[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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the one and only time i got hit by heat stroke, it started a chain of events that basically ensured my death and the end of the
those broken spawn rates are exactly the reason i have special mobs disabled, among many other extremely severe issues associated with that mod.

To be fair, I did this to myself. This is (in-game) weeks of creepers spawning and flocking to me. They worship me. I am the Creeping Lord. The creepers' one desire is to simply catch a glimpse of me...or maybe just touch me...just once...
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To be fair, I did this to myself. This is (in-game) weeks of creepers spawning and flocking to me. They worship me. I am the Creeping Lord. The creepers' one desire is to simply catch a glimpse of me...or maybe just touch me...just once...
creepers despawn each day around noon, unless named with a nametag. thus, i find your story highly unlikely.
the one and only time i got hit by heat stroke, it started a chain of events that basically ensured my death and the end of the run. due to that, i now give it the full respect it deserves. also, as i've said, i don't play on easy mode. it's far to generous with the items it gives, makes it a joke to survive once you've done a couple runs and understand the basic mechanics of the map.

camel pack doesn't lower your temperature, it merely stabilizes it against the daytime heat. you absolutely must find sources of cooling, which is the logic behind the cold water bottles. however, since those are useless, just hop in water (source or flowing) at night to supercool yourself.

it makes me wonder, is iskandar going to make other methods for obtaining cold water bottles? cause the snowball machine is included in the global nerfing of all the TE3 machines, right?

A few notes on this post.

If you don't like the Easy Path because of all the bonus items, take the Easy Path, keep the Sync Shell and the Energy Cell and throw the rest away. That's what I did. Simple. If you MUST take the Hard Path, expect to die, a lot, all the time, over and over and over and over and over. That's what hard means.

I get heat stroke all the time in the early game. Whether it's from mining some cobble from a vanilla cobble gen before I get a Xfer node set up (or before I knew about them, lol), to working all day out in the sun, to standing by my smeltery while it cooks me up some ores, to just forgetting to refill my camel pack till I am pretty low. Just refilling my camel pack lowers my temp over a very short period of time back to a "normal" temp. And while standing near objects that peg my temp bar (the black one) so far into the max that I can't actually see it anymore (aka, standing near my pyrothium fired crucible or on top of my machines), my temp doesn't actually rise, at all, even a little, while I am wearing a camel pack with water in it (any amount of water). So yeah. Unless you catch of fire, there is absolutely no need for any alternate cooling besides a full camel pack.

You will go thru water WAY faster when you're temp gage is spiking. But yeah, after the first couple of days when water becomes slightly less of an issue, this really isn't a problem. Harvest a couple extra leaves and you're good to go.

As for cold water or water pits stashed around your base, or whatever, again, I just don't think those sorts of things are necessary. If I am exploring a city and actually fighting, I keep a couple cold water bottles on me at all times in case a Blaze lights me on fire. Drinking a couple back to back rapidly decreases your temp (almost caught hypothermia once I think from drinking like 5 in a row lol).

Finally, after you get some the single PCB and the plastic (Beginning of the End quest I think it's called) done, and also have Sapping the Saplings done, you open up a chain of quests that gives you a Glacial Precipitator. You don't actually have to build one.

EDIT: As for the creepers, as far as I know, Special Mobs monsters (which includes regular monsters, because the mod replaces vanilla monsters with Special Mobs vanilla monsters) don't actually despawn the same way standard vanilla mobs do. I've had them despawn for seemingly no reason before, but I've also had them hang around for days and days.
A few notes on this post.
you seem to have interpreted my mentioning of hard mode as a complaint. it is not, i choose hard mode precisely because of that difficulty. if i wanted an easy ride, i'd just play normal FTB or tekkit, both of which are fun in their own ways. the extremely unforgiving nature of this pack is exactly why i am so strongly attracted to it, and also why i am so intent on making the suggestions i have been making. i simply want to see it fleshed out to reach it's full potential, as it very much deserves.

that temperature gauge steadily rises for me as the days go by, and i perform various tasks involving heat blocks. if i didn't use the water pits, i would most likely have heat stroke and die within only a few days. i couldn't tell you what you're doing that your experience is different to mine, but this is how it has been happening for me. i'm about to start a new run (got 'sploded by a glitched creeper), so i'll be sure to record a short video of my base so you guys can see what i do. it's not much different from anyone else, but still.

