[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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...I like watching Genny. It's nice to see someone as derpy as me playing and keep on going in the light of failure. P.S. He did much better in episode 3. He managed to get his sync shell right :D
he does like doing research on stuff for the most part i think i heard him say once. he like to just jump in and learn as he goes and then look up stuff if no one post the info for him in the comments. Can't remember when he said that. I think it was in his TFC days.[DOUBLEPOST=1409603188][/DOUBLEPOST]
whenever i try to launch this Pack, it fails and tells me this on the console, not sure if this on FTB but wanted to refer it here first:

SEVERE: Unable to launch
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:102)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:94)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:27)

what is recommended i do? ive tried deleting and re-installing the pack (twice) and ive even restarted my computer, this seems like an awesome pack but i cant play it and i was hoping you have some insight into whats going on here
Have you updated your java?
I am getting quite a bit of "update available" spam when I launch the game. What is the update schedule of this map, do I need to update the mods myself (and if so is there any special changes you did I need to concern myself with) or is there a update coming out "relatively soon"?
I'm not sure if it's a glitch or a bug or on purpose.
It's not huge...

I made pomegranate jelly from sugar, pomegranate, a saucepan, and a juicer. I made peanut butter from peanuts and a juicer. I combined them together to make a sandwich with bread made from rice dough... and a cutting board... I got the sandwich and a free glass bottle. LOL I don't know if that's on purpose but it happened.
as far as charging goes, I just found out yesterday that those caps WILL charge energy cells, but the caps need to be to the left of the cell which boggles my mind but oh well. If the energy cell is on left of capacitor, it won't charge. go figure.

You can get wheat (seeds) from hoeing grass. confirmed. I did it in 112. I don't know about pigs tho. I don't think I've seen carrots yet. just potatoes. btw, loved how generik got a potato very first video. heh RNG at it's finest. took me FOREVER.

I don't know tho. It drives me nuts that all these youtubers have to have the same intro and extro. It's like I'm watching the good morning show on some cable news network or something. Especially generik and his 5 catch phrases he has to say before he quits. dunno. personal preference I suppose. I'm just a freaking pessimist who wants kids to get off his lawn or something. *sigh* It took me a long while to get used to watching beevo, but atm, he's probably one of my favorites, so.... yeah.. different strokes I guess. Don't get me wrong, DW is great, and it shows that he's been doing this a very very long time. But, I'd expect someone like him to retain a crap ton of knowledge and be a powerhouse for all this info. when I know something simple that he doesn't, it boggles my mind completely. I expect them to know everything and prove to me that I'm an idiot since they are the ones making money off of it, etc... I've learned alot of stuff from DW vids over the years. So, not complaining. I just feel that some of the tubers noawadays are just pretty faces to throw in front of the camera (not looking at you magzie :) )

Peace, love, exorbinant kisses and smooch till next time, peace out gremlins and be freaky to each other....... later y'all![DOUBLEPOST=1409604518][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm not sure if it's a glitch or a bug or on purpose.
It's not huge...

I made pomegranate jelly from sugar, pomegranate, a saucepan, and a juicer. I made peanut butter from peanuts and a juicer. I combined them together to make a sandwich with bread made from rice dough... and a cutting board... I got the sandwich and a free glass bottle. LOL I don't know if that's on purpose but it happened.
it's on purpose. free bottles. current playthrough I have about 20-30 stacks of empty bottles.[DOUBLEPOST=1409604585][/DOUBLEPOST]
I am getting quite a bit of "update available" spam when I launch the game. What is the update schedule of this map, do I need to update the mods myself (and if so is there any special changes you did I need to concern myself with) or is there a update coming out "relatively soon"?
I would leave the updating to iskandar. I think this goes w/o saying for any ftb packs. Unless you hear otherwise or if there's a bug you're experiencing, leave it alone. Otherwise, you'll probably get into issues you can't resolve or have strange problems that nobody can help you with.
You can get carrots from zombies, otherwise you'd never be able to complete the quest that asks you to craft an mfr breeder, which requires golden carrots.
I'm not sure if it's a glitch or a bug or on purpose.
It's not huge...

I made pomegranate jelly from sugar, pomegranate, a saucepan, and a juicer. I made peanut butter from peanuts and a juicer. I combined them together to make a sandwich with bread made from rice dough... and a cutting board... I got the sandwich and a free glass bottle. LOL I don't know if that's on purpose but it happened.

It's a Pam's Harvestcraft bug, not a glitch with this pack... I'm guessing at some point she required (or planned to require) glass bottles to make the jelly, and the extras just never got removed.
Alright so I have a few questions... some might seem silly but I can't find the answer anywhere.

