[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Crash Landing got crabs View attachment 12793 what not big enuf View attachment 12794 there better. No! you want giant worms well here you go View attachment 12795

OOOOO man Iskandar could have so much fun with this mod it alows you to chouse what mobs you want, how often they spawn, there HP, there drops, how much damage they do and much more. O and did i mention theres Giant Crabs and Worms[DOUBLEPOST=1409894835][/DOUBLEPOST]
look close at the back of the ship yes thats 2 shuttles in the shuttle bay
Yeah, it's obviously a "carrier" I was more making the point that the projections from the upper surface would be problematic in light of my pet theory regarding vessel recovery. Nothing like a smaller vessel colliding with your bridge to ruin your day.........

That said...... it's a well respected "truism" within sci-fi that smaller vessels can generally accelerate, and decelerate at will and that pilots never seem to have a major issue orienting themselves into a docking bay. I do admit that I enjoy many of the flight mechanics observed in the newer battlestar G series.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
heres a sample of one of the extra configs that alow you to set a max limit to how many can spawn in a area and how many can spawn in a group. thus id think that you would have better control over the lag compared to other mods that just spam you with a lot of mobs
I:"Clink Spawn Area Limit"=10
I:"Clink Spawn Group Size Max"=3
I:"Clink Spawn Group Size Min"=1
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You should also be aware that the mod adds some ranged wands that both don't fit well into the pack and could prove a bit OP, they will likely need to be removed before the mod is added to the pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok guys so this is where I don't know what to do. I found a TiCon building. I put a glowstone block in it, then immediately got set upon by 8 pigmen (2 with bows)...I was able to run and get back to my base and needled the last 2 following me. How do I successfully get in and get the smeltery without being slaughtered? Any help is appreciated! :D (actually I should probably have this on the other thread...)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You should also be aware that the mod adds some ranged wands that both don't fit well into the pack and could prove a bit OP, they will likely need to be removed before the mod is added to the pack.
yea but removing them shouldnt be to hard i just think that with the types of mobs and the controll you have this would be a great ad on even if you only use a few mobs. Also reading on the sight the big crabs can be tamed and ridden. So now i want a giant crab to ride into the city
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Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
OT again, but this is what drives me nuts now. AE2 is so damn different. this is a small representation of what an AE2 + mac setup looks like (and yes, in purple, don't ask). It's really really REALLY different.
View attachment 12790
left is the controllers buried under cable and energy cells with the interfaces as facades setup. cables to some storage busses (not used), on right is the mac top part, which is totally different now, and those 2 setups are the actual things you use to create stuff using the mac as a cpu to govern them. One is a single crafting unit with multiple interfaces (i.e. one set of 9 pattens on each side, all sharing one crafting unit), the other is an interface surrounded by crafting units (opposite, one set of 9 patterns that can be used in any of those crafting units attached).

All in all, it makes you completely redefine how you do things. this is my very first stab at making one and yeah, it's freaking purple. heh
edit: derp spoiler tag

AE was actually made uglier. I didn't think such was possible.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok guys so this is where I don't know what to do. I found a TiCon building. I put a glowstone block in it, then immediately got set upon by 8 pigmen (2 with bows)...I was able to run and get back to my base and needled the last 2 following me. How do I successfully get in and get the smeltery without being slaughtered? Any help is appreciated! :D (actually I should probably have this on the other thread...)
Safest way is likley to either pillar or fly onto the roof, bust through the ceiling, bury the spawners radius in dust, if this buries needed items leave a sealed zone for them to spawn, ideally outside the building. drop dust around the buildings perimiter to seal the building. Fly or run away to force despawn.

Return, watch spawn patterns from the roof, you should now be able to enter the facility "safely", if you need to destroy the spawner, place blocks of cobble on the top layer of the 8X8X3 region. then break into it ensuring you minimize the time when there is more than a 1X1 hole by refilling voids with cobble.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Crash Landing got crabs View attachment 12793 what not big enuf View attachment 12794 there better. No! you want giant worms well here you go View attachment 12795

OOOOO man Iskandar could have so much fun with this mod it alows you to chouse what mobs you want, how often they spawn, there HP, there drops, how much damage they do and much more. O and did i mention theres Giant Crabs and Worms[DOUBLEPOST=1409894835][/DOUBLEPOST]
look close at the back of the ship yes thats 2 shuttles in the shuttle bay
is that the lycanties mobs one? Yeah, there's also mounts. I love dem bird ones. they're awesome cept they make so much damn noise.