again, i see no point to the snowball machine. cold water is terrible. it fills less thirst than if you threw it in your camel pack, and the temperature drop is only 0.1c if memory serves (which is nothing). it'd be simpler to just carry a bucket of water around, drop it in a pit, and hop into it to cool off as needed. that being said, it'd be neat to replace my courtyard's ground and defensive wall with snow blocks, and create a roof of ice blocks over it. probably does literally nothing to the environmental temperature, but would be amusing.

as for the special mobs, i don't use the mod (because gamebreaking issues), so i don't really know much about it.
There is a config. It only adjusts for heat level though.

FTB minecraft\CrashLanding\minecraft\config\enviromine\CustomProperties\MyCustom.cfg
I've never had problems with overheating in the early game. I also take the hard route. The trick is to not sleep at night. You cool down in the cold night weather. Mid-late game, make a diamond helmet and diamond leggings, these vastly improve on keeping you cool during the day. Diamond boots would add onto it as well, but I like my exo-shoes for the walking speed boost.
you seem to have interpreted my mentioning of hard mode as a complaint. it is not, i choose hard mode precisely because of that difficulty. if i wanted an easy ride, i'd just play normal FTB or tekkit, both of which are fun in their own ways. the extremely unforgiving nature of this pack is exactly why i am so strongly attracted to it, and also why i am so intent on making the suggestions i have been making. i simply want to see it fleshed out to reach it's full potential, as it very much deserves.

that temperature gauge steadily rises for me as the days go by, and i perform various tasks involving heat blocks. if i didn't use the water pits, i would most likely have heat stroke and die within only a few days. i couldn't tell you what you're doing that your experience is different to mine, but this is how it has been happening for me. i'm about to start a new run (got 'sploded by a glitched creeper), so i'll be sure to record a short video of my base so you guys can see what i do. it's not much different from anyone else, but still.

again, i see no point to the snowball machine. cold water is terrible. it fills less thirst than if you threw it in your camel pack, and the temperature drop is only 0.1c if memory serves (which is nothing). it'd be simpler to just carry a bucket of water around, drop it in a pit, and hop into it to cool off as needed. that being said, it'd be neat to replace my courtyard's ground and defensive wall with snow blocks, and create a roof of ice blocks over it. probably does literally nothing to the environmental temperature, but would be amusing.

as for the special mobs, i don't use the mod (because gamebreaking issues), so i don't really know much about it.

Oh, no, I wasn't implying that you didn't want or like the challenge. I didn't mean to anyway. Sorry if that's how I came off. :) I was just saying that I think a lot of people on here (and it sounded like you were one of them, but I can admit when I am wrong) want to have the challenge of the Hard Path, but also the backup life from the Sync Core. And that's a way to do it. :)

And yeah, we seem to be having VERY different experiences when it comes to the heat situation. If I am doing "hot work" (working near lava, machines, generators, etc) for substantial periods of time, I totally heat up, even while wearing the camel pack. But as soon as I go away, my temp goes back down, solely because of the camel back. This also happens if I am doing "warm work" outside (aka using tools rapidly, best example is shearing leaves), but it takes a LOT longer (like shearing for the entire day). And again, as soon as I stop working, I start to cool down immediately from the camel pack.

The cooling down takes a while. It's not instantaneous. But I do cool down doing nothing but wear the camel back. I also go inside if I'm outside, but I don't know if that has any affect on anything. One thing I do know is that water doesn't seem to do anything. I've stood in water and didn't notice the black temp bar go down at all. I've even immersed myself in water without seeing a change in the temp bar (the black bar, not the white dot). But, I gata be honest, after trying it a couple of times back in 1.11 and the 1.12 beta, I gave up on the idea that water did anything, so I haven't tried it a bunch.

But yeah, odd. Very different extremes.
creepers despawn each day around noon, unless named with a nametag. thus, i find your story highly unlikely.

