[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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Thanks, Doom and Savage, I'll be sure to check that out. Since I'm pretty far along this attempt I think I'll save it until the next play-through (grumble...ender creeper popin' up behind me while I'm crafting...)
I am pretty sure either version will update to your day and not start at day 0.
Thanks, Doom and Savage, I'll be sure to check that out. Since I'm pretty far along this attempt I think I'll save it until the next play-through (grumble...ender creeper popin' up behind me while I'm crafting...)
if you use the mod referred to in savage's post, you don't need to wait. the minecraft day is a stat that is tracked internally by minecraft. the mod just retrieves it, then shows it in the mod's interface.
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as far as ingameinfoxml, use search function, you'll find it. in this topic. too lazy to point you.

I'm not condoning cheating, I'm stating that it's better to get the feel of something in your own way and work your way up. Cheating through any game at all will ruin your experience tremendously, but sometimes, some people get perturbed quickly and need a helping hand to figure out something, and that can lead to completely cheat free games later on which should be your goal anyways.

if you can, all you have to do is hit E, go into NEI options, first button, on right hand side, click local to world, now the option for what mode you're in has an inverted W there, right click it. now go back to local or whatever and you can change the mode. If this is blocked, the nei.cfg in config dir needs to be unset (there should be a line that states lockmode= something. if it's set to -1, it's not set which is what I think CL 112 is (might be a mistake). Just comment that line out with # sign if not and it won't lock your mode. there. cheaty cheaty cheaty.

Note by doing the above changes, a msg is posted using your username that says I am a dirty cheater to every forum on ftb, so beware.

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changing world options would require an external editor, so honestly not even worth the effort. if it's a config change, i'm unaware of what it would be (although i would be interested in knowing).
Doom is referring to the Global/World Button in NEI options. It's that easy to change your NEI permissions.
Edit: ninja'd by Doom himself
NEI1.jpg NEI2.jpg NEI3.jpg
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if i could get any cobble stone that might be an option but that thing takes like 12 cobble alone and i can never get more than 1 stone per like 5 dust if im lucky.

You can get 8 of the cobble you need (to make the furnace part of the recipe) by mining some of the black cobblestone in the road... Then you just need 20 more stones... Completely doable, especially if you can slip an extra piece of dirt into the sieve.
Cool, got it working, and wow, 230 days! Seems like only 200 at best!


Aaaand, time to refill the camel pack :eek:

(there has to be a better way to post screenshots)
or, you put it outside, charge the battery and manually move the battery back next to your sync chamber when you need it. That's what I do.

On another note, something must be wrong with my setup since I NEVER have an issue of overheating in the ship, even when I do plant the gen right next to my sync chamber. I'm not standing near it all the time, and my furnace is on that side of the room too, my sieve and crafting tables, opposite side of room as well. maybe the radius isn't as bad as you might think. It's hard to tell. Key is to not let that camel pack run dry.

The heat radius on the survivalist generator is only about two or three blocks from what I can tell. If I put it in the wall where the accumulators start I can stand against the opposite wall and be at normal or slightly elevated heat.
Note by doing the above changes, a msg is posted using your username that says I am a dirty cheater to every forum on ftb, so beware.
nice joke lol

also thanks for the other information, will add that to the growing list of things i have to do at the start of each run.

Doom is referring to the Global/World Button in NEI options. It's that easy to change your NEI permissions.
Edit: ninja'd by Doom himself
View attachment 12738 View attachment 12739 View attachment 12740
interesting, also nice to have a visual guide to the long text.

(there has to be a better way to post screenshots)
[img] put url here [/img]
not complicated, especially if you use something like puush to share your files.

The heat radius on the survivalist generator is only about two or three blocks from what I can tell.
it will increase to max heat while within a couple blocks of the actual generator. it then drops off with each further block, to a max range of six blocks. past that, it has no influence. still, six blocks is absolutely insane for something that is basically just a small engine. i've used generators in real life, they produce very little ambient heat if in an area that is properly ventilated.
nice joke lol
it will increase to max heat while within a couple blocks of the actual generator. it then drops off with each further block, to a max range of six blocks. past that, it has no influence. still, six blocks is absolutely insane for something that is basically just a small engine. i've used generators in real life, they produce very little ambient heat if in an area that is properly ventilated.

