.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I played a little with GT5. But... GT has indeed its own power system. The only way of converting EU to "whatever-is-the-name-of-gregtech-power-system" is by transformers. This is something I hate. Because I am kinda getting tired of having multiple power systems which you really can't use together without any sorts of conversion. The only way to use EU and RF with each other is currently with Aluminum Wires from Galacticraft. I will try to talk to Galacticraft devs if it will be possible in 1.7 to provide also support for GT power system (which might be impossible since GT is not open source, and doesnt have an open API :( )

And yea.. Aiwen was kinda busy with his Alvearies on our first server only modpack.
GT power system is EU. The only differences are the mechanics of power transmission, which made IC² and GT cables be incompatible.
By the way, IC² blocks accept EU from GT cables just fine (1 Ampere), just not the opposite.
Thus it is preferrable to have GT EU stored with battery buffers.
If you use IC² generators, it is best to have an inverted "insert highest voltage of your battery buffers here" transformer connected to it, so you have minimal loss on GT EU transmission.

Also, try hugging a GT uninsulated wire or a lava/steam pipeline :3
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Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just to let you know guys. 1.7 version of InfiTech modpack is comming along nicely. It is currently in Alpha testing inside the Infinity Team. If everything goes smoothly, we should have the Beta version ready for public during next week.

Its going to be 1.7.2 from start, and when GT will be updated to "stable" 1.7.10 we will have a big update.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Just to let you know guys. 1.7 version of InfiTech modpack is comming along nicely. It is currently in Alpha testing inside the Infinity Team. If everything goes smoothly, we should have the Beta version ready for public during next week.

Its going to be 1.7.2 from start, and when GT will be updated to "stable" 1.7.10 we will have a big update.
Exciting stuff, thanks sir.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
PneumaticCraft's Helium plants were out of the control in the Nether. My server went from ~20% usage of one 1 core to over 100% and TPS dropped to sometimes as low as 2 ticks per second. I could not login.

/profile showed the offending EntityItem location:

2014-08-12 12:04:45 [INFO] [TickProfiler]
TPS: 18.595661
                Single Entity | Time/Tick |    %
EntityItemSpecial 44,112,0:-1 |    0.111 | 0.233
EntityItemSpecial 44,112,4:-1 |    0.090 | 0.188
EntityItemSpecial 43,112,2:-1 |    6.971 | 0.183
EntityItemSpecial 44,112,0:-1 |    0.078 | 0.163
EntityItemSpecial 45,112,3:-1 |    6.231 | 0.117
    Chunk | Time/Tick |      %
-1: 2, 0 |    44.803 | 93.636
-1: 2, -1 |    2.927 |  6.116
-1: 1, 1 |    0.092 |  0.193
-1: 1, 0 |    0.004 |  0.009
-1: 0, 1 |    0.002 |  0.004
All Entities of Type | Time/Tick |      %
    EntityItemSpecial |    47.723 | 99.739
    TileAlvearyPlain |    0.066 |  0.137
      TileGenericPipe |    0.016 |  0.033
energy.TileEngineWood |    0.007 |  0.014
  gadgets.TileApiary |    0.005 |  0.010
Average Entity of Type | Time/tick |  Calls
    EntityItemSpecial |    0.025 | 1049108
      TileChunkLoader |    0.004 |    557
energy.TileEngineWood |    0.003 |    1114
      TileGenericPipe |    0.001 |    6684
      TileAlvearyPlain |    0.001 |  30078

I then went into MCedit and found the offending entities : PCraft Helium Plants. I cleaned them up and it improved, but I still don't trust PCraft. The plants are annoying as it is.

PCraft got .disabled. Server is much happier. I'll report this to the mod author through his/her official channel.

Edit : Looks like official bug reporting/tracking is on MineMaarten's GitHub. Entered a ticket here.
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
PneumaticCraft's Helium plants were out of the control in the Nether. My server went from ~20% usage of one 1 core to over 100% and TPS dropped to sometimes as low as 2 ticks per second. I could not login.