Teehee...I wish they did...I had an armored creeper I called Clippy because he kept rubberbanded at me...I'm not sure if he's still around. Last I saw him was a couple of (in-game) days ago :p. They don't despawn if you stay near them (as far as I know) and I never leave the area.
crepeers in a pit.jpgRubberband glitch2.jpg old pics from earlier in the thread. The creepers are always there. Always. :p
I've never had problems with overheating in the early game. I also take the hard route. The trick is to not sleep at night. You cool down in the cold night weather. Mid-late game, make a diamond helmet and diamond leggings, these vastly improve on keeping you cool during the day. Diamond boots would add onto it as well, but I like my exo-shoes for the walking speed boost.
Also for those that want AC, well if you had watched the Iskandar interview w/PurpleMentat you would know that Iskandar has already added a personal one in the PneCraft helmet which will cool you down even more than the diamond helmet, You can find all you need (charging station, compressor, and helmet) for this in the city
One thing I do know is that water doesn't seem to do anything. I've stood in water and didn't notice the black temp bar go down at all. I've even immersed myself in water without seeing a change in the temp bar (the black bar, not the white dot). But, I gata be honest, after trying it a couple of times back in 1.11 and the 1.12 beta, I gave up on the idea that water did anything, so I haven't tried it a bunch.

But yeah, odd. Very different extremes.
Standing in water definitely does help during the day, but I think you have to be not wearing anything but the camel pack to see the effect. Standing in water during the day with armor on seems to have either a null effect or makes you even hotter. But standing in water at night with or without armor makes you much much colder. If you stand in water at night too long, you'll definitely experience hypothermia, but it's a really good way to get your core temp way down for the next day.

Also for those that want AC, well if you had watched the Iskandar interview w/PurpleMentat you would know that Iskandar has already added a personal one in the PneCraft helmet which will cool you down even more than the diamond helmet, You can find all you need (charging station, compressor, and helmet) for this in the city
I thought I compared the diamond helm and pneumatic helm thoroughly enough and came to the conclusion that diamond was better, but I guess not. I'll have to test that again.
Standing in water definitely does help during the day, but I think you have to be not wearing anything but the camel pack to see the effect. Standing in water during the day with armor on seems to have either a null effect or makes you even hotter. But standing in water at night with or without armor makes you much much colder. If you stand in water at night too long, you'll definitely experience hypothermia, but it's a really good way to get your core temp way down for the next day.

I thought I compared the diamond helm and pneumatic helm thoroughly enough and came to the conclusion that diamond was better, but I guess not. I'll have to test that again.

AH! This makes perfect sense! I rushed to Toughened Leather Armor, took it off only to change it out for Invar, and then Diamond. I am sure that anytime I was in water, I was in armor minus the chest (for the camel back). And I am pretty darn sure I never tried it at night either. Does water lower the black bar, or just your temp?
Really? I thought Iskandar said that water really doesn't lower your temperature at the moment in the interview with Purplementat.
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@Hexerin There is a config. It only adjusts for heat level though.
FTB minecraft\CrashLanding\minecraft\config\enviromine\CustomProperties\MyCustom.cfg
interesting, i'll have to take a look at that and maybe even fiddle around. for one thing, i want pyrotheum to burn obscenely hot like it's thematically supposed to.

I've never had problems with overheating in the early game. I also take the hard route. The trick is to not sleep at night. You cool down in the cold night weather. Mid-late game, make a diamond helmet and diamond leggings, these vastly improve on keeping you cool during the day. Diamond boots would add onto it as well, but I like my exo-shoes for the walking speed boost.
so there is armor that reduces heat levels, good to know. was somewhat concerned about this.

But yeah, odd. Very different extremes.
it must have been changed since you've last tried it then. i spend about a minute standing in a single water source block, and i went from borderline heat stroke to full hypothermia. this being at night, since during daytime it simply puts you at even heat/cool temp while sheltered from the sun.

AH! This makes perfect sense! I rushed to Toughened Leather Armor, took it off only to change it out for Invar, and then Diamond. I am sure that anytime I was in water, I was in armor minus the chest (for the camel back). And I am pretty darn sure I never tried it at night either. Does water lower the black bar, or just your temp?
it lowers the black bar (environmental temperature), which causes the white dot (your body temperature) to go down. black bar is pretty much instant change, white dot takes time based on how low the black bar is.

Really? I thought Iskandar said that water really doesn't lower your temperature at the moment in the interview with Purplementat.
i haven't seen that interview, but he either changed his mind or hasn't disabled it yet, because it's functioning just as described.
i haven't seen that interview, but he either changed his mind or hasn't disabled it yet, because it's functioning just as described.