Well, it's saying within about 18 ft. you can feel a change, and up close it is about the same as lava. While this might be slightly excessive imo, I think that it definitely should emit more heat than what you're thinking. Remember the survivalist generator is something you made with you bare hands, from just some scrap iron and rocks. The fact that it can burn coal basically means it's just a fancy box of intense heat. Obviously this isn't insulated (as I'm assuming normal generators are) and isn't as efficient as a normal generator; the extra heat is let out. That's my take on why it might be so hot ^^.
keep in mind that those generators create a ludicrous amount of heat in an insanely large radius, so you pretty much are required to also craft up some leadstone energy conduits and pipe the energy in from far away. thankfully, the pipes are super cheap, so that's not too big of a problem.

semi-related: iskandar should find a way to modify the heat mechanic so that you can 'block off' the heat radius with walls, water, and other such designs. i've gotten to the point where i'm mining up the floor in half of my base, replacing it with water blocks, because the amount of heat everything generates is just beyond surviving any other way.
I've never had a major issue with their heat radius, yes they generate heat, but it's far from anything to worry horribly about. I do tend to place them on the opposite end of the ship from where I tend to "camp" but you can use them just fine without conduits. Particularly when discussing powering a cell...... there is little reason to camp right next to them.
it will increase to max heat while within a couple blocks of the actual generator. it then drops off with each further block, to a max range of six blocks. past that, it has no influence. still, six blocks is absolutely insane for something that is basically just a small engine. i've used generators in real life, they produce very little ambient heat if in an area that is properly ventilated.

Well, it's saying within about 18 ft. you can feel a change, and up close it is about the same as lava. While this might be slightly excessive imo, I think that it definitely should emit more heat than what you're thinking. Remember the survivalist generator is something you made with you bare hands, from just some scrap iron and rocks. The fact that it can burn coal basically means it's just a fancy box of intense heat. Obviously this isn't insulated (as I'm assuming normal generators are) and isn't as efficient as a normal generator; the extra heat is let out. That's my take on why it might be so hot ^^.

Also remember that you are on a giant dustball of a planet that is starting out hot. The open air isn't well ventilated as far as dispersing heat goes.
Also remember that you are on a giant dustball of a planet that is starting out hot. The open air isn't well ventilated as far as dispersing heat goes.

Now there's a hell of an idea for enviromine or an enviromine add-on. Air conditioning. Could add AC units that can change the temp to whatever you prefer and are powered by RF. I wonder how difficult it would be to make both kinds; standalone and full AC installation. A single unit that works like the heat sources basically except only emits from one side. Full installation with a main unit and ducking to move the air around.

Time to have a chat with the mod author and/or rehash some old java knowledge.
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Well, it's saying within about 18 ft. you can feel a change, and up close it is about the same as lava. While this might be slightly excessive imo, I think that it definitely should emit more heat than what you're thinking. Remember the survivalist generator is something you made with you bare hands, from just some scrap iron and rocks. The fact that it can burn coal basically means it's just a fancy box of intense heat. Obviously this isn't insulated (as I'm assuming normal generators are) and isn't as efficient as a normal generator; the extra heat is let out. That's my take on why it might be so hot ^^.
normal generators are not insulated, or at least the ones i've used aren't. they're basically just a small car engine hanging on a metal frame, that generate electricity by consuming fuel. real generators aren't made out of stone, but if anything, the stone would help absorb the generated heat.

either way, this doesn't explain why they are producing heat on par with pyrotheum, which is clearly stated as the hottest thing in the game. that can easily be explained away: iskandar hasn't configured heat levels of the blocks, he's just said 'this block produces heat'. this is confirmed by the fact that everything that produces heat, produces the same heat apparently. blazing pyrotheum is the same as lava, which is same as survival generators. dunno what the heat level is on the furnace, as i'm using the slab furnaces.

I've never had a major issue with their heat radius, yes they generate heat, but it's far from anything to worry horribly about. I do tend to place them on the opposite end of the ship from where I tend to "camp" but you can use them just fine without conduits. Particularly when discussing powering a cell...... there is little reason to camp right next to them.
all heat, including the ambient heat of the map during daytime, is raising your temperature. you will eventually start suffering heat stroke if you just put these things wherever, without consideration of frequency of presence. this is why i put all heat generating blocks in a tightly packed group by the broken engine (which is an area i never go to normally). i also keep 1x1x1 pits filled with water at various convenient spots across my base, so that i can hop into them during the night and quickly drop my temperature to 34 degrees.

Also remember that you are on a giant dustball of a planet that is starting out hot. The open air isn't well ventilated as far as dispersing heat goes.
open air is better than enclosed spaces, it doesn't matter if there's any movement or not. it will provide at least a minor dispersal of the generated heat. realistically, if i were to put the survival generator on the roof and then wrap a pipe around through the door, its heat should not enter the ship at all. this is why i say that iskandar should look into a way to make it possible to block off heat generating blocks with walls and/or water. it's more realistic and fun that way.

