My very basic starter setup uses 500RF/t. You need 50 Heat Generators, hundreds of lava blocks and dozens energy conduits to get this amount. ... Or you can build a simple 7x4x7 Big Reactor, using up 0.005mb/t. One stack of Yellorite lasts 400 Minecraft days, more than I played so far in the current world. Which one of these options is unbalanced?
We weren't talking about reactors. We were specifically talking Survivalist Generators vs. Heat Generators. Big Reactors is ridiculously OP but that has nothing whatsoever to do with the discussion you're replying to. Big Reactors isn't early game in Crash Landing, nor is it in most modpacks.
You, my friend, show a remarkable lack of imagination.

Here a possible progression for CL2:
You, my friend, show a remarkable lack of reading comprehension.
What does imagination have to do with stating my experience is with every modpack I've played?
I'm not talking what if, I'm talking
what is. The post I was replying to wasn't a what if, it was a
what is. We're not theorizing about what could be, we're talking about
what is. In every single modpack I've played greater than 2x ore doubling is near the end of the tech tree and not "worth it" when faced with simply mining more ores for more metals you don't need anyway. I wasn't talking about what could be done in future packs, I was talking about what has been done in every pack I've played up until this point.
So yes, you could make 5x important by a) making quests for it and b) nerfing all ore production automation methods.
What you're talking about is tedium. I don't need much imagination to know that tedium doesn't make a modpack more fun. That is why I'm playing through Crash Landing more than once while once was enough for Agrarian Skies.
What I'm starting to notice is a lot of people who don't like how
other people play this modpack and want to change things so that they can't play it a certain way. Isn't it easier to just play it the way you want to and not care about how other people play it? Seems like there is a subset of the community for each modpack more concerned with what other people are doing in it than what they themselves can/do do in it. I'm not directing this specifically at the person I'm replying to.