The first is, I can find eggs. I have a few chickens. I have nothing with which to breed them. What can I use?
Next, how do I get the other farm animals? cows? pigs? sheep? etc.
The energetic infuser is a pain the buttocks to assemble... is there anything else in the world that can charge something other than that peice of equipment?
Is the autopackager my only option, automation wise, for that function in this pack? I'm wanting to automate turning dust into blocks to be smelted

I'm sure other things will come to mind later.
oh, and as far as automation for dusts, etc.. Note that you can probably skip the hammer with activator step and just use pulverizers since Iskandar put the recipes in and gave an extra chance for more akin to having luck on hammer. me? I'm so sick of making my SFM setup that I'm refusing to this playthrough. I'm just going to throw everything into either AE and have them make the dusts using some emitters (another option) or throw them in as is, maybe w/o even combining. I love SFM but I hate repeating something over and over exactly the same way. Mind you, it's probably the most fancy and quickest way to do this combining and I don't fall asleep doing it (every time I have to do cyclics for this, I fall asleep and make about 20 mistakes or more). Doing the entire setup for SFM takes about an hour or less, but yeah, it's pretty freaking repetitive. If there were more outputs and you didn't have to use the splitters to split them into batches of 5 and then recombine at end again, you have to end up making another branch on top of that to take care of the other 2 or so things, so yeah, it's a pita.

Given that I've now seen that eye dropping setup that he profiled recently doing the actual sieving itself, I don't know. I might do it one more time. It is THE best way to do this tho. hands down. I've tried all of em. Easiest to setup? Probably AE. But, you have to do it in a convaluted way. Last time I did AE this way, I had some strongboxes and I'd have 8 types of things in each one, have a storage bus and an emitter that's trying to move all of those end result dusts/gravels/sands into it, and set to craft always. Then I'm pulling out of AE and inserting into my rows of smeltery's to get some doubling. (I'd use high oven here). The alternative is every time you start mc, you'd have to queue up all those end results in AE autocrafting, the emitter/strong boxes keep you from having to do that step. That works pretty well also, but then requires AE to be setup and it was easier to do so in agskies beforehand. not so much here (check the processor recipes, like dw20 didn't) :)

Autopackager? Yeah, it's cool, but after you use it you realize it's one fatal flaw. It's slower than anything you can think of. doesn't work with barrels at all (crashes), and, if you end up using it on the end of a large sieving results, you will end up with alot of bag of bonemeals, quartz blocks, etc... cause it'll combine EVERYTHING it gets if applicable which is not really what you want. So, to circumvent that, you need to premove a bunch of stuff before you stuff things in the chest that it will combine. In agskies, I had 12-15 sieves coming into an autopackager and I had to stop the sieving every so often cause it would get backed up a bit. not much, but making resonant strongboxes solved that as well.

DON'T ever use the autopackager to get compressed cobble or anything. You will be there for weeks and weeks waiting. It's way too slow.
I am getting quite a bit of "update available" spam when I launch the game. What is the update schedule of this map, do I need to update the mods myself (and if so is there any special changes you did I need to concern myself with) or is there a update coming out "relatively soon"?

You'll keep getting the update available spam until you update. Not necessary to update if you don't want - I have one pc I still play ver 1.1 on for this pack. But somethings are different like 1.1 to 1.2 the current version the map has quite a bit changed - like grout, abandoned cities, etc so if you don't update it's quite different.

And once Iskander is out of the sickbay (hope he is doing better) there may be another update to a new map for 1.3. How long that will take is anyone's guess. One hopes he'll at least rest some before jumping back into it.[DOUBLEPOST=1409606332][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm not sure if it's a glitch or a bug or on purpose.
It's not huge...

I made pomegranate jelly from sugar, pomegranate, a saucepan, and a juicer. I made peanut butter from peanuts and a juicer. I combined them together to make a sandwich with bread made from rice dough... and a cutting board... I got the sandwich and a free glass bottle. LOL I don't know if that's on purpose but it happened.

It's why I make PB & J - other than the fact it's so good for you. It also happens when you make vinegar I think?
But it is a passive mob and it does spawn in Crash Landing. I've never been attacked by a squid, at least not in modded minecraft.
squids have a specific and totally different spawn mechanism since it's not really biome specific. not just ocean, any body of water, anywhere from one depth to the other depth. that's all. So yeah, squids will always spawn no matter what you do or a mod circumvents that.

I'm bummed that he removed the drops so I can't live off of fish sandwiches at the start anymore :(
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But it is a passive mob and it does spawn in Crash Landing. I've never been attacked by a squid, at least not in modded minecraft.
here is the wiki page.


Also for those who don't like using wiki i will post the part about farm cause a few poeple on here have asked about them in farming terms. Note: This is from the wiki and not my method of farming them.

Squid, although able to swim against the current, can not swim up a waterfall. The simplest way to automatically farm them is to place a 3x3 platform of hoppers two blocks beneath the floor of a reasonably-sized water source (river, lake, swimming pool...), preferably in your spawn chunks. Ensure these hoppers all lead to one of the hoppers. Optional: A chest can be placed for the output of the final hopper if more than a dozen stacks of ink are required! Place columns of 4 signs above each hopper, then destroy the layer of signs second from the top. Squid will be sucked down by the falling water, into the waterless 2 high signage, suffocate and their ink collected by the hoppers. Optional: Dig a dry tunnel under the water source from the banks to the output for ease of collection.
Hmmm. So, remember how a while back, I talked about wanting players to have "DNA samples"?

