so yeah, crash landing whooo! NO OT here. *sound of derailed train cueing in*
So, last night I started a new game, spoke to Zallori about how he was getting them to happen. I tried everything including using some spawn eggs to fill my trenches with enough zombies to make ash scream. I had 300+ entities, more than would normally spawn crowding a 1 wide trench outside my ground level and below area. walked all over the damn place trying to entice them. called them names, made fun of their heritage, nothing.
I had clipping issues but no incursions. I played some more today, started over again, making my area a bit bigger. tried the same thing normally. got about 40 or so days in while I whittled away NOT enjoying this mode of playing CL.
to try to reproduce this whole thing, I moved away from ship day 1, setup base in a 18x18 area and fought off way too many spiders to mention. That open area thing just was so different than hiding in the ship, deal with spiders in AM and collect drops. I was fighting way too many tough spiders, a flying spider came by for a visit and a ghost spider scared the living hell out of me by phasing through (doesn't count) the wall and attacking me straight on. I am completely not in my comfort zone

I ended up getting some slabs on top, ran into the issue where you can't grow trees indoors (I had torches but saplings would uproot as soon as there was no sky view overhead). Had to make small 1 block holes above trees to grow them and I had large spiders (not little ones) somehow invade into my area where It shouldn't be possible, both last night and today.
But, still nothing. Did same thing, blocked off trench this time to one corner of base and put 400 entities down, skels and zombies this time (in creative) then went back on other side of wall and went survival and walked around. Made it constant midnight, didn't matter. Reset time and daylight just killed a bunch, explosions, the whole thing, but nobody came to visit. I really don't know how this happens since I can't force it to happen. I had more entities there than should be possible naturally. I don't know what to say to the people having this issue. Use a different deodorant or something? Eu de Flesh Eating Bacteria might not be your smell....
I wanted to persue this and just create my base this way, but I am not you hard core ppl. I like pushing these damn mobs back and keeping them out of my periphery. I know, that sorta makes having them useless except for in early game, but yeah, it's a game mechanic and a solid one. I think the only thing I can think of is that if you have incursions, you have a very tiny window of where your base is versus where the mobs are spawning, and you like it that way and not going to change? Well, the incursions are a DLC you didn't have to pay for.
Can't think of anything else. I'm going back to my great wall of china play style. Next step is to take revenge on all those damn spiders by making spider hole traps that they can get into but can't get out of and let them starve to death. nahh, I'm not into revenge..... (from 9:05am till 9:10am every day, but the rest of the day, yeah, I totally am).