I believe the gist of Iskandar's comment was that water was broken/bugged. It was supposed to work, but didn't.
Unless I'm doing something wrong, the diamond helm and the pneumatic helm have the exact same effect on lowing your temp, neither one is better than the other.
Finally built my big turbine. It's making 22k RF/t, which is upgraded from around 11k RF/t with just my big reactor. Now I've got 4 laser pre-chargers on my laser drill working at 100% efficiency built up at elevation y=250.

Does water lower the black bar, or just your temp?
The black bar. When standing in it at night, It goes several ticks lower than the normal nighttime air temperature.
I believe the gist of Iskandar's comment was that water was broken/bugged. It was supposed to work, but didn't.
oh, well it works now, so yay? currently watching the interview right now, probably going to watch the rest of mentat's playthrough as well. he has a nice voice.

related to the interview: iskandar is talking about aqueous accumulators right now, and how he would let us have them normally if he could disable their interaction with water source blocks. i think we should find a friendly modder to create and submit a plugin for TE3 that specifically disables that interaction, so that iskandar can un-nerf the recipe. personally, i would love to add a bunch of AAs around my base, sort of like the moisture vaporators from star wars.
oh, well it works now, so yay? currently watching the interview right now, probably going to watch the rest of mentat's playthrough as well. he has a nice voice.

related to the interview: iskandar is talking about aqueous accumulators right now, and how he would let us have them normally if he could disable their interaction with water source blocks. i think we should find a friendly modder to create and submit a plugin for TE3 that specifically disables that interaction, so that iskandar can un-nerf the recipe. personally, i would love to add a bunch of AAs around my base, sort of like the moisture vaporators from star wars.
oh, well it works now, so yay? currently watching the interview right now, probably going to watch the rest of mentat's playthrough as well. he has a nice voice.

related to the interview: iskandar is talking about aqueous accumulators right now, and how he would let us have them normally if he could disable their interaction with water source blocks. i think we should find a friendly modder to create and submit a plugin for TE3 that specifically disables that interaction, so that iskandar can un-nerf the recipe. personally, i would love to add a bunch of AAs around my base, sort of like the moisture vaporators from star wars.

I watch Youtubers almost exclusively because of their voice. I mean, don't get me wrong, I watch them for the content, but I basically only stick with Youtubers who have voices I enjoy. lol

And yeah, having AAs set up around like moisture vaporators would FREAKIN' SWEET! Especially if you had to build a little antenna thing on top of the AA to make them work at all. EEEEEEE!! That would make me soooooooo happy!
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I've been watching Landstryder's play through of Crash Landing and just got to the episode where he first went to the city and got lambasted by a vampire pigman. I am wondering what everybody else's opinion is about them. Keep them or config them out? I have them in. They have killed me many times.
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I've been watching Landstryder's play through of Crash Landing and just got to the episode where he first went to the city and got lambasted by a vampire pigman. I am wondering what everybody else's opinion is about them. Keep them or config them out? I have them in. They have killed me many times.

I believe that Iskandar is planning on taking them out via the config. So I doubt you'd be losing out on too much if you took them out yourself.
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Now there's a hell of an idea for enviromine or an enviromine add-on. Air conditioning. Could add AC units that can change the temp to whatever you prefer and are powered by RF. I wonder how difficult it would be to make both kinds; standalone and full AC installation. A single unit that works like the heat sources basically except only emits from one side. Full installation with a main unit and ducking to move the air around.

Time to have a chat with the mod author and/or rehash some old java knowledge.
beware. If it's as buggy as the galacticraft invisible oxygen things you need on moon, etc... they interfere with just about everything. I had doors that wouldn't open/close cause of those suckers. Invisible objects with forge not validing the isair() function or whatever will be bad overall. think railcraft invisible blocks, etc...[DOUBLEPOST=1409726958][/DOUBLEPOST]
Quite possibly the scariest thing I've ever spawned into. (With an armored creeper walking through a wall and exploding on me being a close 2nd)


Doom this is why I don't leave my base anymore :p.
*rofl* sorry, that's my bad. I got on your world and put a Take a Number thing and it's constantly saying 00 above it. I think they're getting pissed.