Maka's are the worms iirc. and yes, PODonnell's right. it does cause a bit of lag and the mounts themselves don't play well with that lag either....[DOUBLEPOST=1409897115][/DOUBLEPOST]
AE was actually made uglier. I didn't think such was possible.
that's my ugly design :) I take full credit for that. remember, first, and having no clue are important adjectives to apply to it.

He needs some trance music tho to go along with the controller. Or a seizure warning.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
oh, and another thing. alot of the meat, maka meat, etc... can be eaten or fed to other animals to tame them into mounts or tameable whatevers. which means he'd have to let those food items in and they would be a source of food from there in, so yeah, I don't see him liking that too much.

worms and crabs. so much jokage, so holding back.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
oh, and another thing. alot of the meat, maka meat, etc... can be eaten or fed to other animals to tame them into mounts or tameable whatevers. which means he'd have to let those food items in and they would be a source of food from there in, so yeah, I don't see him liking that too much.

worms and crabs. so much jokage, so holding back.

yea but wouldent be great to have crabs and worms in CL :p[DOUBLEPOST=1409897640][/DOUBLEPOST]hey every body iv talked about the back of the ship but just now relised i didnt post pics of the back 2014-08-31_21.39.47.png
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
oh, and another thing. alot of the meat, maka meat, etc... can be eaten or fed to other animals to tame them into mounts or tameable whatevers. which means he'd have to let those food items in and they would be a source of food from there in, so yeah, I don't see him liking that too much.

worms and crabs. so much jokage, so holding back.
Not all of the mobs have edible drops, in fact I think most of them do not. I know the maka and the desert insectoid creature had edible drops, but I'm not sure what else did.

I admit that in BnB my goal was generally to avoid mobs whenever I could.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was being deadly serious about the front of your ship. Looking at the minimap it looks like you don't have a pit or anything. It doesn't even look like you cleared the front so they can't climb over. It looks like you built a wall and wondered why they were able to climb over the front of your ship into the area. As for the zombies spawning, there is a yellow cross in the ship. It's also a known issue that zombies are ignoring the player spawn and player proximity rule on occasion. I have posted about it numerous times. The vanilla zombie reinforce mechanic is a bit buggy. When it is triggered zombies can ignore the spawn location, light levels, and player location. It seems the only thing they are unable to ignore is the 3 block high rule.

As for the other comments I was just shocked that someone would bother coming to the forums to post about cheating in creative items. Especially considering day 2 is about an hours work. I'm not sure what you expected by doing it. Were you expecting everyone to just agree with it? It honestly sounded like you were trying to justify to yourself and seeking approval from other people.

If you want to cheat then cheat. All I'm saying is don't expect everyone to agree with it.

I am honestly sorry if I came off condescending or brash though. That wasn't my intention. It truly was a "wtf?!" moment for me.
Well, it's not very easy to tell on the minimap, but if you look you should be able to clearly see that all the dust against the port engine is cleared, and on close examination you may or may not be able to distinguish that quite a bit of dust is missing around the edges the rest of the way around. Every single 1-high dust has been removed. Not only have I gone around it to verify that after the incursions, but I know for a fact that a single dust block doesn't lead to a handful of zombies getting in spread out over a time period, it leads to this.

As for coming across condescending or brash, I'm a casual player at best. Any 'hardcore or you suck' attitudes really get on my nerves. That definitely makes it easier for me to interpret statements like yours that way, whether that's the actual intent or not.

The thing about zombie reinforcements? I've played Minecraft 1.6.4 since it came out, not once have I had this issue come up outside of Crash Landing. I still suspect part of this may be related to the fact that I haven't used Zombie Awareness in 1.6.x outside of this modpack. Corosus swears it's not his mod that's responsible, though.

I don't share these things for validation, I want to make it clear what depths this annoying bug is driving me to. It is there, it is a legitimate and serious problem, and I can't even imagine how many things I would break if I were able to use Special Mobs and brutes and so forth were doing this to me.
I think the creative energy cell was a response to the previous world being destroyed. In short because the mobs cheated on his last world he'll cheat in this one.

am I correct Genshou?

I must still say though I have yet to reproduce the spawn issues he describes..... I'm starting to wonder if he's changed something in the configs that affects spawning.
No, my death in the previous world was due to my own blunder. Who would have thought that backpedalling out of a fifth-story window to get away from a mob was a bad idea? :S The creative energy cell was in response to the cheaty incursions in the current world. Yes, I could just replay that 40 minutes all over again... or I could save those 40 minutes because my time is valuable to me and replaying the same 40 minutes of gameplay I just did would be extremely boring. When I get bored, I take breaks from the modpack.

