Yeah really if this is how the game is 'suppose' to be it just dumbed down the difficulty. I mean I'm now exploring the cities at night with out much worry. Mobs don't agro to light anymore, they don't detect your sound. It's default minecraft AI pretty much. Only thing I have to worry about are the speedy baby zombies and skelly snipes. Why have zombie awareness in the pack when it's not doing anything? Really I use to have glowstone nooks around my trench to lour mobs into it, but now they just wonder.
Even going out to try and pull some in once I'm out of LOS they stop and wonder again... really? REALLY?
I had no issue with the sworms. I loved it. It truly made night time a time to bunker down. It made every moment during the day vital. The rush to get set up on that first night is no longer there..
I no longer see a need to make a trench, or even make a compound outside. The trench just wastes time to collect what few mobs do drop, everything else is running around the vast put doors looking for the drops from the new mobs that didn't despawn from inactivity.
Ohh wow.. I have two creepers and a baby zombie in my trench.. ah well, everything I really need is scattered elsewhere... time to waste a good chunk of the day running around looking for it all.
REALLY. Middle of the night, and THATS IT? That is my night right this very moment... Ooooo so scary!
I dunno.. this nerf just seems a bit extreme.