Q: in chests or as placed blocks?
There is a reactor building. When you see it, you'll know it.
Q: in chests or as placed blocks?
Im flying around in a creative world and not finding it. Can I get a screenshot so I know what Im looking for?There is a reactor building. When you see it, you'll know it.
There is a reactor building. When you see it, you'll know it.
Trust us when we say you'll know it when you see it. search this thread for a pic or two. It's pretty monsterous and huge and sticks out like a sore thumb. Also very very dangerous. My 3rd city had 1 and my 5th or 6th had 2 actually. They are there.Im flying around in a creative world and not finding it. Can I get a screenshot so I know what Im looking for?
No, but you can automate refilling the camel pack in various ways. Using SFM, you can make it so all you have to do is step on a pressure plate to get your camel pack refilled, hands free. The arial interface from pneumaticcraft along with some SFM can make it so your camel pack refills automatically no matter where you are in the world, wirelessly and hands free.Thanks all, I found one...
Now another question: Is there an 'upgraded' camel pack or similar. One that either holds more water, and/or gives an armor bonus?
You can't claim rewards if you don't have enough space in your inventory for them.
Can someone tell me what is happening here? The iron ingots are just sitting there in the interface, refusing to go into the chamber. I have it facing the correct way.
The input/output doors require a certain amount of pressure to open, and then more pressure to move the items from the interface into/out-of the chamberHey i have the exact same problem. Im not sure why either.
More than enough.
To clarify, there is no claim reward button and yes according to the book I did all the quest items.
So unless there is a hidden quest I'm stuck.
Edit: I redid the quest two times with no result.
This ^. If you have 22 ingots in there, all 22 won't be moved until you have enough pressure to move 22 ingots into the chamber. Also, it may take a while to move them all in there as well.The input/output doors require a certain amount of pressure to open, and then more pressure to move the items from the interface into/out-of the chamber
The input/output doors require a certain amount of pressure to open, and then more pressure to move the items from the interface into/out-of the chamber
This ^. If you have 22 ingots in there, all 22 won't be moved until you have enough pressure to move 22 ingots into the chamber. Also, it may take a while to move them all in there as well.
I've been having the exact same problem some people have been posting about, where you've unlocked the technological revolution quest line but you can't complete the first quest (covering the basics).
I've crafted a new quest book, I've redone the quest - making sure I crafted 3 PCB's using acid and the UV light (and made another 3 using the assembly line). I made sure that all 3 items where in my inventory at the same time.
Tried it with a completely empty inventory (accept the quest book).
No second part to the quest has show up, no button for claiming rewards have shown up. The quest line says that I've completed 0%.
These quests are the only ones that I haven't completed yet.
It would be greatly appreciated if someone might know something else I could try to fix this.
Not really, i have 5 bars of pressure and yet it wont move SOME crap. I tried 'creeper seeds' and it goes in nicely, swapped it with 'compressed iron' NOPE~.
Any idea how to fix it? I had to go back to basics (breaking the thing open and throwing crap in)
Not really, i have 5 bars of pressure and yet it wont move SOME crap. I tried 'creeper seeds' and it goes in nicely, swapped it with 'compressed iron' NOPE~.
Any idea how to fix it? I had to go back to basics (breaking the thing open and throwing crap in)
Dumb question, but will it not allow in items if the current items in the chamber would not make a valid recipe with whats in the Input chamber? Like is the pressure chamber smart enough to not let in items that won't combine with existing items in the chamber? What is currently in the pressure chamber?
Please note that the doors reduce pressure. IIRC its 2bars per each door:
Open outter door(1 bars)
Move items into system
Close door(1 bars).
Open Inner door(1 bar)
Move items into Chamber(n bars)
Close door(1 bar).
So depending on item amount, 5 bars may not be enough