Hello, playing this map on a dedicated server and there is a "server config" bug that screw up the sieving product. However debugged it and have the solution.
In the minetweaker evil.cfg replace that
waterLiquid.addContainer(tile.tallgrass.grass, 100, tile.sapling.oak);
waterLiquid.addContainer(tile.tallgrass.fern, 100, tile.sapling.jungle);
waterLiquid.addContainer(tile.deadbush, 100, tile.sapling.birch);
with their corresponding ID, for some reason server doesn't like the tile.something
it should then be
waterLiquid.addContainer(<31:1>, 100, <6>);
waterLiquid.addContainer(<31:2>, 100, <6:3>);
waterLiquid.addContainer(<32>, 100, <6:2>);
same for the exnihilo.cfg
mods.exnihilo.crucible.addRecipe(tile.leaves.oak, waterLiquid * 100);
mods.exnihilo.crucible.addRecipe(tile.leaves.birch, waterLiquid * 100);
mods.exnihilo.crucible.addRecipe(tile.leaves.spruce, waterLiquid * 100);
mods.exnihilo.crucible.addRecipe(tile.leaves.jungle, waterLiquid * 100);
should be replaced with
mods.exnihilo.crucible.addRecipe(<18>, waterLiquid * 100);
mods.exnihilo.crucible.addRecipe(<18:2>, waterLiquid * 100);
mods.exnihilo.crucible.addRecipe(<18:1>, waterLiquid * 100);
mods.exnihilo.crucible.addRecipe(<18:3>, waterLiquid * 100);
OR you can declare those tile with a name and ID in the minetweaker Dictionary.cfg
Hope that helps and thanks for the map; I play it in duo and it's still balanced, double reward in party yes, but double the need for food and water so the start is still hard.