Anyone have any tips on taking on the city ruins?
I found the jet pack and glider made it possible for me, you can search for the buildings you want and land on the roof, I went down through a wall, luckily I found myself in the centre of the high oven, so I could take out the spawner hiding there, from that safe spot I could get rid of mobs, spawners and secure the room, watch out for pigmen trying to get in, I like to block windows and doors, as I've died to archers through odd gaps. Needlegun was used and an obsidian longsword(has lunge but I'm just not used to using it
Helps to know where spawners are, I died enough to learn them

but you could go into a test world to look around. I learnt to run home once I had smeltery blocks & loot from that building, dont go for just one more! - I can go back with armour next time.
Always have a sync shell made before you go.
All the cities are going to be buried in the dust in the next version, new tactics will be needed!