/profile showed the offending EntityItem location:

2014-08-12 12:04:45 [INFO] [TickProfiler]
TPS: 18.595661
                Single Entity | Time/Tick |    %
EntityItemSpecial 44,112,0:-1 |    0.111 | 0.233
EntityItemSpecial 44,112,4:-1 |    0.090 | 0.188
EntityItemSpecial 43,112,2:-1 |    6.971 | 0.183
EntityItemSpecial 44,112,0:-1 |    0.078 | 0.163
EntityItemSpecial 45,112,3:-1 |    6.231 | 0.117
    Chunk | Time/Tick |      %
-1: 2, 0 |    44.803 | 93.636
-1: 2, -1 |    2.927 |  6.116
-1: 1, 1 |    0.092 |  0.193
-1: 1, 0 |    0.004 |  0.009
-1: 0, 1 |    0.002 |  0.004
All Entities of Type | Time/Tick |      %
    EntityItemSpecial |    47.723 | 99.739
    TileAlvearyPlain |    0.066 |  0.137
      TileGenericPipe |    0.016 |  0.033
energy.TileEngineWood |    0.007 |  0.014
  gadgets.TileApiary |    0.005 |  0.010
Average Entity of Type | Time/tick |  Calls
    EntityItemSpecial |    0.025 | 1049108
      TileChunkLoader |    0.004 |    557
energy.TileEngineWood |    0.003 |    1114
      TileGenericPipe |    0.001 |    6684
      TileAlvearyPlain |    0.001 |  30078

I then went into MCedit and found the offending entities : PCraft Helium Plants. I cleaned them up and it improved, but I still don't trust PCraft. The plants are annoying as it is.

PCraft got .disabled. Server is much happier. I'll report this to the mod author though his/her official channel.

Weird, wonder how that happened.

I have lots of helium plants in my nether but never noticed any performance impact. I probably just don't notice it but its there.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Weird, wonder how that happened.

I have lots of helium plants in my nether but never noticed any performance impact. I probably just don't notice it but its there.

Nice-looking kid ! Is he (she ?) your first ? My Avatar is my 2nd kid.

I'm pretty sure I experienced this issue only because I chunkload the Nether for my bees.
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Nice-looking kid ! Is he (she ?) your first ? My Avatar is my 2nd kid.

I'm pretty sure I experienced this issue only because I chunkload the Nether for my bees.
That makes sense. I only use the nether as a slipstream from A to B.

Yep, first kid (boy). He's awesome. And I've always like the pic of yours :)
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
How do most folks get their gunpowder for TNT? (Galacticraft requirement)
I've been centrifuging a ton of soul sand from the nether (saltpeter) but wonder if there's a better way.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep, done those. Ok I feel better, wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something obvious.

There's a Forestry bee for that, you know...

*poke poke*

Am being half-serious with my poke. The Austere Bee is part of Forestry proper, i.e. part of this pack as-is. And, not a hard bee to get.

Modest + Cultivated (in the Nether) = Sinister
Modest + Sinister (in the Nether) = Frugal
Modest + Frugal = Austere


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
There's a Forestry bee for that, you know...

*poke poke*

Am being half-serious with my poke. The Austere Bee is part of Forestry proper, i.e. part of this pack as-is. And, not a hard bee to get.

Modest + Cultivated (in the Nether) = Sinister
Modest + Sinister (in the Nether) = Frugal
Modest + Frugal = Austere
Also an IC2 crop for it though which is the route I went this game :)
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
harvester yes, its the "crop harvestor". Its only "ok". It harvests 1 block by default, and each overclocker doubles that. I have 4 harvestors managing a 4x4 (16 block) farm (in addition to 100 blocks of manual farming) powered easily by a few solar panels (buffered by batbox). I could add several more harvestors and get by on that power.

No planters that I know of, but IC2 crops stay after being harvested so its irrelevant.

Bees are probably a good deal faster at producing gunpowder.
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