Well, guess what. One of my friends used up all his sync shells, and is now banned. Every time we unban him to let him into his sync shell, he dies, and the server tells him he cannot respawn in hardcore mode. So, he's banned again. I tried turning hardcore off in server.properties, and that didn't work. The next thing I'm going to try is setting the default gamemode to creative, so that when he spawns in, maybe he won't die instantaneously.

Any tips on how I might fix this?
Hmmm. So, remember how a while back, I talked about wanting players to have "DNA samples"?

Well, guess what. One of my friends used up all his sync shells, and is now banned. Every time we unban him to let him into his sync shell, he dies, and the server tells him he cannot respawn in hardcore mode. So, he's banned again. I tried turning hardcore off in server.properties, and that didn't work. The next thing I'm going to try is setting the default gamemode to creative, so that when he spawns in, maybe he won't die instantaneously.

Any tips on how I might fix this?

Minecraft keeps track of a player's death status in the player.dat file which is why it still knows he's dead when he logs in, so you'll need to delete that file. It's under the world folder, so for instance for me it's at CrashLanding112/players/silentr0b.dat
Is the autopackager my only option, automation wise, for that function in this pack? I'm wanting to automate turning dust into blocks to be smelted

Other people have answered the rest of your questions very well. But the answers I saw for this one forgot to include the Liquicrafter. This is probably the best block ever. Put in a pattern, attach some item transfer piping to the sides with an input and output chest, and it makes you things. It can draw liquid from tanks or whatnot to handle liquid materials (aka, if the recipe calls for a bucket of water, it can draw 1000mb worth of water from a tank instead of having to have an actual bucket with water in the physical goods part). And it doesn't take ANY power to run. 0RF/t! :D

It does need a redstone signal each time you want it to make a single item. And this is probably what is driving people away from it. Thankfully, CL includes the Redstone Clock item. Just slap that (very cheap) badboy directly to any side of the Liquicrafter and BAM, you got yourself a bunch of auto-crafted items. It's actually pretty darn fast too! :D Hope you find it as awesome as I have!

How do you get mushrooms?

You can also grow either type of regular minecraft mushroom just by having a patch of Mycelium down (sieve sand for ancient spores, place ancient spores on dirt). They grow naturally, as in you don't have to do anything to get them to grow. Just plunk down a block or more of Mycelium and after a while of waiting, you have mushrooms. Also, if you bonemeal grass, you can occasionally get the Pam's HarvestCraft mushrooms. I don't know if those work in place of normal minecraft mushrooms for all recipes, but all three are interchangeable for the food recipes.
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too many pages to go through to see if anyone else has posted about this particular issue, but i recently encountered a bug in the hardcore mechanic for the latest version (1.1.2) where i died with an available sync clone. i did the whole animation of teleporting but apparently the world did not load in so i ended up falling into the void and started taking damage.

thankfully i was able to quickly go into creative to keep from dying, then exited and reloaded the map and it dropped me down right next to my ship again so i didn't have to restart a new map. but still it would have been very infuriating if i lost because of that:(
Other people have answered the rest of your questions very well. But the answers I saw for this one forgot to include the Liquicrafter. This is probably the best block ever. Put in a pattern, attach some item transfer piping to the sides with an input and output chest, and it makes you things. It can draw liquid from tanks or whatnot to handle liquid materials (aka, if the recipe calls for a bucket of water, it can draw 1000mb worth of water from a tank instead of having to have an actual bucket with water in the physical goods part). And it doesn't take ANY power to run. 0RF/t! :D

It does need a redstone signal each time you want it to make a single item. And this is probably what is driving people away from it. Thankfully, CL includes the Redstone Clock item. Just slap that (very cheap) badboy directly to any side of the Liquicrafter and BAM, you got yourself a bunch of auto-crafted items. It's actually pretty darn fast too! :D Hope you find it as awesome as I have!
Yeah, I tend not to mention it cause it's essentially identical to the cyclic assembler except it doesn't require power. the CA can do all of that, work with schematics, etc... so yeah, it needs a schematic to do the same thing as well. If I had to choose between the two, It would really depend on whether or not I had power or not. If I have power available, I'd probably just use a CA for ease of use. For what you'd be doing here, you'd have to hook that redstone clock up to about 20 something liquicrafters all blinking on/off but your throughput would be handled better by the CA cause it's not having to rely on a redstone signal.[DOUBLEPOST=1409611672][/DOUBLEPOST]
too many pages to go through to see if anyone else has posted about this particular issue, but i recently encountered a bug in the hardcore mechanic for the latest version (1.1.2) where i died with an available sync clone. i did the whole animation of teleporting but apparently the world did not load in so i ended up falling into the void and started taking damage.

thankfully i was able to quickly go into creative to keep from dying, then exited and reloaded the map and it dropped me down right next to my ship again so i didn't have to restart a new map. but still it would have been very infuriating if i lost because of that:(
*points to sig which is on every page just about so wonders how much looking you actually did*