You know, it's strange but I think the incursions are world-based in some way. I'll run into it frequently in some worlds, then build the exact same structures in a new world and never see a single one happen. It's also definitely an unfortunate consequence of my reliance on a drowning trap, I know... I just like using mob drops as my main source of water.[DOUBLEPOST=1409898875][/DOUBLEPOST]
i think i found the source of @Genshou's troubles with specialmobs.


also, no, this isn't fake. that's actually in the file. i have no idea what it actually does, but found it a rather interesting coincidence.
It might not even do anything. But again, my troubles are definitely not related to Special Mobs in any way; the filename ends in .disabled so Forge isn't even loading it. If SM wants to troll me, cool! Just gimme a computer that can handle its raw performance requirements. Too much needless A* is not so good for 32-bit Java. :S

And I still say NOP NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE to those thief skeletons. Now that I know wood TiCo daggers work on vampire pigmen, though, I feel more okay about that. :d


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
yea but wouldent be great to have crabs and worms in CL :p[DOUBLEPOST=1409897640][/DOUBLEPOST]hey every body iv talked about the back of the ship but just now relised i didnt post pics of the backView attachment 12796
totally. Not trying to rain on ur parade, but BNB has that mod. Definately can speak from experience. It's quite buggy. Some of the mobs are cool, some are just wtf. But the way the mobs work are pretty one dimensional.

The maka's are a different one (not the worm, more like dinosaur). Jousts are another desert mob. they are pretty cool. Have a pack mentality and fight amongst themselves for alpha status. Then there's an alpha joust which is tougher. Think old school joust arcade game.

But, then you'd be dealing with multiple mob mods, etc... would be nice if he updated 1.6.4 but I know he's updating to 1.7.10 (played with one pack that had it in it) so he might not be updating the 1.6.4 anymore, so you have that as well.

Archimedes ships would be awesome if you could fly that thing and crash it for real :) Archimedes is in the phoenix pack I'm playing. want to make my island a ship. Skylands is awesome btw.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My experience with Archimedes was not pleasant........ The one time I used it I wound up having to abandon the world over persistent lag, though I didn't go out of my way to troubleshoot it.......


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*reads more* Oooh, I see sandworms? I was thinking about asking people if adding Lycanite's would be a good idea in my personal playthrough, sounds like I was on the right track. Dunno if it'll work well on this chuggatron of a PC, but it's worth a shot! Corosus' weather no longer works on 1.1.2 (I suspect it only worked on 1.1.1 because ocean biome), so I need something to make it feel more like a Death World again until I can pop Special Mobs back in. :V


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
totally. Not trying to rain on ur parade, but BNB has that mod. Definately can speak from experience. It's quite buggy. Some of the mobs are cool, some are just wtf. But the way the mobs work are pretty one dimensional.

The maka's are a different one (not the worm, more like dinosaur). Jousts are another desert mob. they are pretty cool. Have a pack mentality and fight amongst themselves for alpha status. Then there's an alpha joust which is tougher. Think old school joust arcade game.

But, then you'd be dealing with multiple mob mods, etc... would be nice if he updated 1.6.4 but I know he's updating to 1.7.10 (played with one pack that had it in it) so he might not be updating the 1.6.4 anymore, so you have that as well.

Archimedes ships would be awesome if you could fly that thing and crash it for real :) Archimedes is in the phoenix pack I'm playing. want to make my island a ship. Skylands is awesome btw.
I'm waiting for peoples reaction to the terrain smashers....... in BnB it was always fun to have a troll find your first night hovel....... COurse most people have griefing off and I bet the lycanthrope terrain smashers would not recognize dust as breakable.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm waiting for peoples reaction to the terrain smashers....... in BnB it was always fun to have a troll find your first night hovel....... COurse most people have griefing off and I bet the lycanthrope terrain smashers would not recognize dust as breakable.
Do they work like Mo' Creatures ogres? By the gods, I still have nightmares. I wonder if I still have screenshots of the scope of their griefing?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do they work like Mo' Creatures ogres? By the gods, I still have nightmares. I wonder if I still have screenshots of the scope of their griefing?
I never played mo' creatures, but several mobs from lycanites grief the heck out of dirt.... like 3 wide swathes.