Now there's a hell of an idea for enviromine or an enviromine add-on. Air conditioning. Could add AC units that can change the temp to whatever you prefer and are powered by RF. I wonder how difficult it would be to make both kinds; standalone and full AC installation. A single unit that works like the heat sources basically except only emits from one side. Full installation with a main unit and ducking to move the air around. Time to have a chat with the mod author and/or rehash some old java knowledge.
this is exactly what i've been thinking about for over a week now. 'i'm in a spaceship, why isn't there an environmental control unit in here? why can't i just build an A/C unit? hell, even a simple fan that provides cooling for one block in front of it...'
Now there's a hell of an idea for enviromine or an enviromine add-on. Air conditioning. Could add AC units that can change the temp to whatever you prefer and are powered by RF. I wonder how difficult it would be to make both kinds; standalone and full AC installation. A single unit that works like the heat sources basically except only emits from one side. Full installation with a main unit and ducking to move the air around.

Time to have a chat with the mod author and/or rehash some old java knowledge.
my understanding is that such items are in funawayguy's to do hopper
all heat, including the ambient heat of the map during daytime, is raising your temperature. you will eventually start suffering heat stroke if you just put these things wherever, without consideration of frequency of presence. this is why i put all heat generating blocks in a tightly packed group by the broken engine (which is an area i never go to normally). i also keep 1x1x1 pits filled with water at various convenient spots across my base, so that i can hop into them during the night and quickly drop my temperature to 34 degrees.
That's all well and good, and decent strategies, though I'd argue you're worrying about it FAR too much. I for instance tend to replace the co-pilots seat with a survivalist generator for RP reasons, and while I do note a minor rise in temp when on that end of the ship..... it's far from a serious issue. Your op on this topic makes it sound all but impossible to power a cell with a survivalist generator...... That simply is not the case. You don't even HAVE to run conduit any distance to speak of. Yes a slight increase in ambient temp will cause you to go through slightly more water, but the yields are far to generous to make it a major problem
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All generators are in the 125-150 range along with lava and fire. Pyrotheum is at 200 as well as yellorium fuel rod. As well the mod doesn't allow for setting how far the heat travels or adjusts for nearby blocks.


Also @Iskandar for completeness' sake any recipes that include those drinks should have the same cooling effect ;) *Cough* the burger meal and the breakfast meal *cough*
That's all well and good, and decent strategies, though I'd argue you're worrying about it FAR too much. I for instance tend to replace the co-pilots seat with a survivalist generator for RP reasons, and while I do note a minor rise in temp when on that end of the ship..... it's far from a serious issue. Your op on this topic makes it sound all but impossible to power a cell with a survivalist generator...... That simply is not the case. You don't even HAVE to run conduit any distance to speak of. Yes a slight increase in ambient temp will cause you to go through slightly more water, but the yields are far to generous to make it a major problem
the one and only time i got hit by heat stroke, it started a chain of events that basically ensured my death and the end of the run. due to that, i now give it the full respect it deserves. also, as i've said, i don't play on easy mode. it's far to generous with the items it gives, makes it a joke to survive once you've done a couple runs and understand the basic mechanics of the map.

camel pack doesn't lower your temperature, it merely stabilizes it against the daytime heat. you absolutely must find sources of cooling, which is the logic behind the cold water bottles. however, since those are useless, just hop in water (source or flowing) at night to supercool yourself.

it makes me wonder, is iskandar going to make other methods for obtaining cold water bottles? cause the snowball machine is included in the global nerfing of all the TE3 machines, right?

@Hexerin All generators are in the 125-150 range along with lava and fire. Pyrotheum is at 200 as well as yellorium fuel rod. As well the mod doesn't allow for setting how far the heat travels or adjusts for nearby blocks.
so pretty much no real difference between any of them. there really should be a config file for heat level and radius. the adjustment for nearby blocks is in reference to the 'blocking it in' i've been saying, right? cause i just think that would be a good addition to whatever the mod is, for the sake of realism and fun.

Quite possibly the scariest thing I've ever spawned into. (With an armored creeper walking through a wall and exploding on me being a close 2nd)
those broken spawn rates are exactly the reason i have special mobs disabled, among many other extremely severe issues associated with that mod.
Okay I am new to hosting a server but I downloaded the server pack for Crash landing through the ftb launcher. I loaded it in the location where I wanted it, Went to test it out and as soon as I got on a creeper blew me up. I started outside the ship on the east side of it near but not in the ship.